I bought the car 8 month ago and haven't had any problems with it. Saturday morning I started the car and was concerned with a sort of rattling noise it was making but, and something I regret doing with hindsight, I set off regardless. About 5 mile later the car began to stuter and some black smoke was coming from the exhaust then the engine stopped with a burning smell and smoke coming from under the engine.
After pushing the car onto the verge I opened the bonnet and found the battery had leaked and checking the cooling fluid bottle found it was empty.
The engine won't start as the electrics are all off. After leaving the car for a good few hours I went back to collect my things from it and took a bottle of water to fill the cooling reservoir. I left it and returned the next day and the resevoir was still full.
I know it will need a new battery but have no expierience other than changing tyres as to fixing cars. Any ideas what may be wrong just to give me an idea of the possibilities I may be looking at would be appreciated.
Thank you
PS: It's diesel if that has any relevance.
{tried to make the subject header less vague. I think I failed!}
Edited by Dynamic Dave on 25/08/2009 at 21:41