Price guides: Parker's vs Glass's - Roger Jones
What explains a dealer selling-price estimation difference this large on the same-spec car: £12285 Parker's and £9000 Glass's?
Price guides: Parker's vs Glass's - OldSock
I think the operative word is "guide".

In my experience, Parker's valuations have always been 'optimistic', to say the least!

It's always amusing to visit a car auction and note the traders with their signet rings and tightly-grasped Glass's guide - as opposed to Joe Public with their Parker's guides and kids in tow. :-)
Price guides: Parker's vs Glass's - bell boy
makes one laugh doesnt it m-lady
i like it when the kids shout out
"are you buying it daddy?"

ps why no black book mention :-(
Price guides: Parker's vs Glass's - audiA6tdi
not sure what reg or miles your looking at but for a guide i recently sold the mother in laws SL320 1999 year with 16k miles on clock. Merc garage offered £7k against a new one. In the end i sold it just short of £14kon autotrader to a dealer in Devon who now has it on his website at £22k!!
I doubt he will get that for it.
Price guides: Parker's vs Glass's - Roger Jones
I've done a great deal of research. £22k is hyper-optimistic for a 1999 320, even with such low mileage (which would put me off). Even "special edition" late 500s aren't at that level. You were lucky. But then, I guess there will always be those seduced by "one lady owner, very low mileage" without thinking about what that really means for the history of the car -- chonic under-use, far too many short trips, etc. Give me a 10k per year car any time.

I remain puzzled by the large gap between Parker's and Glass's.

Edited by Roger Jones on 03/08/2009 at 18:51

Price guides: Parker's vs Glass's - Lud
i like it when the kids shout out

"are you buying it daddy?"

Heh heh bb... I once went to Aircool in Highbury in the late seventies to look at cars, and ended up buying a battered, highish-mileage VW 411 Variant for about £600 (nice car in many ways, bit thirsty, dear parts, eccentric). Made the mistake of taking my middle daughter, then about six.

She spotted a Porsche 356 convertible, not I think one of the even better stripped-out cheapo California-market roadsters but just a Cabrio, in a fetching shade of lipstick red, and kept hustling me to buy it. It was more expensive than the VW and unsuited to my purposes, but it took a superhuman effort of will to ignore her because I wanted the damn thing even more than she did, and for better reasons.

She likes pretty things to this day. She and her nippers are usually very well turned out.
Price guides: Parker's vs Glass's - pd
These cars are very difficult to price & produce guides for hence the big difference. Basically, neither really knows.
Price guides: Parker's vs Glass's - Roger Jones
"VW 411 Variant"

Cor blimey. I had one as a company car in the early 1970s. Great in a straight line. Brakes . . . what brakes? As a book publishing rep, in crosswinds I was glad to be able to fill the front boot with boxes of books, without which it was more like sailing than driving. And that weird little auxiliary heater? Those were the days.