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Vectra 4 stud steel rims - 9000
Got a 97 Vectra 1.8 with 4 stud wheels.

Problem is that at the moment it has Ford alloys on which look silly and are badly scuffed.

Not really interested in forking for a new set of alloys and would be happy with steels and hubcaps.

Question is did vauxhall make 4 stud steel wheels that will fit this car in any larger size than 14 inch as I'd really like to stick some 15's on.

Also will cavalier or astra wheels fit ok as vectra wheels seem a bit thin on the ground.

Vectra 4 stud steel rims - Andy P
Be careful with fitting alloy wheels to Vauxhalls, as they are particularly choosy about the offset. Most seem to run on a 49mm offset, which is quite high compared to most other makes.

Try www.vauxhallspares.co.uk/alloy_wheels.html

Vectra 4 stud steel rims - Jase
Cavalier 2.0 16v CDX's have 4stud 15 inch alloy wheels. I think ecotec era Cav SRis would probably have also, albeit in a different style.

V6 and Turbo's had 5 stud 15" jobbies. So no luck there then.

I am sure alloy wheels shops would be able to sort you out.

CavV6 and cavWeb fan.
Vectra 4 stud steel rims - Mark (RLBS)
Which measurement is the "offset" ??
Vectra 4 stud steel rims - John S

Offset: The distance between the centre line of the rim and the face of the wheel which attaches to the hub.

Important because it determines the moment applied to the steering by loading on the tyre.


John S
Vectra 4 stud steel rims - Mark (RLBS)
So, how far the wheel protrudes from the hub, or not ?

I am assuming that changing that could cause big problems.
Vectra 4 stud steel rims - Dynamic Dave
My old Cavalier Diplomat had 15" alloy wheels as standard. Same styling as the SRi's.
Vectra 4 stud steel rims - Andy P
For a clear explanation of offset, have a look at www.tyres-sold-online.co.uk/online_mechanic.htm

Vectra 4 stud steel rims - Blue {P}
There's bound to be someone who does 15" steel wheels, but to be honest, unless you're looking for a performance improvement, the steel wheels with trims are gonna look fairly plain anyway... I tried desperately to make my last Fiesta's steel wheels look half-decent, and I ended up buying some second hand alloys.

In fact that's a thought, I know you want steels but can you not contact a local alloy wheel specialist about getting a decent set of second hand wheels? They probably won't cost that much and you can be sure that they will be the right off-set...
Vectra 4 stud steel rims - robert
Be careful - having Ford wheels fitted may invalidate your insurance! Vx alloys are quite reasonable from a dealer - in many cases costing much less that aftermarket wheels!