Hi all,
getting an odd shudder through this car as I accelerate hard in any gear higher than 3rd. Shudder abates when you ease off the gas. Just noticed that the previous owner fitted a new coil spring at the front o/s.
How can I check that its the correct type? And could it cause a shudder under load? I noticed that when I had a 15-stone passenger in the front passenger seat the other day the shudder was virtually gone.
many thanks
If the height is the same both sides I would think that the spring is right, can't see how it would cause a shudder anyway. Sounds like a drive shaft problem. If it has only appeared since the spring was fitted, make sure everything is bolted up tight.
Thanks Peter.
Thought as much myself, and had it into the local garage for a look during the week. Bizarrely, was told that driveshaft problems cannot cause a shudder in a vehicle. So I took it away :(
(Back story is: clutch, flywheel and starter were renewed 3000 miles ago. Has had a shudder for about 1k miles. Local garage have renewed a tyre [fair enough], both outer c/v joints [I was skeptical], grand total of £250 to no avail. Then told me it had to be the flywheel, despite it having already been done. So, doubtfully took it back to the place that fitted clutch [160 mile journey] only for them to point to a wobbly o/s driveshaft. Took it back to Local garage, who still maintain that wobbling driveshafts would not cause a shudder. I'm not a mechanic but even I know they are talking cobblers. Why they think they can nod their heads wisely and talk of clutches when they've already had 2 cracks at the job, lightening me of £250 in the process, is beyond me.)
thanks for the reply-