It strikes me that it would be very helpful if buyers had an idea of the costs likely to be incurred sorting out what seem to be fairly common problems/faults in the cars they are thinking about purchasing. Obviously we can't list the cost of every repair and part for every car but there seem to be common faults in many of the cars mentioned on this site and many are hideoulsy expensive to put right - something the owners don't disover until it's tool late !
Would it be possible for us to compile a list of say the most commonly occuring faults or repairs needed on these cars and the approximate costs of putting them right ?
For example, I've read a lot about the Omega here and it seems they suffer from certain common problems which are very costly to put right (e.g. faulty digital displays & climate control; complex dashboard removal/refitting; expensive leads which need to be changed regularly @ £150 plus!) and it is this information that has made me think again. I don't see this ever being a comprehensive list, just a guide to the most common, expensive repairs for each type of car.
What do you think guys, HJ, etc. ? Could it be done ? I think it would be a valuable and eye-opening exercise !
HJ - Maybe the editing could be undertaken by willing Back-Roomers if/when this thread gets going. If a reasonably comprehensive 'list' could be posted (or otherwise transmitted to you) surely then you could make it an FAQ quite easily (he says hopefully but knowing s*d all about computers). Is that possible technically ?
Perhaps the same could be done for the 'trade secrets' we have compiled to date.
Take your point HJ - there's always a snag isn't there. What say we see how it goes and then see what can be done. Perhaps some computer expert might be able to suggest something.
To assist with the editing problem, could all contributors try to keep to the point and make your posts short, sweet and factual. We can discuss dealer problems, sloppy service, complaints etc. on other threads. Thanks all !
What about using a template for any posts ? For example:
Car (marque/model/year):
Fault/part/service item (brief description only):
Parts Cost:
Labour Cost:
Additional check box required for:
Main Dealer repair Yes/No
Insurance job: Yes/No