I have an Astra Turbo Diesel 95, when the car is cold i don't get any heat from my heaters until the water temperature reaches 100 and then hot air comes out straight away. the water temperature then goes back to normal temperature (90) straight away and i have heat as normal. i had froth in my expansion tank, but this seems to have stopped since i replaced the cap. I have replaced the thermostat and there are no coolant leaks. somebody suggested it might be a blockage to the heater matrix, does anybody have any ideas?
I'm grateful for any ideas.
If heat eventually comes out it is unlikely to be a blockage to the heater.
My guess would be an airlock somewhere in the cooling circuit.
I flushed out the coolant system, and i still have a problem. Any other ideas?>> If heat eventually comes out it is unlikely to be ablockage to the heater. My guess would be an airlock somewhere in the cooling circuit.
On older cars if an air lock was suspected in the heater the way to clear it was to unfasten the jubilee clip holding the return pipe from the heater and while revving the engine pull the hose off its stub.
A full bore flow would mean it was clear.
Don't know if they are accessible on yours though.
Sounds almost as if your water pump isn't working properly??.
Whilst still only guessing at an airlock, the knack is in opening the various bleed valves on the hoses etc. to expell all the air whilst refilling it.
Simply draining, flushing the system and refilling it can still leave an airlock.