Hi folks, request from all you mechanical gurus, Some friends have a 2.5 petrol Cherokee which suddenly won't start. Have traced the problem to the distributor, changed cap and arm but it appears that the problem is on the lt side. Lots of welly from the coil, big sparks, but no welly through the cap to the ht leads. changed all leads, but no difference. Traced 3 wires to the dizzy, black w/ purple +11 volts with ignition on and 2 orange w/black which seem to do nothing any suggestions would be most gratefully received.
Are you sure you have a good spark from the coil? If it was the internal part are the distributor you wouldn't have a spark.
Hi there, yup, big spark from coil when tested against engine and body but nothing when tested aganst the dizzy cap! Odd aint it!
Do you mean you are testing the coil by powering it and then breaking the circuit to make it spark?It would appear to be a Hall effect distributor and it is not triggering the coil.You need a new one.
I was afraid you would say that, thanks for the advice, have a nice day.
how are you testing it? if you are cranking it and have a spark then the hall sensor is working. The hall sensors don't give much trouble on these it's more crank sensors that fail on the bell housing.
Why would there be a Hall and a crank position sensor?The hall triggers the coil doesn't it?
It has a cranksensor for engine speed TDC possition and a hall sensor in the distributor is a cam sensor for cam possition.
Thanks for the advice, any idea where I could get a crank sensor apart from Chrysler?