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Infiniti - Steve S
Apologies if this has cropped up before.

In the USA I assume that the brand Infiniti is to Nissan, what Lexus is to Toyota in the UK, yes?

If so, are there Nissan equivalents available in the UK or are they all completely different models?
Infiniti - T Lucas
As far as i know the only equivilant models are sold in Japan but badged Nissan.I recently imported a Nissan Cima Cedric that i think is badged Infiniti in the US.Sort of a cross between a Bentley,a B52 bomber and an early XJ6,strange but fun.
Infiniti - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
Good grief, TL, I'd love to see your garage...........or are you hallucinating?
Infiniti - T Lucas
I like to buy some strange and intresting cars,ive got an old Skyline coming in shortly which should provide some laughs and hopefully turn a profit!At the moment ive got a little Corolla Sprinter coupe with a 1600cc Twincam 20 valve 4 cyl engine with a 6 speed gearbox which is quite good fun.
Infiniti - CM
