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Parking Question - redviper
Hi All

I currently drive a Astra G

When I get home I don?t have a driveway the road outside my house is approx 1 and a half car width.

At either side of the road before the foot path is a grass verge about 1 foot in width, because of width of the road to prevent people clipping past my car i have to put the car up onto the grass verge (which it more of a mud bath this weather) thus putting the car up over the kerb which is approx 3-5cm high

some of the neighbours do have a driveway but thanks to a inconveniently placed telegraph pole I cant drive down the grass and safely onto the road instead every day Im up and down this kerb to keep my car of the narrow road (which everyday is a slalom with all the other cars there) it has to go onto the kerb because the people in the houses at the other side of the road get home before I do, and they leave there car fully on the road, which means mine has to go on the verge otherwise cars (and more importantly fire engines) will not be able to get through.

I enquired about getting the kerb taken down and the crass concreted so it gives me a access driveway onto my property but The council want £25 just to ?come and have a look? and I have heard that they charge upto £1000 for this type of work which to benefit someone else when I sell the house in 2-3 years* I simply cant afford

My real concern is the likely damage to my car, as it?s the left hand side front wheel that has to do all the climbing, I take the car up very, very slowly but I don?t know what damage im going to be doing, can anyone advise me.


{dropped make/model from subject header}

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 14/02/2009 at 12:07

Parking Question - davidh
I'm no housing expert but it'll help you sell your property if you can get a car on to it like your neighbours. I know 1000 is a lot especially if its not easily to hand but if you can manage it just I'd get it done. That way you get the benefit now and it wont put off potential house buyers in 2-3 years.
Parking Question - redviper
Thanks ill bear that in mind, it certainly will help,

i think its a bit of rip off, just to get some kerb stones out and a little bit of concrete over the grass, thats there - they did say that the Fee of £25 was for then to "come and have a look" but i "must get the work done within 6 months or I would have to pay another £25" so it would be something im going to have to plan for methinks, and i have to pay the council 25 regardless if I use them or there approved contracters to do the work

But It will as you say make the house easier to sell, so i will take your advice into consideration. - but in the meantime (and the last 2 years) is my car getting damaged?
Parking Question - FotheringtonThomas
If you get the council to do the work, you may benefit when you sell.

You could park your car somewhere else and walk a hundred yards or so to it[1].

Going carefully over a 2" high kerb won't damage the car.

[1] I know, I doubt it would be possible - a woman complaining about people hooting at her inconsiderately parked car found it impossible to do that, anyway.
Parking Question - redviper
Hi Thanks for your relply
If you get the council to do the work you may benefit when you sell.
You could park your car somewhere else and walk a hundred yards or so to
Going carefully over a 2" high kerb won't damage the car.
[1] I know I doubt it would be possible - a woman complaining about people
hooting at her inconsiderately parked car found it impossible to do that anyway.

Thanks for the advice, - and RE walking 100 yards yes i could do that its true but to be honest I agree about the people that i would park outside, they would complain lol - and I would rather my car somewhere, where i can see it, as last year some kids tried to kick the door mirror off ( i found the muddy scratch mark and shoe the next day)

Edited by redviper on 13/02/2009 at 12:46

Parking Question - AlastairW
I honestly dont think climbing the kerb daily is doing any damage. I have been doing a similar manoever most days for the last 4 years and no damage has been done to the suspension.