03 1.6 Which is heater hose for refilling coolant? - harrogate big vern
I'd be extremely grateful if anyone can clarify for me.

I want to flush and replace the coolant on my 1.6 zetec. But can anyone clearly explain which is the heater hose that I disconnect and use to start refilling the coolant. Is it the one coming off the engine under the coil, or is it the the one that runs under the air filter, seems to have a join in the middle.

How do I lossen the radiator drain plug? Do I need a socket or something else.

If anyone would be kind enough to put a photo on that would be great.

Also if anyone could clarify where the thermostat is and whether it is something a none techy person like myself could chage I'd appreciate it. I have a very slow and erratic coolant leak and that is presumably one possible source. for the cost it might be worth doing it.

I would like to learn how to do stuff like this, but don't find the haynes manual has enough detail for a novice. All I have done in the past is stuff like changing the oil filter and HT leads. The simple stuff really.

Whilst i'm at it, what tools would i need to change the Cylinder head temp sensor?

Apologies for asking a lot!
03 1.6 Which is heater hose for refilling coolant? - Chris M
Firstly, good on you for having a go.

But, if Haynes is too techy for you, and I imagine these are only 'two spanner' jobs, then I think you perhaps need to look over someones shoulder whilst they do the job for you.

03 1.6 Which is heater hose for refilling coolant? - bell boy
i agree,i use haynes manuals,why only yesterday it was my saviour
if you dont want to buy one try your library or take a few discreet photos in your local car shop manual section
did i just say that.........
03 1.6 Which is heater hose for refilling coolant? - Roly93
It is the hose with the join in the middle.

I think the rad drain plug can be opened either with a large screwdriver or a small socket.

Dont panic too much about the system bleeding, the Focus doesnt tend to suffer too badly from air locks, as long as when you split the hose mentioned, you put as much coolant into the heater via this hose as you can. About 2.5 to 3 litres of red antifreeze should be enough for the whole system (excluding water of course).

I recently replaced the water pump on an identical model of focus to this. The water pump gland was weeping slightly and the coolent was running down the cylinder block which you could clearly see from underneath.

Why do you want to change the temp sensor & thermostat to cure a leak, I woukld leave alone personally?
03 1.6 Which is heater hose for refilling coolant? - harrogate big vern
I'm getting sudden but brief overheating when running hard on the motorway. Gauge literally jumps to red then after twenty seconds goes back down to middle. No sign of it actually overheating and the water pump is working. So for precautionary reasons really.

Thanks for the help.
03 1.6 Which is heater hose for refilling coolant? - mikej
I had similar overheating problems with my old 1.8 Focus a while back - if you search this forum (>1 year) then you should be able to find my post, I would have thought.

Changing the thermostat and coolant solved my overheating problem - it's certainly going to be the easiest and cheapest thing to try first if you're troubleshooting.

IIRC, the CHT sensor on the 1.6 is on the top of the engine block, so should be fairly easy to change (it's on the back of the engine block on the 1.8, so a lot harder to get to)

On my 1.8, once the radiator drain plug was removed and the coolant was drained, I flushed through thorougly with water and then I think it was just a case of opening the thermostat housing (which involved undoing a few bolts) and fitting the new one. I was able to refill with the new coolant by simply replacing the drain plug and filling (carefully) via the expansion tank - no need to undo or pull apart any hoses. I didn't have any problems with air locks.

No idea whether the 1.6 will be the same, but I found the Haynes Manual explains everything pretty well. That book saved me many, many hundreds of pounds over the years.

Incidently - watch the position of your bowl when you remove the drain plug, as it shoots out with quite a force !