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Please try to buy British built cars. - GIM
Please... PLEASE when considering buying a new car, think 'British',
surely we should be supporting British workers, so many good/reliable
cars are built here by: Toyota, Honda, Vauxhall, Ford (vans?), Aston
Martin, Landrovers, Bentleys, Rolls Royces, Lotus etc etc. It is soul
destroying being unemployed, it is more by luck than judgement that
most of us still have a job. We could transform the economic outlook
for ourselves and our kids if we all tried to help (and not just with
Please try to buy British built cars. - Robin Reliant
We tried that when BL were about and lost a lot of our money.

It is up to the car manufacturers to provide us with vehicles we are happy to spend our hard earned cash on, not us to support them whatever old crocs they turn out.
Please try to buy British built cars. - GIM
Sorry? Toyota/Honda are more reliable than BMW and Mercedes, what you are saying is just ignorant ....please do some research before posting your comments.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Rattle
To me it is lack of choice, none fo the current crop of Jap cars take my fancy the only one I like is the Suzuki Swift and that is not British built.

I find Toyotas very bland they don't seem to have any charector.

Nissans are at least a bit more funky but again nothing that takes my fancy.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Armitage Shanks {p}
All RR said, before he was shot down in flames and sent to sit on the naughty step was that he/we had lost a lot of money in BL and all he wanted was a car that he wanted to buy. He didn't mention reliability as such or refer to any makes in particular. Calm down Dear! He may not agree with you but it doesn't mean he is wrong!
Please try to buy British built cars. - Robin Reliant
Sorry? Toyota/Honda are more reliable than BMW and Mercedes what you are saying is just
ignorant ....please do some research before posting your comments.

If you re-read my post and actually try to understand all the words you will find I was not knocking the quality of any current British built cars, but rejecting the principle of buying something purely because it is British. I buy on the basis of what it suits me to own, not what a particular manufacturer might think I ought to own whether it is any good or not.
Please try to buy British built cars. - GIM
Sorry, I was out of order.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Robin Reliant
Sorry I was out of order.

Accepted, and apologies from me if I appeared a bit terse in my reply.
Please try to buy British built cars. - gordonbennet
I used to buy everything i could made in the UK at one time and still do where possible, i'm sure they thought i was a nutter in many shops.

Unfortunately given the huge costs involved in making things here, much of it caused by successive governments that imposed unsustainable costs and practices upon companies, H&S being one small example.

Coupled with the age old British phenomenon of petty jealousies and insurmountable hatred between companies and unions (both of which should have their heads bashed together on a daily basis for many years) i think its all gone beyond saving to be honest.

Apart from all that waffle how many people actively think of where their money goes, they just want the cheapest they can get, me too.

Thinking of my own case here, i bought a Toyota pick up new, the only British built twin cab i believe would have been a Landrover Defender 130..have you tried driving one of those, a supertanker has a better turning circle for starters, and there's no roominside for a driver over 5ft 8" to get comfy, and about 10 grand more expensive to boot.
Please try to buy British built cars. - L'escargot
It is up to the car manufacturers to provide us with vehicles we are happy
to spend our hard earned cash on ..........

The build quality of cars made in Britain depends to a great extent on the conscientiousness of the workforce, not just "the company". What we lack in this country is a sense of national pride, and pride in workmanship. Don't blame "the company", blame the falling moral standards of British people ~ which are passed on from one generation to another. As ye sow so shall ye reap.
Please try to buy British built cars. - L'escargot
I was employed by British manufacturing companies for the whole of my working life so I know how important it is.
Please try to buy British built cars. - jc2
Saw a very interesting film made by the National Union of Miners about why we should buy British coal,found myself agreeing with their arguments tho' our coal was a lot more expensive.It all went downhill tho' in the final few seconds when the local shop steward came out of the meeting and got into a French car;the full-time official got into a Japanese car.

Edited by jc2 on 11/04/2009 at 15:22

Please try to buy British built cars. - mike hannon
Like it or not, globalisation is king now. If we don't buy their products, they won't buy ours, so unemployment will be the result whatever. Letting the pound drop - and believe me it is painful for some of us - to tempt other countries to buy British is probably about as good an answer to the present problems as there is, at least as far as the UK is concerned.
It should be remembered that British manufacturing companies mostly owed and owe their success to selling into willing export markets, rather than relying on home sales alone.
Also, it might be mentioned, selling rubbish into the home market got the likes of British Leyland and the Rootes Group - for example - their just reward.
Protectionism never was the answer and certainly it can't be now. Without mending the worldwide system and making it better the pain will just go on.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Avant
Mike is right. It's no good whingeing, still less shooting other posters down (Robin was only expressing an opinion): we need to EXPORT.

The only way that the Attlee government after WW2 could rescue a bankrupt Britain - and manage to create the NHS too - was to make sure we exported everything we could. I remember a statistic that of 340,000 Austin A40 Devons made, 77 % of them were exported (1947 to 1952 I think).

The A40 was one of the best small/medium cars then made in the world: sadly that stopped being true for Austin's successors for well-documented reasons. We now need to concentrate on the things we're best at - mainly service industry products - and sell them abroad wherever there's a market for them.

Thinking about it, in the late 1940s there wasn't much to hold a candle to the A40, was there? Most of the opposition were based on pre-war designs, or had soggy side-valve engines, or both. Riley RM perhaps; not sure when the Peugeot 203 first came out.

Edited by Avant on 11/04/2009 at 15:39

Please try to buy British built cars. - Andrew-T
The A40 was one of the best small/medium cars then made in the world ...

And that may have been part of the problem - Austin thought they had discovered the secret of making the best cars, and went on building much the same thing for 30 years, while foreign makers were developing more advanced models (I exclude the Mini of course). Too late to catch up after that, union problems just made things worse.

Edited by Andrew-T on 11/04/2009 at 23:06

Please try to buy British built cars. - Pugugly
Skoda managed a recovery job though in the same (if not rather worse) circumstances.
Please try to buy British built cars. - harib
it is more by luck than judgement that
most of us still have a job.

Not me. I've worked damn hard to keep mine. No luck there whatsoever.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Roger Jones
Here's HJ's handy list:


Doesn't amount to much, does it?
Please try to buy British built cars. - menu du jour
Back in the 1970's and 80's, I "supported" Britain by buying mainly Rootes and British Leyland. I thought I was jolly noble spending every weekend fixing something. It was a common thing to buy, say, a water pump and have
to "fettle" the thing in order to make it fit correctly.
Then my dear brother got done for drink-driving and was banned. I bought his Honda Accord and oh, the bliss of a properly made car. I could not believe difference.
So I still endeavor to buy British, but not at the expense of quality.
As a point of interest [or not] I have just purchased an item of electronics, American brand, manufactured in Ireland - and it seems to be faulty.
Oh, dear.
Please try to buy British built cars. - bell boy
i had forgotten the art of buying something like a water pump that didnt fit or a wheel cylinder where the bolt holes didnt align or new pads were too big for the caliper etc
Please try to buy British built cars. - colinh
Rolls Royce British?

The engine is derived from BMW's N73 V12 powerplant. The engine is assembled by BMW.
The aluminium extrusions that are used to construct the aluminium spaceframe are produced in Norway using hydroelectric power, shaped and machined in Denmark and finally hand-welded in Germany. ...a six-speed automatic transmission... is sourced from ZF of Germany. The vehicle electronics are sourced from BMW.
Please try to buy British built cars. - GIM
it is more by luck than judgement that
most of us still have a job.

Not me. I've worked damn hard to keep mine. No luck there whatsoever

Your very lucky, many people (like myself) working for large companies, can be made redundant at any moment (if the corporate headquaters in Houston, London, Bejing etc etc decide our facility is no longer economic).

Edited by GIM on 11/04/2009 at 16:48

Please try to buy British built cars. - DP
Your very lucky many people (like myself) working for large companies can be made redundant
at any moment (if the corporate headquaters in Houston London Bejing etc etc decide our
facility is no longer economic).

Absolutely. Made even more likely by the fact that it is far easier and cheaper to fire workers in this country than in most of mainland Europe where statutory redundancy payments are eye watering, and expensive, compulsory social support packages, retraining packages, and counselling have to be funded by the company cutting the jobs.

Companies with a pan-European presence who are looking to cut costs will always see the UK as a prime target, simply because it's easier. Ryton was a good example, and now watch what GM do in the coming months. It's sad, but true.

Please try to buy British built cars. - perro
Oh dear - The British dis-ease! If one goes to France, Germany, or Italy, you'll see they mainly buy their home produced cars!
Please stop harking back to B.L days, we've moved on a tad since then, I drive a Nissan Almera 1.8SE Auto MADE IN GREAT BRITAIN by British workers and believe me, its as good as any car of a comparable price range on the road.
THINK! it could be your job next.
Please try to buy British built cars. - b308
Thats probably because they build cars that the locals actually want to buy, P.... You show me a British equivalent of a Roomster and I'll buy one... but there isn't one, the nearest you'll get is some French thing... and I'd rather the Czechs have the money than the French...

The choice of home built cars (saloon, estate and hatch) is far wider in Germany and France than in the UK, and you wonder why they buy home grown and we don't...

I agree that British built is just as good as anything the Japs, Americans and Europeans produce, its just that we don't produce the variety of cars to give us a decent choice...

BTW if we are taking of buying British why just cars?....

Edited by b308 on 11/04/2009 at 22:20

Please try to buy British built cars. - b308
Plus there's the "identity" thing... the Germans assume that their VW/Merc/BMW is German built and the French the same for their Citreon/Peuguot/Renault and the Italians their Fiat...

How many Brits think their Nissan is??!
Please try to buy British built cars. - stunorthants26
I go on experience and in my experience the cars I want come from the land of the rising sun and will continue to until someone else can match their engineering integrity.
CBC says not right now.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Altea Ego
>when considering buying a new car, think 'British'

cant - the choice is too limited
Please try to buy British built cars. - captain chaos
>when considering buying a new car think 'British'
cant - the choice is too limited

Surely there must be enough choice among the offerings of Ford, Vauxhall, Land Rover and Jaguar though? There just isn't enough patriotism when it comes to buying cars in this country compared to the likes of France and Germany. It's staggering to note just how many imports there are on the roads here, anyone would think that we don't have a home grown car industry. Jap cars built over here don't count as British either IMHO
Please try to buy British built cars. - stunorthants26
In the UK we have a far more developed sense of choice than some other countries and we are all the better for it. Patriotism is narrow minded foolishness peddled by the BNP and it will be a cold day in hell before I adopt their principals when choosing a car.

You buy what you like and its up to the manufacturers to win your money from them.

Please try to buy British built cars. - carl_a
I've had a UK car in the past, fine and dandy it was too. From the current crop I'd struggle to think of one I'd buy.

However I disagree with the buy British cars argument and glad that most people don't agree with it. No matter which model/brand you buy, much of the price you pay will be distributed in the UK anyway. Advertising, dealers (sales person, cleaners, mechanics), logistics, importer, port, shipping line.
Please try to buy British built cars. - mattbod
In this instance the Jap cars built over here do count as British as we are talking about British jobs. I will be looking at a MINI, CIVIC and maybe even a Jazz as my next runaround so there is every chance that I will buy British. I can't think of a Ford passenger car that is still made here though.The Diesel engines are made at Dagenham though. Also don't forget that BMW's 4 ctlinder petrols are built over here as well so if you want a 3 series buy a 318/320i rather than the d with its Austrian built motor!
Please try to buy British built cars. - menu du jour
After my Honda Accord years I went all patriotic again and bought Rover, thinking things must have improved. Wrong.
As another poster has said, Japanese for me every time.
Please try to buy British built cars. - xtrailman
Maggie Thatcher convinced me to buy british, the slogan was "right first time ever time"

So i bought a Mini Metro, sure it went round corners like a go kart, the only car i ever had that i managed to put on two wheels going round an island, but i blame the mother in law on the back seat, she was fat, to put it bluntly, and her screaming "oh my goodness " didn't help matters.

Also i could get over 60mpg!

A part from that it was the most unreliable car i have ever had, broke down six times in the 2.5 years i had it.

Not bought "british" since.

The british car had french glass, german brakes (if i recall correctly). The point is it was a european car, not british.

But i take the original post, you can only buy in the main, cars assembled in britain.

Edited by Webmaster on 13/04/2009 at 01:23

Please try to buy British built cars. - barney100
When I was young British was considered the bee's knees. We had motorbikes, carpets, cars, steel etc etc. We have little choice if you buy a British car. i don't agree that jaguar are better than Mercedes Audi or BMW. amate of mine bought a Jag a couple of years ago and although he loked the car he was not happy with the reliability and has bought German and is much more pleased with the reliability. I would love a quality selection of British cars and we are capable of this but it all seems to go pear shaped.

Please try to buy British built cars. - Andrew-T
No matter which model/brand you buy, much of the price you pay will be distributed in the UK anyway. Advertising, dealers (sales person, cleaners, mechanics), logistics, importer, port, shipping line.

You couldn't have put it better, Carl. The British have been a nation of shopkeepers for centuries. Make your profit on the backs of other (preferably poorer) nations. Now the bankers do it best (for a while).
Please try to buy British built cars. - Altea Ego
>Surely there must be enough choice among the offerings of Ford, Vauxhall, Land Rover and Jaguar

what fords are built here? vauxhalls? land rover is specialised and jaguar is luxury
Please try to buy British built cars. - Altea Ego
My point is choice.

what mainstream cars can you buy that are made in the uk

Astra 5 door

Jaquar and landrover

That my friends is it. Unless you want to drive a van or you have mega money for exotica

Car making is global stuff

Please try to buy British built cars. - zookeeper

caterham , atom , hardly exotic ?

Edited by Honestjohn on 12/04/2009 at 17:34

Please try to buy British built cars. - Old Navy
caterham atom hardly exotic ?

Or practical.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Gem_man
Here is a directory with every car that is made in Britain


Please try to buy British built cars. - Andrew-T
And most cars built in Britain are built in new factories ...

.. and most cars built here will be built by robots, so the scope for botching is seriously limited.
Please try to buy British built cars. - bell boy
so the stories about the temp mini workers sabotaging the cars was lies then the other week
Please try to buy British built cars. - xtrailman
Well i think i have made my contribution to the EU, and gordon brown, plus given a bonus to a salesman in sunderland, and employee a mechanic for a few hours.
At the same time a dock worker has been employed. etc.

Bought a X Trail in feb this year.
My contribution will be something like the list below.

1/ Renault engine = EU

2/ VAT to brown.

3/bonus to sunderland salesman, Gavin

4/ couple hours wages to sunderland back up staff.

5/ Dock worker 1 hour wages.

So my conscience is clear!
Please try to buy British built cars. - Andrew-T
Well I think I have made my contribution to the EU, and gordon brown, plus given a bonus to a salesman in sunderland, and employee a mechanic for a few hours. At the same time a dock worker has been employed. etc.

All true no doubt, Xtrailman. But when we Brits love to import almost everything we consume, we have to pay other countries something in return. For some time we have depended heavily on our financial wizards to balance the payments somehow. How do you see that evolving?
Please try to buy British built cars. - rtj70
I might consider the new Avensis next time around (a few years) but I did not like the previous model. And so might not like the current one. So in 2007 I got a Mazda.

I don't feel as guilty as I might as I work for a company that is Japanese owned. And they will have made parts for this car.
Please try to buy British built cars. - barney100
How do the German models and the Jaguar's compare in the depreciation stakes?
Please try to buy British built cars. - the swiss tony
Not me. I've worked damn hard to keep mine. No luck there whatsoever.

What are you then? a bailiff or debt collector?
They seem to be the only careers that are relatively safe at the moment....
Please try to buy British built cars. - k9dan
I had an 84 Maestro new, not bad roomy no ball of fire, but reliable enough. In 91 bought a 1990 MG Montego at market for peanuts, was a fantasic motor, went like stink not bad for economy, loads of room, reasonably reliable, and any parts needed were more than reasonable, remembering scaring a geezer with a 944 who took off rapid from the lights expecting to leave the MG behind, always remember his face when he looked in his mirror to see a flying MG, following close. It used to break traction in THIRD gear if given lots of beans, really loved that old motor. These days need room for family, dogs and friends, so none on the GB list fit, nearest equivalent os either citroen or renault, thing is I don't trust the French and would hate to support their economy. The older I get the more militant I am getting, it should be British jobs for British workers, but the British worker has to step up to the mark before more goes abroad. The days of strikes etc are over, but I fear we are now too late.
Please try to buy British built cars. - jase1
The real reason the British car industry died is Vauxhall and Ford.

British buyers are as patriotic as anyone else, but these pieces of American vermin have fooled the average punter into believing they are "British" cars.

Meanwhile the genuinely British cars withered and died.

The number of people who still refer to my British-built Nissan as foreign, while they drive around in their non-British Ford is staggering.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Altea Ego
The real reason the British car industry died is Vauxhall and Ford.


The real reason the britsh car industry died is because of Rover / BL call it what you will.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Pugugly
And the American "vermin" as you describe them still keep plenty of people in jobs in the UK and their products have always been better than any homegrown crap.
Please try to buy British built cars. - L'escargot
The real reason the britsh car industry died is because of Rover / BL call
it what you will.

The real reasons the British car industry died were .........

(a) The low calibre/qualifications of the employees ~ in all disciplines.
(b) The low degree of conscientiousness of the employees.
(b) The high wage expectations of the employees.

Any manufacturing company, and its products, can only be as good as its employees make it.

It's no good blaming "the company", it's all down to the employees.
Please try to buy British built cars. - jase1
The real reason the britsh car industry died is because of Rover / BL call
it what you will.

British buyers took to the "British" Fords and Vauxhalls when the BL cars started to slip badly.

If the faux-British US products hadn't been available the patriotic members of the population would have persevered with the real British product for far longer.

The fact that Fords and Vauxhalls are better cars than Austins and Rovers is immaterial. So are/were any number of German and Japanese cars, and still people bought cars that were nowhere near as good at the time as the foreign stuff.

Ford and Vauxhall tipped the balance. If Italians had thought that GM and Ford were British, Fiat would have died many years ago. Same for the French. The French and Italians were producing cars every last bit as useless as the BL stuff in the 70s and 80s.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Andrew-T
British buyers are as patriotic as anyone else

Simply not true I'm afraid. Just tonight we were reminded that over 80% of the cars we buy are imported (while over 70% of those we make are exported). French and Germans are a good deal more 'patriotic'; don't know about the Japanese, but until recently Americans just weren't interested in foreign cars.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Victorbox
The real reason the British car industry died is Vauxhall and Ford.
British buyers are as patriotic as anyone else but these pieces of American vermin have
fooled the average punter into believing they are "British" cars.

Wrong again - Vauxhall is a British company (over a century old) owned by GM. I'm sure the Germans don't think Opel is American.
Please try to buy British built cars. - jase1
Wrong again - Vauxhall is a British company (over a century old) owned by GM.
I'm sure the Germans don't think Opel is American.

Oh come off it.

Vauxhall is nothing more than a brand of GM's European division.

A Vectra is no more "British" than a Chrysler 180 was.
Please try to buy British built cars. - brettmick
I had the same thought - maybe a Civic - but bought an Audi A3 in the end.

Thing is - the catalytic converter on my Audi is researched and developed in Royston, Cambridgeshire, by a very clever lady who is a friend of ours.

As mentioned before, European not British is the way forward to protect jobs as the entire industry threads together in ways you would not consider.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Avant
I feel quite strongly that in a free market we should be able to buy whatever cars (or any other product, come to that) we like and can afford. All products, both goods and services, should sell on their own merit and value for money.

That said, speaking personally I'd rather my money contributed to the profits of European rather than American companies (not forgetting the UK importers and dealers).
Please try to buy British built cars. - bell boy
driving round europe
especially france i see more new german than french cars (vw)
and the same or italy (vw)

any comments?
Please try to buy British built cars. - Cliff Pope
If you want foreigners to buy our exports then we have to buy something from them.
What imports does the OP think would be patriotic enough for us to buy, if not cars?
Please try to buy British built cars. - L'escargot
I don't think it's a coincidence that German and Japanese cars are so good. Both nations are very patriotic, they want to be the best, they want to conquer the world. You only have to look back to the 1930s and 1940s.

The Chinese and Koreans are also very patriotic, and they're now up-and-coming manufacturers.

It's because we Brits have lost our sense of national pride and patriotism that our manufacturing industries are in decline.
Please try to buy British built cars. - DP
Whatever the root causes, the real reason the British car industry died was that it built crap that nobody except the most blinkered patriot wanted to buy. A Montego or a Cavalier? A Rover 800 or a 5 series? Come on.
Please try to buy British built cars. - maz64
nobody except the most blinkered patriot wanted to buy.
A Rover 800 or a 5 series? Come on.

Were they the same price?
Please try to buy British built cars. - stunorthants26
When first launched all these cars were very much good cars. Its only as time passes and things improve that they start to look less desirable. In 1987 the Rover 820 was not a half bad car - I know, ive got many 1980s WhatCar mags and all these cars were well thought of in their period.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Altea Ego
In 1987 the Rover
820 was not a half bad car - I know ive got many 1980s WhatCar
mags and all these cars were well thought of in their period.

By 1987 the damage was done. Why are you not running around in a british built car stu?
Please try to buy British built cars. - stunorthants26
>>Were they the same price?<<

Say in 1987 the BMW 520i was £12600, Rover 820 was £11000 but better equipped by some margin, faster and more economical. A Merc 200 was £14600 and had even less equpiment.
Please try to buy British built cars. - gordonbennet
Rover 800's could be good or awful, if you bought the right one the 2.7 Honda engined car you had a vehicle every bit as good as anything of its time, used they were very good buys, but the blinkered car buying public wouldnt hear of it luckily for me.

Rover's 623 with the Honda engine (is there a common theme here) was a fine vehicle too, every bit as good as anything in its class, i'm still tempted by the ocassional low mileage example.

As for some posters knocking British workers, you can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear, a bad design is a bad design.
Wouldn't matter where you made a Marina or Allegro it would always be junk.
Designers and management share the blame too, more so they were responsible, the chaps making the cars just put together what they were told to.
British workers are as good as any with good leadership, Burnaston and Sunderland (especially the proper Nissans before Renault got involved) turn out vehicles of very high standards.

On a personal note, when collecting vehicles from Burnaston or any Toyota centre, new or used any faults/damage found (very rare indeed, i can't remember the last time) is immediately investigated and the car taken for proper examination, this is not the case with some other makers...this strikes me as good management and good quality control at work, a colleague assures me Honda are similarly obsessed with quality standards...maybe thats part of the reason they are both so well thought of.

As i said before about BL management and unions should have had their heads bashed together daily for gross stupidity that cost others dear (no doubt they did alright out of it, no change there then).
Please try to buy British built cars. - madux
I remember reading a while back that manufacturers tolerate a certain failure rate from the parts they buy.
Ford/BL etc was something like 56 parts per million.
Toyota............ 2.
Please try to buy British built cars. - cattleman6
I have an incredibly good reliable Seat Toledo TDiSE which I bought new at the end of 1999. It has done 167,000 miles and goes genuinely like new. I can't afford another car for ages because of the present crisis; but if I was buying new I would buy the new Honda Accord. It is an extremely nice comfortable beautifully made car. I was so impressed when I sat in it at a Colchester showroom a few months ago.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Statistical outlier
I remember reading a while back that manufacturers tolerate a certain failure rate from the
parts they buy.

I heard a lovely story about electronics in that fashion. Rover years ago ordered a set of circuit boards from a Japanese supplier, specifying n faults per million (10? Can't remember).

Anyway, after much arguing, the Japanese supplier agreed to the specification. When the boards arrived, the 5 'faulty' boards were packaged separately, with a note of what had been done to them to render them inoperative. :-)

It was simply a totally different mindset.
Please try to buy British built cars. - b308
A Montego or
a Cavalier?

Interstingly enough What Car did a group test in the 80s with those two and a Sierra and somthing else... the Monty won.
Please try to buy British built cars. - xtrailman

As i see it the reason BL died apart from the unions, and poor management.
Was the fact that both the Germans and Japanese, had shiny new factories to make there cars in, both peoples were on there knees, and so the work force had everything to work for.

While at home the victors, only had the ageing factories to build with, we never really recovered from that.

Ironic, that the yanks rebuilt both countries, and are now buying their cars, while there home base car manufacturing base, is dying.

Edited by xtrailman on 13/04/2009 at 14:57

Please try to buy British built cars. - y2k+4
I think a good way to promote it is to bring in the car scrappage scheme in other countries, however, only offer 75% of the maximum to cars made outside the UK and the full amount to those made in the UK. I think this means you wouldn't incur too much wrath of the EU, and you'd be promoting a greener, cleaner way of transport across the UK and for UK manufacturing to make a bigger move toward that.

Of course such a scheme would not benefit the likes of JLR, but I bet you'd see MINI, Nissan, Honda and Toyota improve...and maybe even move some of their smaller models to the UK for manufacture...
Please try to buy British built cars. - madf
Please do not insult my intelligence telling me Rover 800s were good cars. They were not. the design was elderly and the build quality was abysmal. I had a series of them with failing electric windows, squeaking trim, hoses that felloff, head gaskets that went and exhausts that rotted after 18 months.
Previously I was driving ford Granadas which never went wrong. Ever.

By the time it was superceded it was 10 years out of date and thoroughly outclassed and still had terrible reliability issues (V6 anyone).

The BMWs I had afterwards were sometimes secondhand and older than teh rover 800s I had from new.. BUT were better built and impeccably releiable. Their electrics never failed.

Any company that launches a car like the Mark1 Allegro is destined to fail.

It's like GM in the US: an outdated and old fashioned product range. Or Chevrolet.

Fuel efficiency? Ignore it.

Please try to buy British built cars. - stunorthants26
>>Please do not insult my intelligence telling me Rover 800s were good cars. They were not. the design was elderly <<

They were - in 1986 when launched. When did you own new ones?

>>had terrible reliability issues <<

Diesels did big miles if looked after and I had a 94 820 Si with 120k on the clock which was a helluva lot more reliable than the Sierra Ghia it replaced.
I worked with these cars everyday in an MG Rover service department and very few had non-service items done. The Honda based 620 had far more problems with electrics and failed ABS was common - and expensive.
Please try to buy British built cars. - b308
Any company that launches a car like the Mark1 Allegro is destined to fail.

It's like GM in the US: an outdated and old fashioned product range

Or a Viva or Escort... they were no better or worse than the Allegro, the only difference was that they were (slightly) better put together...

Not sure if you were refering to the Allegro with that second comment, but which was more up to date, a small car with rear wheel drive (Escort) or a small one with front wheel drive (Allegro)... I think history has proved which was the dead end, Ford were renound for producing old fashioned products when everyone else had moved on... just look at a Sierra.

If BL had got their build quality right back in the 70s things may well have been very different now... but they didn't.

Edited by b308 on 14/04/2009 at 10:15

Please try to buy British built cars. - maz64
Ford were renound for producing old fashioned products when everyone else had moved
on... just look at a Sierra.

IIRC when that came out it was seen as quite radical - or was that just because it looked so different to the last Cortina?
Please try to buy British built cars. - b308
>> on... just look at a Sierra.
IIRC when that came out it was seen as quite radical - or was that
just because it looked so different to the last Cortina?

Probably because of the jelly mold shape, mechanicals-wise it certainly wasn't radical... perhaps you were decieved by the advertising hype?! ;)
Please try to buy British built cars. - Altea Ego
Probably because of the jelly mold shape mechanicals-wise it certainly wasn't radical... perhaps you were
decieved by the advertising hype?! ;)

It was a mark 4 cortina in a tarty skirt. Nothing more.

Unless it was an XR4x4 or a cossie.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Pugugly
On that point - saw an immaculate umolested Cosworth today - local car by its plate. Very narrow by today's standards.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Altea Ego
On that point - saw an immaculate umolested Cosworth today - local car by its
plate. Very narrow by today's standards.

Funny you should say that I saw similar in the local waitrose carpark on Saturday.

It has a line of drool on it now as i passed.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Pugugly
I was in the Golf when I saw it but couldn't tempt it into an er..........contest.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Alby Back
Y'see, if you had been wearing your new cap........

Please try to buy British built cars. - Alanovich
It was a mark 4 cortina in a tarty skirt. Nothing more.

Nonsense. It was "Man and machine in perfect harmony".


Edited by Alanovich on 14/04/2009 at 12:45

Please try to buy British built cars. - Pugugly
That was the by line for a properly engineered and designed car !
Please try to buy British built cars. - Alanovich
I take it you mean BMW, PU? Have I got my adverts mixed up here, and if so what was the Sierra's line? I strongly remember something about harmony from its early days.

My Mum was in the market for a brand new car in August 1983 (I was 13) to replace an ageing Triumph 2000, and I was desperate for her to get a Sierra. I was in charge of all research and information gathering for the project, however she ignored my findings (OK, pleadings) and went for a Colt Mirage.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Number_Cruncher
It was a mark 4 cortina in a tarty skirt. Nothing more.

New front suspension - strut as opposed to wishbones
New rear suspension - semi trailing arm as opposed to live axle
New gearboxes - 5 speed
New fuel systems - nasty VV carbs
new body shell

Just about the only major carry over part from the Cortina was the pinto OHC engine, and for those so equipped, the 4 speed gearbox

Please try to buy British built cars. - madf
My reference to a MARK ONE Allegro was trying to be subtle.

Obviously too subtle.

The Quartic steering wheel - was a disaster. Not only the wrong shape, it had sharp flashing from the moulding process which cut hands...

Needless to say the Mark 2 had a round wheel.

Next time I'll forget the subtlety.
Please try to buy British built cars. - b308
Next time I'll forget the subtlety.

It registered, just that Ford and Vauxhall weren't any better in those days...

Edited by b308 on 14/04/2009 at 15:42

Please try to buy British built cars. - carl_a
Was the fact that both the Germans and Japanese ...
Ironic that the yanks rebuilt both countries and are now buying their cars while there
home base car manufacturing base is dying.

Not quite true with regards to German cars, sales of VW have fallen in the US and they make a loss there. The US buys over 50% US brand autos still but the Japanese are now in the number 2 slot overtaking Ford and the Korean's are gaining at a huge rate. VW actually will be building a new factory in the US and developing products for the market to try and compete which they're not able to do at present due to importation costs and european design.
Please try to buy British built cars. - perro
Having read all the replies to this thread, I have had my eyes opened to the fact that there are not a great deal of British made cars to choose from.
I am actually quite shocked that Fords do not produce any models here? and only one offering fromVauxhall??
If I was 'in the market' to purchase a new car today, I would look at the megane + Golf + CRV + Auris but would most likely arrive home with a new Qashqai but ... I would have to research & research & research the engines and auto-gearboxes used.
Would £2000 from mssrs Brown & Darling influence me? = certainly niet.
Please try to buy British built cars. - TheOilBurner
I am actually quite shocked that Fords do not produce any models here? and only
one offering from Vauxhall??

I think a lot of regular Brits would also be shocked and disappointed to find this out. After the initial sense of feeling misled by manufactures (and media) who have intentionally allowed the British Ford/Vauxhall myth to continue, they'd still carry on buying Ford and Vauxhall anyway I reckon.

Many people are just comfortable with going along with the majority (or biggest minority!), and with Ford and Vauxhall still the most common sights on the road, this will continue.

Does it matter? I don't think so. Protectionism is fine in theory, but in practice it does far more harm than good. We need to export to really protect British jobs, and why would anyone buy our products if we refuse to buy theirs?

We can't dominate the world as we once did.
Please try to buy British built cars. - Altea Ego
Having read all the replies to this thread I have had my eyes opened to
the fact that there are not a great deal of British made cars to choose
I am actually quite shocked that Fords do not produce any models here? and only
one offering fromVauxhall??

Its not quite as bad as it looks and this shows you how globilisation works....

Mini............................Single source made for global (soon to change tho I understand)
Astra 5 door................exported for all europe
civic...........................single european source - exported
crv.............................single european source - exported
auris...........................single european source - exported
avensis.......................single european source - exported
micra..........................single european source - exported
note............................single european source - exported
qashqai.......................single european source - exported

Please try to buy British built cars. - Sofa Spud
When we had a British motor industry, I favoured buying British cars EVEN if it meant buying British Leyland - although I was only buying secondhand.

We no longer have a British-owned motor industry and I've become loyal to VW - as far as I know they don't assemble any cars here. Anyway, I'm a fervent supporter of the EU so I'm still being patriotic by buying European.
Please try to buy British built cars. - perro
"We need to export to really protect British jobs"
And so ... tinyurl.com/d6jyuw
Please try to buy British built cars. - Pendlebury
>>.. and most cars built here will be built by robots, so the scope for botching is seriously limited. <<

This is one of the most incorrect statements regularly made about car factories.
In fact other than welding and spraying all cars in the UK are handbuilt and companies like Toyota are using less and less robots. Robots are dumb, they do not improve things and they do not have ideas. Car companies get much better value out of people than they do robots. Robots tend to be used mainly for the dirty and dangerous stuff.
When a car factory is faced with closure it is also faced with 1000's of redundancies - what do people think these people do - watch robots all day.

Another myth is that all car companies buy stuff in from the same supply chain - if you see the link below it will demonstrate how much stuff Toyota (for example) actually make - this is because they can control the quality. It also shows that cars like the Auris are not single sourced in europe and that they are also made in Japan.
The Corolla my wife drives was manufactured in Japan and I bought from a dealer 20 miles away from Burnaston.

I agree that we should buy British mainly because they are some of the best made cars in the world now thanks to Honda, Toyota, BMW etc. But also remember that your BMW 4 cylinder engine will also be made in the UK - there are more ways we can buy British than just looking at the car being built here.

PS - if you think the XF looks good then wait until you see the new XJ - it is awesome. Also IMO if Jaguar continue with their design changes and put it into the X-type I am guessing you will see allot less 3 series and A4's on the road.

Edited by Pendlebury on 14/04/2009 at 15:37

Please try to buy British built cars. - colinh
There again, Toyota also make the robots...


Might be of interest to more mature Backroomers
Please try to buy British built cars. - Pendlebury
I must say - I prefer ASIMO.

Also whilst I said I agree that we should buy British, let's not be too patriotic. If it wasn't for the Germans, Indians and Japanese (and maybe Chinese with Vauxhall), then we would not have any car making to speak off. We also need to be nice to the europeans because they own all our energy companies and airports (at the moment). You have to remember that we are a service and banking nation - although many of our financial institutions are now owned by the Spanish.
I think we are pretty good at hairdressing, sports sciences and media studies though.

Rule Britannia !
Please try to buy British built cars. - TheOilBurner
We also have the best Chavs in the world. Just check out our 10 year old Corsas and compare them to the pathetic drivel abroad. They can't even come close for tacky and pointless body kits and dump valves!
Please try to buy British built cars. - carl_a

INteresting page that, they make so much stuff in Japan.

Edited by carl_a on 14/04/2009 at 22:50

Please try to buy British built cars. - Dipstick
Interesting the Japanese make a lot of stuff, the British don't, and that's viewed as a problem for us.

I'm not sure the Japanese economy is exactly the most vibrant in the world, is it?
Please try to buy British built cars. - Pendlebury
Your correct dipstick about the Japanese economy as a whole but when you look at the strategy of Toyota in isolation it clearly pays off, making them the biggest car company in the world. I think you need to fully understand why the Japanese companies do this and it is mainly to do with being able to control quality.
Maybe they need to manufacture cyclinder liners as well - or maybe they do now.

Edited by Pendlebury on 15/04/2009 at 13:31