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96 1.6 Will only start when accelerator is pressed - s lyle
Ladies and gents,

I have a 1996 Mk 3 Golf that is very reluctant to start ( from cold) unless I have the accelerator depressed ( needs about 1300 rpm showing on the guage ) . It will also tend to cut out at road junctions when the engine is cold if allowed to idle normally.

It means that I have to depress the accelerator and ride the clutch until the engine is warmed up. When the engine is warm the car idles normally .

I have already cleaned the inside of the throttle body, but to no avail.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



Edited by Dynamic Dave on 04/06/2009 at 13:24

96 1.6 Needs accelerator depressed quite hard to s - Peter D
Possible faulty temperature sensor not telling the ECU that it is cold thus no effective enrichment on starting. Also check the isolation gasket the throttle body sits on for signs or a split. Regards Peter

Edited by Peter D on 04/06/2009 at 10:35

96 1.6 Needs accelerator depressed quite hard to s - Javalin
the mk3's are quite sensative to the dizzy cap and arm - causing weak spark. Might be worth popping them off and seeing if there is any corrosion/etc in there. If there is replace with genuine VW parts.... Also check you have the correct plugs installed (and they're not fowled) - should be the 4 electrode ones I believe. (Check on the NGK website)

Other common one (but not nessesarily this problem) is the fuel pump relay - can go "dry" and give a bad supply to the pump.

The temp sensors are dead easy to change on these - right at the front top of the engine!

Let us know how you get on.


96 1.6 Needs accelerator depressed quite hard to s - s lyle
Hi James and Peter,

Where on the top of the engine is the temperature sensor fitted ???

Thanks ,

96 1.6 Needs accelerator depressed quite hard to s - s lyle
Hi Peter and James,

If you could also let me know the name and position of the sensor on my engine (Engine Code AEE ) it would be much appreciated .

I asked GSF for an engine temperature sensor and the one they were offering me was the coolant temperature sensor. Is that the right one ???

Thanks for your help,

96 1.6 Needs accelerator depressed quite hard to s - Peter D
That's because I was referring to the coolant temp sensor, there is no engine temperature sensor. Measuring the resistance would be advised before rushing out and buying one. From memory the sensor is in a moulded part of the water hose at the front of the engine.
96 1.6 Needs accelerator depressed quite hard to s - s lyle
Hi Peter,

Thanks for your prompt reply. I will try and get hold of a test meter tomorrow to check the resistance of the sensor. Should I be looking for continuity or a particular value of resistance ?


96 1.6 Needs accelerator depressed quite hard to s - Peter D
I suggest you find a local VAG independant and get them to read the error coed to identify the error.
Or post on www.vwaudiforum.co.uk/forum
so you get a response like :

96 1.6 Needs accelerator depressed quite hard to s - Javalin
to be honest i'd just change it (£30 or so from VW) - get a VW one.

Its cheaper (and easier) than mapping the resistance of the sensor over the operating range of the engine - which would prove the sensor. The only other way would be as Peter D suggests to get a VW shop to interograte the ECU for the temperature reading whilst the engine is warming up, and compare to a known accurate temperature reading of the coolant system.

Its on the big coolant pipe going to the radiator top (I think from memory) in the middle of the front of the engine - a square plug with 4 wires.

96 1.6 Needs accelerator depressed quite hard to s - Peter D
The problem here is that the OP does not know a lot about engines but if he changes the sensor and it does not fix it, it still needs a code read. A read now may identify a different fault. Most garages can read that engine so ank and independant one. Regards Peter
96 1.6 Needs accelerator depressed quite hard to s - Javalin
Hi Peter,

Fair point - just was thinking that unless the sensor has completely failed - you won't get a code to read.

96 1.6 Needs accelerator depressed quite hard to s - Peter D
Yes you will. 'Coolant Temperature out of range'. A quick check with a meter and there you go. However if the sensor was open cct then that would imply very cold and that would keet the choke on not off. A code read is the way forward with this. Regards Peter
96 1.6 Needs accelerator depressed quite hard to s - s lyle
Peter and James,

Thank-you both, for your very helpful advice.
After having had the code read yesterday at a local specialist, I replaced the sensor yesterday and so far the defect has disappeared !

Thanks again,


96 1.6 Needs accelerator depressed quite hard to s - Javalin
good result.