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Car scratched in car park - flunky
Amusing scene today.

A car park, somewhere in Surrey.

Returning to our car, we hear a woman shouting. Put on my spectacles, open the windows.

It soon emerges that the woman a dozen or so cars up has developed a minor scratch (such as might be done with a key or possibly a faint glance by a car door) on her new black BMW X5. She is somewhat past her best, and has a small child in the back of the car (barely visible through tinted windows). The woman she is shouting at is middle aged, and is driving a well-presented P Reg VW Golf GT. Her responses are not audible, and looking at her, you would not suspect her of anything.

Anyway, the blonde woman is trying to ensure all people within half a mile can hear and shouts "When I left there was nothing, I've come back, you're parked next to me and now there's a scratch there. It wasn't there before. You're going to HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS" This continues in the same vein, very loudly, the BMW woman shouting, the other's response inaudible.

Eventually BMW woman degenerates into abuse, the other woman apparently having admitted nothing "Is it because I've got a brand new car. Is it because I've got a brand new BMW? Are you jealous? Is that it?". (Doesn't seem like the best tactic, if the other woman was not persuaded to hand over her insurance details by the aggressive shouting, then trying to tell her than she's inferior because she does not have an 09 plate X5 is really not going to do the trick.)

At this point I am driving past and am tempted to fire an insult in BMW woman's direction, but think better of it (or perhaps it is because I failed to come up with anything sufficiently pithy and amusing in time).

As it's a one-way street, I turn around at the next roundabout and on returning see that BMW woman has driven off. I guess it's practically impossible to prove anything in these situations anyway.

Although when I get into my next destination, the supermarket at Sainsburys, I can't help thinking that the owner of the Aston Martin Vantage parked in the last 'parent & child space' is almost inviting somebody to do the same to him.

I guess in both cases, arrogance is a combination of the owner and their vehicle.
Car scratched in car park - davidh
The Aston is probably parked in the wider 'parent & child space' exactly because they're sick of others mindlessly dinging their car.
Car scratched in car park - RickyBoy
It's exactly this type of scenario that is preventing me from purchasing a new XF! Then again, if I could afford to run a new Aston I'd most probably send somebody else out to do my shopping...
Car scratched in car park - ablandy
not sure I see what is amusing about this.

The bmw woman has suffered damage to her brand new car and is understandably miffed. She may not be handling it the best way, but these cars are expensive. Your view seems a bit biased against the bmw driver - just because the P reg driver appears innocent doesnt mean she didnt scratch it in a car park.

and why is the aston martin owner arrogant? Are aston martin owners unable to breed and have kids and therefore use the space?
You didnt specify that the owner didnt have kids with them.
Car scratched in car park - daveyjp
Unless the BMW woman actually witnessed what happened she had no grounds for having a go at the car nearest to hers. If she did witness it a cool and calm approach is the best option. You may get a more positive response from the accused.

I put on here a few weeks ago about an accident I witnessed - the guilty party went off on one - he vented his anger at his bad driving at the innocent party. I intervened and 10 minutes later all was sorted out.

Cars pick up scratches. I used to get uptight about it, but I can't say it concerns me anymore.

A proper valet a day before it gets traded in can make most things disappear!

Edited by daveyjp on 15/05/2009 at 10:16

Car scratched in car park - flunky
> not sure I see what is amusing about this.

People making a loud and unnecessary scene generally attract an audience.

> The bmw woman has suffered damage to her brand new car and is understandably miffed. She may not be handling it the best way, but these cars are expensive. Your view seems a bit biased against the bmw driver - just because the P reg driver appears innocent doesnt mean she didnt scratch it in a car park.

It's possible she did, but the minute you start informing the world that you are a better person because your husband has bought you a new BMW, you lose all sympathy.

> and why is the aston martin owner arrogant? Are aston martin owners unable to breed and have kids and therefore use the space?
> You didnt specify that the owner didnt have kids with them.

There was no car sear at least, something which has been a legal requirement for quite a while.
Car scratched in car park - Tron
If any person can kick off like that in such a public place - imagine what their aggressive behavior must be like in the secluded privacy and security of her own home.

All living with them - their lives must be a living nightmare.

Car scratched in car park - ifithelps
Unfortunately, many people now operate on a knife-edge of civility.

At one time, swearing, abuse and even violence would be the last resort, now it appears to be the second, if not the first.

My mother told me of an incident a few weeks ago in which she was followed into a car park and berated by a young woman for cutting her up on a roundabout a few minutes earlier.

Mother is in her 70s and she would be the first to admit her driving skills have declined, but if she had baulked this woman it would not have been intentional.

I'm bound to support my mother, but I was annoyed that a young woman should see fit to follow and verbally abuse an elderly woman who was driving on her own.

There were no horns or sharp applicatons of brakes at the roundabout, so if anything did happen, it can't have been very serious.

Imagine what this dreadful young woman would do if someone really did do something to offend her.

Car scratched in car park - TheOilBurner
Be fair, we have no idea what has happened in this woman's life recently.

For all we know, the day after buying her new BMW, her husband left her, her parents died in a tragic accident and she was made redundant.

OK, it might not be that dramatic, but perhaps there was a reason for her over-the-top reaction?

Maybe the driver of the Golf had been abusing her first, but that wasn't witnessed?

We just don't know.
Car scratched in car park - Old Navy
Dont the people so concerned about their pristine cars have legs? There is usually plenty of room in the far flung areas of supermarket car parks.
Car scratched in car park - oldnotbold
I think the supermarket owners are missing a trick - how about premium parking? Pay £2.00 and get a larger space, close to the entrance, with a barrier entry/exit to prevent freeloaders. I'm sure than even in these straightened days there will be MPs and bankers who could afford it, even if us ordinary folk choose to walk...
Car scratched in car park - RickyBoy
An excellent idea.

These days I usually try to straddle a couple of bays* (I'll hasten to add that I generally park as far away from the actual store entrance as is humanly possible and therefore not inconvenience 98% of the lardy's that like to RORO of their motors/into the store) thereby ensuring that nobody gets close enough to my 6-year old vRS.

The best solution for me, however, is to go supermarket shopping at 7:15am when there's hardly anyone else around. The downside to this is that there are hardly any human cashiers around in Sainsbury's at that time of the morning, but please don't get me started on that one!

*Sits back and awaits blast of hot-air from the...
Car scratched in car park - flunky
I've been known to park in an empty car park in such a way as the adjacent space is not an attractive option. Helps when getting my children i and out. Otherwise I just try and park slap bang in the middle of the space.

People have a right to own nice cars, but when that right spills over and interferes with other people, for instance in the privately owned supermarket, which has determined that parents with young children should get more space, then they are in the wrong, and need to be more considerate/rethink their car ownership. No man lives in a vacuum.
Car scratched in car park - Mr X
I could cheerfully have carried out an act of violence when parking on a supermarket car park a few months back. I went to the bottom most, deserted corner and parked at least 5 bays away from any vehicle in all directions, side, front, rear. As I got out I noticed a new ding and went to look at the front drivers side wing, leaving the drivers door slightly open. With in seconds I was aware of another vehicle trying to get in to the space the door was occupying, the female occupant glowering at me with disgust all over her face. I shut the door and she parked slap bang next to me. WHY ? There were with out exaggeration, over 100 other empty space available. Not in singles but in big blocks of 4 and five.
Car scratched in car park - BobbyG
Mr X, in all seriousness, there are people out there who can only park straight if they have something to park straight next to .
Car scratched in car park - maz64
Mr X in all seriousness there are people out there who can only park straight
if they have something to park straight next to .

Sounds plausible, but why does the same thing happen in cinemas and restaurants? Herding instinct perhaps?
Car scratched in car park - turbo11
So it's not just me.Similar scenario. Taking the little man to Toys r Us in the wifes car. Park well away from the entrance. Dozens of empty spaces and yes you guessed it.Came back to the car, still loads of spaces in a near empty car park but some dozy idiot has parked so close to me that I can't get the rear door fully open to get him into his child seat.
Car scratched in car park - TheOilBurner
Doesn't always help. I always park at the far end of car parks myself, for I freely admit to being bothered by such things as dings and dents, trivial as they surely are in the grand scheme of things.

But you still get muppets who park 2mm next to you in a sea of empty spaces, or fling their empty shopping trolley in the direct of your car as they depart...
Car scratched in car park - Enoughalready
On a similar note I was once berated by a lady in an MPV. She lost it completely.
I approached a large roundabout - one I use very regularly and written on the approach lane is A4010. I wanted the A4010 so stopped waiting for the traffic light to change. Meanwhile MPV pulls up beside me, traffic light turns to green and we set off - my lane still states A4010 on the r/bout and I head towards my exit. Suddenly all hell lets loose - I was already aware that the MPV had moved rather close behind me but she was now very very close, blowing horns, screaming and thumping both fists on her steering wheel. She looked like a respectable lady if it weren't for the snarling teeth and obvious verbal abuse only she could hear. I know why she's got herself all worked up - she thought I'd got into the wrong lane. I hadn't - She had. I was tempted to pull over & show her her error but I just laughed and left it. I do wonder though that had she done that to someone else slightly more stressed than I she might easily have got her comeuppance.
Car scratched in car park - Optimist
Whenever I get a new, or new-to-me car, I wait until it gets its first ding in a car park or on the street and then almost feel better: it's happened and the world didn't end.

Like other posters I try to use bits of large car parks where there's spaces on either side but some galoot will nearly always be right by when I get back and I check for damage.

Supermarket trolleys are a menace when abandoned by someone who seems to think he or she is exempt from the dreadful chore of having to wheel the trolley to the collection point. Too much effort to go twenty five yards when they've just pushed it a quarter of a mile round the super-market.

People are thoughtless and careless, but if you can't handle the risk to your motor you'd better leave it on the drive (if you have one) and polish it of a Sunday before having a quiet sit in it and listening to Songs of Praise on the wireless.

Car scratched in car park - MVP
A friend of mine who lives in Weybridge is appalled at the manners of local housewives.

From a recent experience, when someone opened their door into the side of her car, the other party thought it quite normal to bash someone elses car when opening the door

Nouveau riche lowlifes in spouses company cars, are more of a menace than chavs in our part of the world - sad

Car scratched in car park - DP
Nouveau riche lowlifes in spouses company cars are more of a menace than chavs in
our part of the world - sad

I could not agree more!
Car scratched in car park - Sofa Spud
Cars get scratched in supermarket car parks. I even rest the trolley against mine while I'm unloading, and there are scratches on the bodywork to prove it!

When I replace my car with a newer car, I'll probably rest the trolley against the car parked next to me instead!!!!

Edited by Sofa Spud on 15/05/2009 at 13:17

Car scratched in car park - davidh
Cars get scratched in supermarket car parks. I even rest the trolley against mine while
I'm unloading and there are scratches on the bodywork to prove it!
When I replace my car with a newer car I'll probably rest the trolley against
the car parked next to me instead!!!!

LOL! Like your humour!
Car scratched in car park - Old Navy
You think the Sofa is joking?
Car scratched in car park - bell boy
Actually i rest my trolley against my car whilst unloading it but im always careful how i do it so as not to scratch anything
I too always park in the far flung echoes of the netto carpark where the staff park to minimise damage
Most people today seem to have a couldnt care less attitude to pristine motors these days, but wait till they go looking at a newer car ,watch the female of the species point at the minutest mark with a glowering finger or the toe as it pokes out of her sandals
the men are worse when they ask what will you do with this small ding and i reply they can have it for free
Car scratched in car park - 832ark
I have to admit that I usually park in parent and child spaces even though I have no children. I see no reason why they should get to park closer to the store and in larger spaces. Kids after all are a choice!
Car scratched in car park - Lud
Kids after all are a choice!

No they aren't. You find them under a gooseberry bush and then feel guilty about them till you die.
Car scratched in car park - quizman
>>>She is somewhat past her best

Are you a beauty contest judge flunky?
Car scratched in car park - TheOilBurner
I see no reason why they should get to park closer
to the store and in larger spaces.

Ever tried getting two wriggly toddlers into child seats when someone has parked so close you can barely get the door open? Or tried to guide them between the cars zooming down the lanes and reversing without looking as you push a fully loaded trolley on your own?

No, of course you haven't.
Kids after all are a choice!

Yes, but it doesn't mean the rest of society can't make some allowances does it? After we were all kids once, that's how we all became adults with cars, or had you forgot? :)
Car scratched in car park - oilrag
Then, having driven to the supermarket at 7.30am, there`s what goes on actually inside the supermarket. I saw someone furtively (little looks both ways) then tucking into the grapes, like a starving turkey - and then resealing the bags.

Car scratched in car park - nortones2
I've seen customers doing worse! Elderly woman, lifts lid off pate or similar, dabs with finger, tastes, then replaces lid. On to the next.... Bet she clangs car doors.
Car scratched in car park - flunky
> I have to admit that I usually park in parent and child spaces even though I have no children. I see no reason why they should get to park closer to the store and in larger spaces. Kids after all are a choice

I think the reason for the larger spaces is to get the kids out without damaging adjacent cars. Generally doors have to be opened a little wider to lift a child out of a car seat. And the closeness to the entrance is to minimise the risk of small children being run over on the way into the shop, something I imagine the supermarket owners would be keen to avoid - not good for trade.

Ultimately if you are in a private place (such as a car park), you should respect the wishes of the owner. And in this case that is that people with small children get better spaces. Casual disrespect does nobody any favours.

And I guess families presumably spend more money than 1 or 2 person households, and if Supermarket A has nice big spaces then Mrs. 4x4 will probably shop there in preference to Supermarket B.
Car scratched in car park - BorisTheSpider
Our local Sainsburys introduced a motorcycle bay along with a nice lamp post to chain around. Then changed it to a taxi bay by simply rotating the sign around, have wondered about the consequence of going there in the dead of night to turn it back round, then thought sod it you've just lost my business.

Car scratched in car park - 1400ted
Many years ago I was told a story about a woman who was reversing her big MB saloon into a space when a young chav in a clapped out Fiesta nipped in before her.

He got out and sneered 'You can do that when you're young and have a nippy car'
She promptly stepped on the gas and crushed said Fiesta against a wall, got out and said 'And you can do that when you're very wealthy !'

Probably an urban legend but all good fun.

Car scratched in car park - Altea Ego
A brand new car with no scratches, chips or slight car park damage, is just a car that going to get a scratch, chip or slight car park damage any day soon now
Car scratched in car park - Lud
any day soon now

Alas, yes... better get that Corsa detailed before it's too late, Rattle...
Car scratched in car park - gordonbennet
Much of the problem is the peculiar British jealousy disease.
It doesn't necessarily require the object of their envy to be expensive, just cared for is enough to incite this wierd behaviour.

Park a rusty old jalopy and it won't get touched, but if you have a (possibly old) but cared for unusual car and i guarantee it will be deliberately banged by chav types opening their doors onto it, quite apart from the numbskulls wholly incapable of parking.

SWMBO used to abandon the ancient Volvo estate anywhere, (the superb turning circle meant you could put it anywhere), never gained any extra visible damage.

Within 24 hours of owning our 6 year old (now 13 years) MB coupe it had received what must have been an almightly blow from a car door needing smart repair, this was parked in a quiet section of an antiques warehouse for 1 hour.

Thats just the malicious ones, the merely stupid and incompetent or those too thick to know better offer a different set of rules to fight against.
Car scratched in car park - bathtub tom
I'm fond of kicking my Pride when someone opens a door next to it and saying:

I paid fifty quid for that, 'ave a care!


I paid fifty quid for that, d'yer fink I bovvered inshorring it!
Car scratched in car park - welshlad
Cars get scratched in supermarket car parks. I even rest the trolley against mine while
I'm unloading and there are scratches on the bodywork to prove it!

welshlads top tip of the day keep an old bath towel in the boot of your car to hang over the back when unloading your shopping from a trolley it will stop the trolley scratching your car and will also hold the trolley still and stop it rolling away........unless your on a hill!!!
Car scratched in car park - L'escargot
A work colleague used to relate the story of how he once returned to his car in a carpark and found a dent caused by the careless opening of the door of the adjacent car. In his annoyance, and without thinking about the consequences, he opened his car door and deliberately slammed it into the adjacent car. It was only when he saw the chipped edge of his car door that he regretted being so petulant!
Car scratched in car park - ForumNeedsModerating
A work colleague used to relate the story of how he once returned to his car in a carpark and found a dent ...

Just how many times did he relate the 'story' then... any & every opportunity or only on high days & holidays? He sounds such an fascinating chappie... ;)

Since we're all here regaling each other with intriguing tales of car park woes, I'll chip in with my intriquing experience. I found a bloke actually trying to batter his way through a too-small-a-gap between my car & another, in full view of myself - utterly unselfconciously & without remorse. When I managed to regain the power of speech, I tried as calmy as possible to ask him what he thought he was doing, his reply 'oh, they're only bits of metal, why are you so bothered..'.
Car scratched in car park - Bill Payer
I guess it's practically impossible to prove anything in these situations anyway.

Yes, but people claim on their insurance and give the other driver's registration number. The other driver then has to protest their innocence only to find their insurance company ignores them and settles.

Edited by Bill Payer on 17/05/2009 at 00:40

Car scratched in car park - Bagpuss
To be honest, I don't understand why the parking spaces in UK supermarket carparks are so narrow. I've never visited a supermarket where all the spaces were full, only the ones close to the supermarket itself.

Whilst on holiday in Cornwall a few years back I stopped at a Safeways and parked my E46 M3, as usual, at the very far end of the carpark. I pride myself on being able to park in the middle of spaces and when I got out I discovered I had achieved that goal, but the rear tyres on both sides were touching the white lines. So basically the parking spaces were exactly the same width as the cars and whoever had painted the lines was expecting people to get out through the sunroof.
Car scratched in car park - Andrew-T
So basically the parking spaces were exactly the same width as the cars ..

Not quite - your car may have been the only one as wide as the spaces. Supermarkets may, perhaps reasonably, expect most customers to go shopping in motor-driven shopping trolleys, not obese vehicles?
Car scratched in car park - barney100
reminds me of the old joke re car parking spaces.
theres one space left in the car park and the old guy in a Rolls is just about to enter it when a young guy on a motorbike wizzes past the Rolls and steals the space.
''You have to be young and quick to do that grandad'' he says.
Without a word the old guy reverses and then runs his rolls into the motorbike and smashes it to bits. ''You have to be old and rich to do that son'' says he.
Car scratched in car park - Dynamic Dave
Barney, you were beaten to it by 1400ted who posted pretty much the same thing on Friday in this thread.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 17/05/2009 at 20:42