The seem innocuous enough I suppose, fluting and creating a din as you listen through the open window at 5am, trying to gain consciousness with the help of a strong coffee. That`s the thing about the current heat wave.. SOUND.
The town hall clock strikes five - so you know the wind is from the East, due to the volume and clarity.
It`s the `nature hour.` Soon there will be the reciprocating metal roaring and snorting as engines fire up on driveways and the mammals get on with blasting their behemoths along the stained tarmac of the outer lane.
But now, briefly, only the cool breeze sliding down the western slopes of the Northern Pennines.
The `fluting` and `chaka chaka` floats in through the window, origins unseen - but for a flash of a dark shape across the morning mists. Of course... we always thought them as mere `birds`- either Auntie Nellies budgie, innocent seeming with it`s Sony Ericson esque, mobile phone `control tongue` - nibbling your ear.
Or the unseen bombers of your gleaming motors pristine paint.
Those crows flying over for example. They look quite purposeful as they pass over and you only have to consider the worms perspective to see the old T Rex standing over you again.
They could be back I suppose at some future point.. The basic physiology - the egg laying and that feathered and extra heated body. Genes still containing the possibility of arms in that wing expression.
The mammals are out of their red brick caves.......
Crush, blast and destroy - rend asunder - bones feathers and blood into the killing zone of the outer lane. Adding to the tarmacs rich patina, along with the nights haul of moths and the previous days and years destruction of once living things.
If the price of sentience is belief - What is the cost of cutting short those on the path to enlightenment?
Time flows. Or does it? But life comes in twists and turns and the squawking and rendering off the dawn chorus holds the promise and reward of endurance against continuing adversity.
Anyway, to the point. How do you remove the remains of life off the motor without damaging the paint?
Edited by oilrag on 03/07/2009 at 08:21
Anyway, to the point. How do you remove the remains of life off the motor without damaging the paint? >>
Just don't use the stuff on your motor that you drink/eat/smoke before you compose your daily motoring journal.
Just don't use the stuff on your motor that you drink/eat/smoke before you compose your daily motoring journal.
I think he's brilliant. Clearly a wasted talent. That stuff obviously comes from the consumption of Hobgoblin or similar!! It affect me sometimes. Lovely.
Best regards Oily............MD
If you are being serious....not sure.....but anyway, water would be your best friend. Maybe rinse the area first then lay a wet cloth over the reamins (you could even say a prayer for the loss of life and hope the little fella is in birdie heaven). Leave the cloth on for a while so it can soften the remains then it should wash off. Maybe a final going over with a bit of polish then wax to ensure the area is pristine.
The answer to the question,"What do you do if a bird carps on your car?" is-
"You don't take her out again."
Please read Aravind Adiga's book, White Tiger, about contemporary India seen from the aspect of the poor.
The hero of the novel works as a chauffer for a rich and corrupt family.
One night, the drunk wife of his rich employer insists on driving and runs down and kills a young girl in the street.
The hero uses many washes with water to remove the human remains from the car but still finds a scrap of material from her clothing on the vehicle.
It puts the standards we expect on our roads of care to others into stark perspective.
I have found an excellent, free and very efficient way of dealing with a dollop of poo left by our flying friends........a large gob of spit will semi-digest the aforesaid ordure, making it soft enough to wash off.
The most difficult thing I have had to remove was on the black Jowett.......asbestos milk. The only thing that came anywhere near was the cut half of a lemon dipped in salt......even then, it's still visible from certain angles.