Leaving the car outside and unused creates disc corrosion especially in the winter time. Try a month at Heathrow, for instance. This can really reduce disc life.
Is there anything which can be done to preserve the discs during such a time? It would seem that most moisture barriers would lessen the friction in the brakes.
Any suggestions?
Yeah a spray of WD40 will probably be a day ruiner, the next time you want to stop.
Edited by davecuk on 07/09/2009 at 00:59
Cheap brake discs seem much worse. I always buy ATE ones as they only seem to get a light orange tarnish and the non-friction surfaces are coated in a zinc coating.
Go take a look at the cars sitting outside on dealers forcourts there discs are just the same as yours.!
Some of these cars sit there for a month too so don't panic, when you come to drive it away gentle braking while driving will clear the discs very soon.