afternoon folks, the blower motor on my sisters megane has started playing up again. it started a few months ago with the well known issue of the wipers coming on if you turned the heaters on, this was fixed by bypassing the two earths in the connector block in the drivers footwell.
now the heater motor is playing up again, after some more investigating i've found that the problem appears to lie in a relay board under the wiper motor next to the battery, i conclude this as if you turn the fan on then wiggle the connectors on this board then the blower jumps into life so im presuming a loose connection somewhere, ive had the connectors apart and sprayed them with contact cleaner this helped for awhile but i decided the board couldn't be removed without removing the wiper motor which i haven't had time to do.
now what im actually asking is has anyone come across this problem before? secondly is it a known renault failing, if so what is the fix? what else do the units on this board control? (i ask this as the car has some other strange going on's which im convinced may be electrical failings)
Edited by Pugugly on 04/01/2009 at 17:00