02 1.8 Coolant Leak - edddd1
My Focus broke down yesterday- luckily a nice day, hadn't got too far and early afternoon so could get it towed to the garage. It had lost power on the dual carriage way, temperature gauge at max etc. It turns out there was no coolant, and I admit I haven't checked it for a while (will do from now on) though was only serviced a few months ago (no excuse I know). My garage is very good, immediately topped it up and ran it for ages. Couldn't see anything till they had it on the ramp and apparently its the core plugs leaking at back of engine? I didn't get a look. I believe they need some bits from Ford and a gasket or two. Anyway quoted around £165 if all goes to plan and the plugs prove easy enough to remove. Its booked in for Tuesday and we've not used it much, only to take son to nursery and back. But checked tonight and coolant appears to be mostly gone again (at least from expansion tank), so that's only a couple of trips to town and back- quicker loss than I'd thought.

I wont use it at all unless really necessary, and will top it up, but I was surprised it had gone again. I just need some pink coolant...

My question really is, anyone heard of this happening, is it something fixable with one of those additives (not keen to do that but £170 is £170). I'm sure I'll stick to getting it done. It has been a very reliable car apart from the two breakdowns (other time was similar symptoms but was the water pump).
02 1.8 Coolant Leak - Fullchat
If you are lucky the coolant requires a top up now the engine has got up to temperature and run a while dispersing any air locks.
If you are unlucky you have 'cooked' the engine and blown the cylinder head gasket.