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Creepy Corsa Ads - Chris S
Does anyone else think those puppets in the Corsa ads are creepy?

In the latest one they entice a young girl into their car.
Creepy Corsa Ads - Dynamic Dave
I think they're quite cute (and so is the girlie)

To quote Michael Winners catchphrase:- ?Calm down dear, its a commercial.?

Come on!
Creepy Corsa Ads - maz64
Better than most, although not as good IMO as the one where they play hide and seek to the music of The Fall.
Creepy Corsa Ads - lordwoody
"and so is the girlie"

Girlie? Oh dear.

I find the previous ones quite interesting and amusing, this latest one does skirt the bounds of good taste.
Creepy Corsa Ads - Altea Ego
Creepy Corsa Ads - maz64

The Corsa 'perfectly reflects' the 'lifestyle' of a bunch of puppets?? :-)
Creepy Corsa Ads - Rattle
I wonder if the puppets have a habbit of snapping in half....
Creepy Corsa Ads - Old Navy

Edited by Old Navy on 19/02/2009 at 12:25

Creepy Corsa Ads - jc2
Got you watching the ad-and that is the purpose.