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04 2.0 rear brake squeel & servicing? - piston power
Im taking a look at this soon this is the diesel 54 plate not sure of the engine size yet but there is a squeel only in reverse from the o/s/r wheel?

Im thinking these have a handbrake shoe? might be worn or catching?

Any known points to watch out for when servicing?

It's done approx 80k looks v tidy, any help or advice would be great not worked on a 4x4 for some time.
04 2.0 rear brake squeel & servicing? - piston power
04 2.0 rear brake squeel & servicing? - Fullchat
The Sorento diesel is 2.5 litre.

One common fault is the rear handbrake cable pivot bolt on the back axle and tends to seize up not allowing the handbrake shoes to retract away from the drums after use.

Take the bolt out and give it a good clean. Grease well and re assemble.

I recently rebuilt my rear brakes after a squealing. Pads out, drums off. You will see areas that are not cleaned by the pads but corrode and eat into the pads. I cleaned mine up with an angle grinder with a sanding disc.

The pads sit in a stainless steel shim. This can be removed and should be cleaned back to bright. Wire wool and paraffin. Where the shim fits in the caliper the caliper should be cleaned out with a file as the corrosion puts pressure on the shim which tightens on the pad thereby restricting its movement and causing squeals.

Everything back together nice and clean with nothing sticking - should solve your problem.

Your pads are probably not coming off the disc properly after use.
04 2.0 rear brake squeel & servicing? - piston power
Thats exellent information i can take a good look at that. anything else with these to look out for?
04 2.0 rear brake squeel & servicing? - Fullchat
You are welcome.

Can I point you towards this site. Lots of helpful information including Kia mechanics.

04 2.0 rear brake squeel & servicing? - piston power
Fullchat Thank you.