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Magnetic tow technology - Brian Tryzers
Ingenious. Anyone noticed any similar - er - innovations today?
Magnetic tow technology - MikeTorque
Sounds like another April fool joke.
Magnetic tow technology - Pugugly
Noooo !
Magnetic tow technology - Mapmaker

Magnetic link (but no motoring link) but you might imagine this to be a hoax too.
Magnetic tow technology - jbif
Previous innovations released on an annual basis:


including this one which became a reality in some cars:

and the one last year which was CRAP:

Edited by jbif on 01/04/2009 at 14:58

Magnetic tow technology - henry k
For those who missed it, the text less the informative photos is below

" BMW has revealed a smart new piece of technology that will allow drivers to hitch a ride from the car in front via a magnetic beam,
The "magnetic tow technology", which the car-maker claims was devised by its head of innovation, Herr Noitt All, means BMW drivers can lock on to the car in front, allowing them to take their foot off the accelerator and turn off the engine.
The vehicle in front will then "do the pulling", without causing any change in manoeuvrability.
The poster suggests that once the BMW driver turns off the magnetic tow technology, the driver should provide a courteous flick of the headlights to thank the driver in front.

Consumers interested in the product should e-mail uve.vollenvorit@bmw.co.uk for more information."

I have noted the email address in case I need more details.

Magnetic tow technology - jbif
I have noted the email address in case I need more details. >>

Good advice, since the bmw.co.uk web site has been down this morning - either due to
uve.vollenvorit or the conficker worm/virus [conficker is allegedly a German word which HJ's swear filter would ban if it was translated to English].


Edited by jbif on 01/04/2009 at 15:09

Magnetic tow technology - Mick Snutz
''The "magnetic tow technology", which the car-maker claims was devised by its head of innovation, Herr Noitt All, means BMW drivers can lock on to the car in front, allowing them to take their foot off the accelerator and turn off the engine.''

but don't BMW drivers try to hitch up to the bumper of the car in front anyway and tailgate?
Magnetic tow technology - William Stevenson
Zose Germans haf some crazy sense of ze humour. Ve have vays of... etc. I think they haven't quite mastered April Fool Jokes. They're not supposed to be too obvious. Don't mention the war...
Magnetic tow technology - bathtub tom
I expect PU will want it on his bike, although it won't work too well on Reliants and ally Audis.
Magnetic tow technology - FP
"but don't BMW drivers try to hitch up to the bumper of the car in front anyway and tailgate?"

I assume the whole joke hinges on this. As you imagine it actually happening from the point of view of the driver of the car doing the "towing", he sees a BMW up his backside, which after a while flashes its lights (supposedly a "thank you").

Sounds familiar? Or just an unfortunate stereotype? You have to hand it to BMW, though - it shows Germans can do irony!
Magnetic tow technology - Pugugly
And probably manage to rise above racial steretyoes and Basil Fawlty type humour.
Magnetic tow technology - madux
Reminds me of the old silent movie where a man (Buster Keaton? Charlie C?) drives a toy car holding a huge magnet.
Magnetic tow technology - Alby Back
A wee message to the truck driver who broke down in lane 2 of the southbound M6 this morning at junction 10.

If that was an April fool, you sure got a lot of people !

I failed to get the joke at the time mind......

Magnetic tow technology - krs one
Is April Fool's Day observed the world over?
Magnetic tow technology - bathtub tom
Avril poisson across la manche (le manche?).
Magnetic tow technology - Armitage Shanks {p}
Years ago there was a BMW advert (on 1st April) which invited people to enter a competition for which the prize was a unique ceramic model of a BMW car, created by the avant-garde Finnish sculptor Lirf Loopa. Yeah - right!

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 01/04/2009 at 20:42

Magnetic tow technology - AlastairW
The Koreans seem to observe April 1. Today they have launched the Hyundai Popemobile (based on an i10 or 20 by the looks of it). The seats are 'made from parts of a tapestry woven by monks from the Indian City of Utta Bullacs'.

It was in todays Autocar so must be true...
Magnetic tow technology - FP
With apologies to BT and with full awareness of my pedantry, may I say my "Robert"* gives "poisson d'avril" (April fool). "Manche" (meaning English Channel) is feminine, so "la Manche"; le manche means something else (handle).

* French dictionary

Edited by ChrisPeugeot on 02/04/2009 at 00:01

Magnetic tow technology - bathtub tom
Apologies not necessary. Forty-odd years since my French 'O' level.
Magnetic tow technology - welshlad
my dad was half way though cutting the article out to give to me (my job has alot to do with alternative energy production) before he got the joke :-)
Magnetic tow technology - barney100
Fantastic...must get one...and who said the Germans have no sense of humour.
Magnetic tow technology - Rattle
I am a member of some learner driver forum and a member posted a joke that certain cars were not allowed to be used in tests from today as they were considered dangerious. I instantly knew it was a fools joke due to the dates not making any sense (all Corsas from 00 -09 for example).

Anyway it seems some rather foolish people has fallen for it and canceled his test :eek but I suspect it is a double bluff designed to fool the fooler.
Magnetic tow technology - b308
Yesterdays Metro free paper got it about right... we had pictures of tartan sheep on page 3 (!), then the BMW ad on page 9 and then an article on page 11 about £35bn spending on the railways....

You couldn't have made it up!