Recommend - got one of their kits for the bike. Very good.
Cauld you confirn the web address? I'm getting a domain name reseller when I try it.
Edited by martint123 on 21/10/2009 at 22:26
Cheers - found it via google.
A touch pricey for my pocket though.
i like the link ,i use a similar thing on a lot of my journeys but it only records for a max of 2 hours with a 2gb card (the max it works with the busbi video recorder) mine also only uses aa batteries,ive tried modifying a maplin sd recorder but the results were poor
if you can find a source selling this device over here for $100 i would be interested,im not keen on the internet auction site offerings but dip in to see whats new quite often,i reckon your link has good selling capabilities if marketed at this figure
(ps in the link it recommends sandisk as the preferred sd medium,i agree with this they always do the task faultlessly)
Dogcam are the business - they know their onions and can provide anything from Bogstandard through to professional bespoke kits. Cameras are Sony and are as sturdy as hell.
thank you for that I will look into that. It only needs a few mins recording because if you ever have a prang its all over in seconds. It should just keep re-recording so shouldn't be a problem
Similar thing happened to me a few years ago. Tucked into the hedge but a mini-bus tried to squeeze through the gap and despite me leaning on the horn he scraped the rear of the car from the back door to the boot.
He worked as security at a hotel up the road and when I went to see him the next day was a bit threatening and insisted that I had tried to force my way through and had a bus full of passengers to prove it.
Chatted to the hotel manager and discovered that the bloke wasn't actually allowed to drive the bus - he hadn't told them, and presumably had been trying to get me to quietly drop things. Hotel told me to take it to a body-shop of my choice and send them the bill, and I suspect the security goon got what was coming to him.
That's one reason why on narrow lanes I sometimes deliberately block the road while reversing to a passing place, to avoid giving some idiot any encouragement to try and squeeze through a gap.
Of course it's different if someone comes too fast round a corner and can't stop anyway.