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1999 1.8 Does anyone know about volume of coolant - jp147
I would be interested to know (roughly) what volume of coolant (water/antifreeze mixture) is required to raise the coolant level in the coolant reservoir from the min line to the max line (in litres or millilitres). My car is a Ford Focus 1.8 petrol with the orange type coolant.

I know from the Hayne's manual that it takes approximately 1 litre of oil to raise the engine oil level on the engine dipstick from minimum to maximum but I want to know about the coolant so that I can work out by how much the level has dropped e.g. to rule out head gasket symptoms.

1999 1.8 Does anyone know about volume of coolant - Peter D
Why are you loosing coolant. ?? About 1/2 a litre just top up with neat antifreeze. Remember that the level should only me measured when hot. Do not remove the cap when hot unless you know how. Regards Peter
1999 1.8 Does anyone know about volume of coolant - Dynamic Dave
Remember that the level should only me measured when hot.

I was taught to check the coolant level when the engine is cold. Not sure if the same applies to Fords, but on the side of Vauxhall expansion tanks there is a level mark with an arrow pointing to it labeled Kalt/Cold. To quote from the handbook "The coolant in the tank should be slightly above the mark KALT / COLD with the cooling system cold.
It rises when the engine is warm and falls again as it cools"

If you were to check the coolant level when hot, you would get an incorrect reading.
1999 1.8 Does anyone know about volume of coolant - L'escargot
Remember that the level should only me measured when hot.

My Focus Owner's Guide says "The coolant level should be between the MIN and MAX mark when the engine is cold." It qualifies that by saying "Hot coolant expands and may, therefore, extend beyond the MAX mark." and "The coolant should be added when the engine is cold."
1999 1.8 Does anyone know about volume of coolant - Peter D
If that's what the manual says then that's what you do. I personnel fill the header tank such that at normal running temperature the level is on the max. VW, Audi, Volvo. Regards Peter
1999 1.8 Does anyone know about volume of coolant - yorkiebar
Cold cold cold! :)

For every car that I know of anyway.

Adding cold water to running system (hot) can cause all manner of problems.

To the OP, dont know how much, but buy a cheap measuring jug, and use this to fill the tank so that you know how much you have put in? For small quantity just use neat antifreeze.
1999 1.8 Does anyone know about volume of coolant - clewsy01
hi, i just flushed mine out last week. you do check it and fill it cold and then the best way to check it its to run the engine untill the fan kicks in and the the coolant level should be acurate without airlocks. the haynes manual is spot on for the change. if you are in any doubt as there is still some coolant left in then maybe it would be better to flush it as then you know its fully clean as well do not add cold water to it when it is hot though!! if it does need more topping up after youve done, wait untill it is fully cooled down otherwise you will ruin the mixture and scald your self. ALso check rigoursly for leaks as all antifreeze/coolnt has a searching action when new so any poor jionts/leaks should show straight away.