02 1.9 not starting when hot - bucko
i have just had a recon engine fitted. i am having problems starting when the engine is hot starts ok when cold but as soon as the temp gets to the max. it takes a long time to start. its 130 tdi vw 2002 awx type pd engine. runs perfect apart from not starting when warm.
02 1.9 not starting when hot - 659FBE
Use VAGCOM to check the error codes. In the absence of this, I would look at the engine speed transducer probe gap first.

02 1.9 not starting when hot - bucko
error codes came out ok none showing.it seems that when its cold it starts but a slight pause before it picks up.run it fore 15 mins still ok when starting but as soon as its hot turn the key it stops.turn over for 5 seconds and the revs pick up and its ok drives normal.
02 1.9 not starting when hot - bucko
still cant get to the bottom of this fault.tried everything could it be the vacum pump? when i put my foot on the brake hard and then press the throttle i get no revs as soon as release the brake the revs come back could it be lack of vacum
02 1.9 not starting when hot - 659FBE
Check the one way valve in the small bore vac pipe near the servo. It's possible that when you operate the brake sevo which raises the pressure in the main vac system, vacuum is lost from the reservoirs on the engine due to a leakage at this valve.

Any vac loss here will play havoc with the boost control, anti-shudder valve and the EGR control.

02 1.9 not starting when hot - 659FBE
I've just re-read your latest post together with the duplicate post. On VAG "drive by wire" control systems, the operation of the brake will inhibit fuel demand giving the symptoms you describe - this is normal for these vehicles. Heel and toe gearchanges, for example are not possible because of this feature.

Carry out a few more tests and post your comments in carefully constructed and punctuated sentences and we may be able to help.

02 1.9 not starting when hot - bucko
thank you for the reply i will try that tomorrow i had the engine recon by a firm that i later found out was the heathrow engine centre who ripped me off you seem to know a lot about vw engines cheers keith.
02 1.9 not starting when hot - bucko
tried everything but still no luck new injectors new vacum tandem pump new crank sensor new fuel pump.front off re timed engine just running out of things to check had the car checked with tunning company no luck as yet>> .

Edited by bucko on 25/06/2009 at 22:19