Fabric hood on convertible - barney100
Any advice on fabric hoods? I have to leave my car out in all weathers and as this is my first convertible I don't how the weather will affect it.

Edited by rtj70 on 13/12/2008 at 14:10

Fabric hood on convertible - rtj70
What made/model/year.

Edited by rtj70 on 13/12/2008 at 12:08

Fabric hood on convertible - barney100
It'sa Merc clk 2000
Fabric hood on convertible - bbroomlea{P}
Ensure you waterproof it regularly and keep it clean it will last for years. I use autoglym on my TFs roof and its great. Renavo is also very good.

My roof is grey and not easy to keep clean but keeping it well waterproofed makes it easier!
Fabric hood on convertible - Surrey_Scientist

Buy a cover to put over the car whenyou are not using it - this will help immeasurably.

Halfords Tyvek cover is the best I found - its expensive at £75 but is breathable.

DONT buya cover thats not breathable - you will gete mould and mildew on the cover and inside the car.

One of the biuggest probs I found is sun-damage fading the hood, as well as algae growing in it. The cover will stop both of those by keeping off the sun and keeping it dry.

I also have some dessicant containers inside as well, as mine is not used very often.
Fabric hood on convertible - Armitage Shanks {p}
Be very quick to remove any bird p## from the hood; any is bad and seagull's is really toxic!
Fabric hood on convertible - Avant
The BMW specialist who sold me my Z3 suggested some stuff you can get in Millets or other camping shops to protect tents. I haven't got round to it yet as the car is garaged but I will try to remember to have a look.

He also suggested rubbing Vaseline on the rubber seals to stop them getting too dry.