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97 1.3 Cabin light problem & 'lights on' warning s - Kool PT
Hi all,

Just picked up a P reg Fiesta 1.3 - glad to see that the few 'quirks' that I have experienced with the car mostly seem to be simple, common & cheap to fix! However I have a couple of issues that I'm not still not sure about.

The rocker switch for the cabin light has three settings. Moving to the left puts the light on, leaving it in the centre switches it off, and I presume moving it to the right should make it come on when the doors are opened - but this doesn't work.

The 2nd problem which may well be related is that if I leave my lights on after switching the engine off, I don't get any warning sound when opening the doors. The car is very basically spec'd (it is an LX model) so there may well not even be a buzzer to go off! However it does seem a little suspicious to me that both of them are problematic.

Would appreciate any info/experience of this.


Tom Banks
97 1.3 Cabin light problem & 'lights on' warning s - mfarrow
Try giving the switch plunger a wriggle. Does it happen with the passenger door open?
97 1.3 Cabin light problem & 'lights on' warning s - elekie&a/c doctor
Could be as simple as door pin/courtesy switch fault on door post.hth
97 1.3 Cabin light problem & 'lights on' warning s - Kool PT
I have tried pushing in the push switch near the door hinge but it doesn't seem slack or anything.

the handbook says that the middle position is the 'light on when doors open' setting. but it definitely doesn't work with either or both of the doors opened.

i also found info on the relay box and relay VIII (white) is connected to the '"lights on" chime' circuit. my manual isn't specific to the spec i've got but I might have a look and at least see if this relay exists.
97 1.3 Cabin light problem & 'lights on' warning s - jc2
Take the switch out-it's only one screw-what happens if you earth the wire on the back??
97 1.3 Cabin light problem & 'lights on' warning s - Kool PT
Take the switch out-it's only one screw-what happens if you earth the wire on the

you mean the rocker switch?
97 1.3 Cabin light problem & 'lights on' warning s - Kool PT
update...pulled out the right hand door switch and pushing it halfway in was making the light come on. i tried to get the switches out to get them squirted with WD40...and have ended up popping both of them straight out! the wires are really springy, anyone have any tips on getting them out while I look for a pair of tweezers?
97 1.3 Cabin light problem & 'lights on' warning s - mfarrow
As previously mentioned, it should just be one screw. Is the switch oval and look like this:
www.vehicle-wiring-products.eu/VWP-onlinestore/swi...g ?

Edited by mfarrow on 12/02/2009 at 20:57

97 1.3 Cabin light problem & 'lights on' warning s - Kool PT
thanks i just wasn't sure if you were talking about the light switch or the door switch.

i pulled the door switches out and lost the wires inside...on both doors! fumbled hopefully with a pair of tweezers then noticed a little black plastic plug further in the crack. popped these out with a flat headed screwdriver and was able to get my fingers behind the hole where the wire had retracted back inside. pushed them back through, held on tight and soaked the switch and the fastening in WD40. Screwed them back in to earth and they both work fine now.

And to answer my earlier question and sastisfy anyone's curiosity, the 'headlights on' warning tone DOES work now.

so it was simply a case of both sides having the exact same problem. cheers for the troubleshooting tips all.