05 Low maximum roof load - BrianV

I recently bought a 2005 Hyundai Santa Fe. This is a fairly large rugged 4x4 and has been well reviewed everywhere.

Unfortunately I failed to check the max roof load capacity before I bought the car, and have now discovered that despite being fitted with roof rails, the car is limited to a woeful 34kg! (My tiny fiesta is rated up to 75kg !!).

Does anyone know why Santa Fe roof capacity is so ridiculously low ?

Does anyone know what will happen if I should significantly exceed this value by going mad and putting something insane like 2 or 3 kayaks on top of my enormous SUV.

Will roof bars fall off, car roll over, doors fail to close or large dents appear in roof about each roof bar post ?

Can I do anything to beef up the max load capacity (I wouldn't want to go mad and try and match my macho fiesta, but 60kg would be useful !)

All help gratefully recieved.


Edited by Pugugly on 20/01/2009 at 22:39

Santa Fe max roof load - Altea Ego
The car has a high centre of gravity, with longer wheel articulation then a normal car, and if you exceed the the roof load it could turn over in a high speed swerve or similar.

thats the drawback of tall 4x4's. It doesent handle like a fiesta.

Santa Fe max roof load - Bromptonaut
Like AE I'd plump for stability issues.

Noticed other 4x4 types, particularly those appealing to the lifestyle market rather than the utilitarian, have low roof load limits.
Santa Fe max roof load - BrianV
Hi Altea Ego,

If you're right and it's "only" the centre-of-gravity-issue, I'd be quite happy (well relatively happy), whether the car falls over is something I can have some influence over most of the time.

I guess my nightmare senario is that my kayaks part company with my car under hard braking.

Do you have any "proof" that this is the main/only issue ?

I've spoken to Hyundai (dealers and customer support) and they were unable (unwilling ?) to provide reason.

Santa Fe max roof load - Number_Cruncher
>>they were unable (unwilling ?) to provide reason.

And wisely so, I should say.

Santa Fe max roof load - PhilW
My first thought was height/stability also but then it occurred to me that the weight limit on the roof of my Berlingo is (I think) 75 kilos - and its as tall as many 4x4s, probably narrower and lighter also.
Don't think I would ever put that weight up there anyway - I couldn't lift a 75k article that high, and if it was a number of items I would put them as low down as possible in the boot.
Santa Fe max roof load - b308
My first thought was height/stability also but then it occurred to me that the weight
limit on the roof of my Berlingo is (I think) 75 kilos - and its
as tall as many 4x4s probably narrower and lighter also.

But, I suspect, a much lower centre of gravity... hence its more stable when cornering quickly...

TBH you could load it with a higher weight... and you might well be ok... until something goes wrong in front of you and you have to swerve... then you'll probably find out their reasoning!

I'd have though something that big would have a decent amount of room inside without having to use a roof box... or is it true that these SUVs are that bad for interior space?
Santa Fe max roof load - Altea Ego
whether the car falls over is something I can have some influence over most of
the time.

Ah thats the problem you see. you dont have any influence over the laws of physics. Loosing my roofbox is the least of my worries. In fact at some time in the future its possible you may wish it had parted company earlier.

05 Low maximum roof load - doctorchris
Looks like Hyundai are being ultra-cautious.
Why don't you load the roof as you would normally and if the car does not immediately turn into a convertible then drive away cautiously, as you would anyway with a load on the roof.
05 Low maximum roof load - Bagpuss
It's almost certainly Hyundai being overcautious. In the US there are various class action lawsuits ongoing against SUV manufacturers after their owners managed to roll them over, so you can't really blame Hyundai for adopting this approach.

I found the following quote on one of the many US ambulance chasing websites advising people on their legal rights:

"Sport utility vehicles have the highest rate of deaths occurring in rollovers. Cars such as the Ford Explorer, Toyota 4 Runner, Isuzu Rodeo, and Honda Passport have been involved in SUV rollovers that have ended up in serious injuries and death. SUV rollovers are almost three times more likely to occur than the average passenger car, and government tests indicate the most stable SUV is still more unstable than the most unstable car."
05 Low maximum roof load - Number_Cruncher
>>It's almost certainly Hyundai being overcautious.

None of us can possibly know if Hyundai are being overcautious, prudent, or cavalier - without any access to the vehicle dynamic model, and handling test results, none of us can say with certainty what effect placing mass high up on the vehicle will have.

Even MB were caught out by the Elk test.

The only guidance that has any standing is Hyundai's own recommendation, as given in the vehicle's manual, and the OP is being unwise if he goes beyond it.

05 Low maximum roof load - BrianV
Hi all,

Thanks for all the responses and opinions.

However I'm still keen to get some facts if I can.

Anyone know a way to send a message to Hyundai Engineering ?


05 Low maximum roof load - Number_Cruncher
>>Anyone know a way to send a message to Hyundai Engineering ?

Should raise a laugh!

05 Low maximum roof load - Altea Ego
>>Anyone know a way to send a message to Hyundai Engineering ?
Should raise a laugh!

I wouldnt send a note to Hyundai Engineering, they make ships. Big Ones.


Mr Mong-Koo Chung
Hyundai Motor Company
231, Yangjae-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, 137-938, Korea
Phone 82.2.3464.1114

05 Low maximum roof load - Bagpuss
Anyone know a way to send a message to Hyundai Engineering ?

European Technical Headquarters:

Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center GmbH
65428 Ruesselsheim

I would be surprised if they gave you anything in writing that differed from the technical specifications in the owner's manual.

Edited by Bagpuss on 21/01/2009 at 17:21

05 Low maximum roof load - BrianV
Thanks for the address.

05 Low maximum roof load - malden blue
I had two Santa Fe's on 6 month leases, superb cars
05 Low maximum roof load - the swiss tony
I think.... IF the OP ignored the manufactures weight limits, he would find his self uninsured.......

that to me is good enough reason not to do it.