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1998 1.6 starter relay - paul. eden
i am having starting problems with my S reg van. does any one know where i can find the starter relay?

Edited by Webmaster on 10/12/2008 at 01:11

1998 1.6 starter relay - elekie&a/c doctor
If I recall ,there is no starter relay fitted to this model.The crank signal is direct from the ignition switch to the starter.Switch is a common problem on these.hth
1998 1.6 starter relay - paul. eden
thanks i would not have looked there unfortunatly it as not solved my problem van was working fine then got in and nothing at alll when i turned key no click nothing i took the starter off and on bench it worked fine. put it back on and worked for a day then same problem nothing when i turned the key but i also noticed the heater plugs was not clicking after light went out then after a few minutes it just started. worked for a day and then nothing again any ideas ?

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 10/12/2008 at 18:51