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Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Mapmaker

Whilst I do not condone driving whilst drunk, nor driving on the wrong side of the road, nor the injuries caused to the other party, I am not sure that the world is improved by sending her - expensively - to gaol.

A good dose of community service and some counselling I think.
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Chris S
Is she one of your friends or relatives?

Would you have the same forgiving attitude if she had run in to one of them?
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Pugugly
Prison is the only answer when society needs to be protected from an individual - and has validity as a punishment in some cases (such as this possibly)- sadly rehabilitation of offenders within the prison system is largely a failure and arguably can make the risk of re-offending higher. The Probation Service has an equally poor reputation for keeping offenders that serve community sentences out of the system as well, he breach rate is pretty high even before you take re-offending into consideration. What we don't know is what went into the Pre Sentence Report on this individual - did she show remorse etc ?

Is Prison the right place for someone with suicidal tendencies ? - there record is poor in his area of work as well. Lots of questions left unanswered by the press report. No winners here.
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - JH
Why was she not tried for attempted murder? Did she never think "I'll drive into someone else and kill myself, I wonder if they'll be ok though?" Evidently not.

If someone wants to kill themselves then they have my deepest sympathy. They are in a dark place and need a great deal of help. While others can help, much of this must be found within themselves. I always think though of the poor devil who has to pick up the pieces, literally. Even an overdose needs someone to find the body.

Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Altea Ego
Had she tried to hang herself, shoot herself, poison herself or any other miriad ways of trying to end it all, then yes harsh.

She didnt she deliberatley tried to smash into another motorist. She thought it would kill herself, and she must have known it could kill the innocent party

So its 18 months for attempted manslaughter Now that does not sound so harsh does it. Specially when I think I have driven the fletton parkway often enough and it could have been me

Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - bell boy
my reply timed out
probably best as my venom at this selfish woman was huge
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - George Porge
Attempted suicide = copout


No mention of an impending divorce?

Edited by Pugugly on 11/08/2009 at 14:17

Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Mapmaker
AE>>She didnt she deliberatley tried to smash into another motorist

But she DIDN'T. Nicola Devas, mitigating, said Collins had intended to drive into crash barriers rather than another motorist.

Justice certainly needs to be done. She told the court she will never drive, nor drink again. I do not think that justice is done to the nation by paying a huge amount of money to keep her in prison. I dare say she has skills that could be brought to bear in the community.

Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - George Porge
It sends out a warning to others, D-D and you will go down whatever the excuse
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Pugugly
Just re-read it - seems a reasonable report. A nasty incident, good sentence bearing in mind the maximum was 2 years. She's paid for her crime with a proportionate sentence.
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Mapmaker
>>It sends out a warning to others, D-D and you will go down whatever the excuse

Really? DUI and Dangerous Driving and *only* 18 months in gaol? Prima facie a wholly inadequate sentence for getting bladdered and driving the wrong way down a road at 80 and nearly killing somebody. There's another thread on here where somebody was racing, killed a woman in a hit and run and got only 3 years.

I think the warning it sends out is that you won't get much of a sentence.

But for the woman in question, what benefit is there to society of putting her in gaol. None - other than to satisfy the desire for blood of some of the posters on here. It costs something between 30k and 100k per annum to keep an extra prisoner in gaol depending on whom you believe and how you count. Try www.civitas.org.uk/pubs/prisonValue.php

This person isn't going to reoffend. Surely much better that society obtains a dividend from her? Bear in mind that having left prison she will probably never work again and will never pay any more tax.

I don't think there's anything forgiving about suggesting that the sentence should be otherwise than gaol.

Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - bell boy
who cares how much it costs to put this selfish woman away,ive just dealt with a prison officer here at work and if she had a bucket with her to add to this 30k to 100k figure i would gladly put some extra money in to keep selfish people in jail
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Lud
I agree with AE and bell boy. Suicide is one thing and everyone's right, but playing fast and loose with other people's lives is something else altogether.

I used to know someone with a Porsche 911 (he had had an E Type before that). Got a bit drunk and depressed after a squabble with his wife and went out driving wildly with something like that in mind. Ran off the road eventually and damaged the car without involving anyone else. He wasn't a particular friend anyway - uptight hustling businessman type - but after that I could hardly bring myself to speak to him.

Jail is bad and a waste of money, but counselling is more or less useless and community service often doesn't get done. Ghastly stupid woman does deserve a kick of some sort.
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Bill Payer
I agree with Mapmaker.

No sentence would put off anyone else who is thinking about doing the same thing (as they want to be dead) and an 18mths sentence for DUI and Dangerous Driving is neither one thing or the other.
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Sofa Spud
I think the prison sentence is appropriate. Without getting involved in whether one has the right to take one's own life or not, using a car to do the job on a public highway is definitely wrong, particularly so if you deliberately crash into another car. If she had try to end it all in a car, she could at least have chosen to drive along a country lane and into a tree - at least it wouldn't have injured anyone else.
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Lud
into a tree - at least it wouldn't have injured anyone else.

Just the odd tree hugger perhaps... but no one cares about them do they SS?

Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Sofa Spud
I'm a bit of a tree-hugger myself but we tree-huggers rarely, if ever actually hug trees. It's like petrolheads don't actualy cover their heads in petrol, do they?

One thing I firmly believe is that people who do things like this woman did should NEVER be allowed to hold a driving licence again. More use should be made of lifetime bans for people who are clearly psychologically or temperamentally unfit to drive.
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Lud
NEVER be allowed to hold a driving licence

psychologically or temperamentally unfit to drive.

Yes. That is an appropriate punishment in this case.

I think actually lifetime driving bans, perhaps reviewable under strict, expensive conditions say every seven years, might be written into the statutes for these cases of extreme murderous or reckless behaviour at the wheel.

Of course they would start being used on people like me and AE and perhaps even our leader, but that's life innit?
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Altea Ego
I think actually lifetime driving bans perhaps reviewable under strict expensive conditions say every seven
years might be written into the statutes for these cases of extreme murderous or reckless
behaviour at the wheel.
Of course they would start being used on people like me and AE and perhaps
even our leader but that's life innit?

Murderous behaviour? woa there donkey. The bus I hit was EMPTY.
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Lud
Take it easy AE... I'm not murderous either and I'm sure HJ isn't anything of the sort.

I was just hinting that if there were lifetime bans they would start getting handed out to people who didn't deserve them.
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - JH
"Murderous behaviour? woa there donkey. The bus I hit was EMPTY."

Driving itself was it? :-)

Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Altea Ego
1 out of 51 seat occupied. Thats an occupancy of 1.96%

Statistically empty
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Lud
The guy in the other thread who got three years, richly deserved, would be a prime candidate for a lifetime ban.
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - ifithelps
We only have her word for it she wanted to kill herself.

The judge commented the maximum sentence of two years for dangerous driving is inadequate.

He is more or less obliged to give a discount of around a quarter/third for a guilty plea, which brings us to 18 months.

''She wanted to kill herself" is a statement made in mitigation which the judge, from his comments, has largely ignored.

I think he would have given her 18 months if she had been going shopping.

Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - FotheringtonThomas
I agree with the sentencing, and the 7-year ban.
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - apple
I so happened to follow the case very closely and got to know the people involved. Sad about the comments I read. The are much suffering behind closed doors that no one knows about. She genuinely felt remorse and havent touch alcohol since. She had no intention to kill/hurt anyone. Alcohol got the better of her. She was in a caring profession. Who knows what it does to a person mentally dealing with ill, helpless, sick elderly people everyday, long hours and for many years. Maybe someone can share what that would do to you.

Edited by apple on 11/08/2009 at 22:38

Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - bell boy
yes apple
i deal with sick people every day
im not a doctor
but im hated by some
ive tried
and all the other american dreams
unfortunately we live in a world of sad selfish people
you try and sort theitr heads out
but when you let them on the roads to kill people close to me i might just get a little teensy weensy mad
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Lud
apple, I am sure this lady is very upset by what has happened and doesn't want to do it again. Almost certainly, she won't. Personally I don't think a real jail sentence is appropriate in her case as no one was killed. Perhaps a longer suspended one. But a very long driving ban, perhaps reviewable after a period of time under strict conditions, does seem appropriate if only to protect everyone else.

OK, she was freaked by her work and in a state. That may be a contributory reason, but is no excuse, for risking the life, limb and property of others.

Other people do stressful work and contain the pain it causes them without doing absurd and dangerous things. Some people are more fragile and more neurotic than others and can't cope in a rational way. They are the ones who have to be watched and curbed in case they do something silly again.
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - apple
I totally agreed. The 7 year ban probably mean nothing to her. She is so traumatized by the experience. I dont think she ever drive again. I think a longer suspended sentence is more appropriate for this case. Yes, there is no excuse to risk other's life. The point I was trying to make was she is not a murderer as some called her. She made a very stupid mistake and it cost her dearly. I once came out of the roundabout in Peterborough on the wrong side of the road. I wasnt drunk and I wasnt even drinking. The slip road was in an award angle. It came straight out to the round about. I suddenly found myself on the wrong side of the road! If I hit any cars or hurt someone that day, I would be charged for dangerous driving. Probably at least 6 months sentence and few years ban!
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - zookeeper
if she was serious about buying the farm a piece of hose pipe thru the car window would of been a better option, no innocent 3rd parties hurt ( not including family)....selfish bee atch
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Lygonos
Nah - cats have stopped significant CO emissions since the early 90s.

Should've put on a burka and ran into a tube station wearing bandoliers of hot-dog sausages.

Job done.
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Lud
Nibbled to death by famished obese commuters you mean? Brilliant idea Lygonos.

Might start a new perversion though.
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - 1400ted
I have some experience of suicides from my police service. These sad people are in a different world to us and we can all say, ' there but for the grace of God...etc '
I think, now, the most difficult ones are on the railways. Drivers can see from many hundred yards away what is going to happen, they can't do a thing about it. They can be very traumatised ending in breakdowns and retirement.
My paramedic daughter went to scrape up the remains of a student who lay in front of a train at Gatley station and waved at the driver.....not the actions of a person with any regard for another's feelings.
The policeman attending got a couple of days off and counselling.....She went straight back on call from the mortuary and guess what her next job was........a gassing !

It's not an easy subject to deal with at any stage.

Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - deepwith
A happily sets out to work, having just planned her future - working for RAC but has just got a place at University - very excited to be training as a teacher. Life is good.

B had another row with wife, got in works van and drove 15 miles from home. Driving against the direction of the rush hour traffic, put his foot down and drove into the line of crawling cars on opposite side of A road. Achieved his wish.

A never got to University, spent a year in and out of hospital and several years 'mending'. Has got a life, but a very different one. What saved her life he got the angle wrong and damaged couple of other cars before wiping out hers.

Not much more to say, is there?
Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - Snakey
Reading that story I'm not convinced she didn't just have an argument with her husband, and go storming out in a drunken rage and drove in a similar manner.

The suicide thing seems to be a convenient excuse that has been added to mitigate her obvious wrongdoing.

Car crash suicide bid: 18 mth jail sentence - tintin01
It's interesting that some posters mention that she didn't intend to hurt anyone else. This reminds me a bit of those cases where someone hits someone very hard, they fall to the pavement and are killed. It wasn't their intention to kill the person but they didn't take any steps not to kill or seriously hurt them, either. When you do something that serious - a heavy blow to the head, or drive at speed the wrong way down a road, then you have made a choice to do something that has the possiblity of having a very unfortunate outcome. Lots of people get depressed/suicidal, but it was her choice to act in this particular way. A fair sentence in my view.