I would be interested to see what you make of this. Let`s not call it an actual quiz - but there seems to be quite a few possibilities to consider.
What are they?
(Large (temporary) image files for your detailed investigations)
Other than being a MK2 Punto, what sort of assessment would you like? Rust suprising since I thought they were galvanised.
>>Rust suprising since I thought they were galvanised.
why surprised at rust?
galvanising isnt a magic spell than prevents a panel rusting!
it is merely a zinc coating that protects the steel, in much the same way as paint does.
zinc has properties similar to Aluminium where instead of corroding and forming a hole, the zinc oxide actually forms a protective coating.
but when welds are formed, the zinc coating burns off... you cant weld steel through the zinc, so that can cause a weak spot (sic) in the protection.
Im not sure, but I think over time, petrol may also cause a corrosive reaction, between itself, the zinc, and steel.
Yes, you`re correct Halmer (It`s a Mark2 Punto) - but all the other aspects of the shots - the image is from a camera this time (not phone camera) so all parts of the photos can be scrutinized. I suppose the eye is drawn to the rust hole - but more than that...
2 things spring to mind.
1. someone needed an o/s/r quarter panel and went to an awful lot of trouble to remove it from a n/s damaged scrapper...this would seem extreme behaviour, but reading some of the postings on that makes forum seems possible.
2. the bill found evidence of drugs being stored in the hollow sections inside that panel and the lads at forensics took great delight in removing the wing so pictures could be taken of 'stuff' in situ for evidence.
That`s what I thought GB ;-)
What do you think of the line of rivets and the red oxide spraying of the inner panel though?
That was not the first time that panel had been removed. Regards Peter
What do you think of the line of rivets
Not sure about that, anythings possible if it was in the early stages of 'barrying', before suffering the usual barry fate of neglect and accident damage.
For completed (in loose terms) barrification of what used be called cars visit ''barryboys'', an enjoyable fun poke at some of the most awful customimsing imaginable..;)
I won't offer a link as the language there can be colourful.
Could those rivets have been securing a hinge to allow the quarter to be raised 'a la gullwing'' for easy gange access innit..;)
It looks like that car has had a quarter fitted to it before, in pic 2 you can see previously drilled spot welds coated with weld primer.
They're not rivets, they're plug welds from a previous quarter replacement
its a mk2 punto
rear 3 door quarters are very expensive to buy new for these fiats so someones bought a s/h one off this scrapper
the factory spot welds have been removed by a spot weld removal drill bit in a drill these spot drills are about £8 each and will just do something like a complete quarter before it goes blunt
you will notice on picture 2 that there are still factory spot welds in the b post,this is because these were welded together before the complete side was added at the factory complete with sill,you will note that this section is still retaining its torsionall rigidity and will be box strengthened even more when the new quarter is seem welded back on and finished with filler
next?....... :-)
Who did the red oxide spraying of the inner panel?
its weld through primer
I recognised the Blaupunkt radio?