Enough sexual innuendo type comments/postings.
Thank you.
Oooohhh - I do like it when you talk tough Mark.
ps. there'll be no more of that naughty innuendo stuff from me Mark !
It's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand...
Why are they called "cherished"?
I think they're pseud -- 'specially as half the time they look silly - I mean mostly they don't even accurately spell what their owner (sorry, I hate the zoo connotations of "keeper")
wants them to be read as.
Anyone who throws good Ben Franklins away on stuff like that must have the DVLA laughing all the way to the bank. They're pseud as well.
I remem ber Growlette's reaction to this when we were driving in UK and I was attempting to decipher some of what were obviously these "cherished" pieces of nonsense and how you had to pay big money to get them.
"Huh! He thinks that spells his name? How come he can't spell his own language? That guy needs help..."
Aw come on Growler, they have obviously given you something to do if only to sneer. They're harmless fun and people spend their money on worse things (cigarettes? - that'll get the smokers rattled).
I saw POS3R on a 3 series - well anyway it amused me but hey, on the M25 you need something to amuse you.
Yes I thought you'd be a bit more "live and let live" about this Growler, you are in so many other areas and seem to be happy with things that otherwise can't be justified....they're just fun.
As someone who sees/drives loads of cars over the year I'm well aware the usefulness and ability of a car is often totally unrelated to its cost/age/mileage but so often folks judge a car absolutely by these factors.
For that reason I find it amusing to throw the age/value part of that equation with a non-dating number. It's also nice to have a continuity of ID throughout the years and vehicle changes.
Our number isn't obviously personal so folks hardly ever comment on it except for the two who read it as "Alfa" and wanted to buy for their Alfa Romeos.
David W
Ah, I have touched a nerve it seems and stumbled into cherishly (!) guarded motoring sancta sanctora where discordant voices sit ill alongside deep conviction. Ok, live and let live as you say, it's your money, your mangled mixture of odd letters and numbers and nice to have one you can remember when you're lost in the car park if you're anywhere near my age. Even better you don't have to suffer the agonies of having last year's edition when the the new one comes out.
Now I see what the true enormity of what I wrought when I flogged BSA A10 RYD 66 for 35 quid, and consigned A35 YKL 87 to a scrapyard for a fee of a fiver all those years ago.
Actually there is a note of hypocrisy here so a spot of self-flagellation may be in order. My UK-based Mustang, of which the buyer takes delivery tomorrow, and for which my daughter in Kent will hold something akin to a wake, has RSU 289 (289 cu. inches)
;=) I swear this was not my idea but the agent who I entrusted with the task of importing and registering the thing a long time ago. I actually wanted FU 2 , but we've been through all that before in these threads.......
All this talk of using the Police to enforce number plate legality is madness!
Isn't burglary, muggings, and violent crimes against the person far, far more important?
No wonder many of us now have little time for the Police and some people need to get their priorities sorted.
Well said Watcher.
Now take the Bible in your right hand, swear after me.
Your now Special Constable 123.
Well said Watcher. Now take the Bible in your right hand, swear after me. Your now Special Constable 123.
Cool! Can any species join?
Parp, Parp!
Note: All Toad posts come with an implied smiley.
I agree Watcher, which is why I didn't suggest it was a job for the Police but rather another agency (e.g Traffic Wardens). The Police have enough to do.