Guess where this is and what`s happening - oilrag
Several clues in this photo ;)

1) What is happening?
2) Where is the location?
3) What are the clues (in the pic - not my habits ;) that lead to your conclusion?

Answers after 8pm tonight.

Guess where this is and what`s happening - teabelly
1) You have just broken down and are awaiting to go aboard the recovery vehicle.
2) Somewhere flat - norfolk, lincolnshire
3) The land is flat, it is a punto and there is a recovery truck!

Did your power steering fail by any chance as that happened to me with a borrowed punto of similar vintage?
Guess where this is and what`s happening - daveyjp
That has the looks of the rolling Yorkshire Wolds to me - A166? Wetwang, Sledmere area - were you off to Brid for some winter sunshine perhaps?
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Altea Ego
I was about to say it looks like the licolnshire wolds. Whats that corner of a square object near the car? its not a hedge. The driver is still in the Fiat i think.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - PST
I don't think it's a recovery truck - the ramps are too steep and the Punto wouldn't have the power/traction to get up them and the weight would probably be too much. Also, although the countryside is flat, it's not that flat so less Lincolnshire, more like Essex.

So, I deduce you're in Essex and you've just had a quad bike delivered. It's in the middle of nowhere because you suspect this might be embarrasing.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - efad
1) car being dumped / stolen

2) Cambs somewhere

3) It looks more like a workmans tipper truck than a garage / brackdown truck

No one in sight (are they hiding from the camera)

Its definitly somewhere flat
Guess where this is and what`s happening - oldnotbold
It's in Belgium/France, outside a Commonwealth Graves cemetery. You are visiting as a contractor is working with his mowers.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Number_Cruncher
With the Punto overdue its weekly sump greasing, Oilrag sees the ramps behind the landscaping contractor's van, and is about to take advantage of the opportunity.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - gmac
1) What is happening?

OP has sold his soul to a scamera partnership and offered his vehicle as a home to required hardware.
2) Where is the location?

3) What are the clues (in the pic - not my habits ;) that lead
to your conclusion?

Staged roadside setup.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - scotmech
Mechanic arrives with a van to repair Pick-up truck that was left previously ...

After repair ... with no one to drive truck he proceeds to load van on truck to return to base ...

There appears to be a winch on the truck ...

Location I am in Scotland it does not appear Scottish ...
Guess where this is and what`s happening - smokie
1) No idea
2) In the layby outside someone's house (nice hedging) in Holland - arent' they windmills on the horizon?
3) as above
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Screwloose

Nobody buys a newish dropside to do recovery - yet there are beacons and stripes on the sides.. [Does it say "Motorway Maintenance" on the open tailgate?]

The skids are off an Ifor Williams - but are too close to load a car.

I'd say something has been unloaded; [to do with that odd building/clipped tree?] the ropes and the tree debris [?] in the Punto might suggest tree surgeons - a shredder?

There's a very large dip in front of the truck....

As to where; those road markings look odd - Ireland?

So they were trimming the tree; went for a tea-break and someone nicked their shredder off the truck?
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Alanovich
The countryside and the spire in the distance give me a real feeling of rural Northern France, if so the Fiat is visiting from the UK as it's RHD. I'd guess the Fiat has broken down and the works flat bed has been sent over from the UK as a cheap recovery option.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Bagpuss
1) No idea.
2) Northern France, Holland or Belgium.
3) No cats eyes in the road, so probably not UK. Also, pick up seems to have rear light clusters set up for LHD with reversing light on the right and fog light on the left.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - zookeeper
is it a speed camera?
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Armitage Shanks {p}
Nothing is happening - the picture is a still!

By the landscape I would say somewhere in UK, South of the Humber and probably East of the A1 but other clues suggest abroad.

I can't see any windmills

I have never seen a Punto van like that, in UK and I think Bagpuss is right re the reversing light on the van,

I have not seen a gravelled lay-by on a public road, in UK, and it seems to be outside a private house (well clipped hedge and some sort of building on the left of the pic.

I await the answers to see how wrong I am!
Guess where this is and what`s happening - FotheringtonThomas
It's not here.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - skorpio
Its a stunt by Top Gear. Hammond is about to race the Punto up the ramps and smash through the cab of the truck, however Clarkson is inside the cab and he has to attempt to record the rest of the series minus his head.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Screwloose

There could be some mileage in the Northern France idea. A neat gravel lay-by and such well kept trees/hedges might suggest a WW1 CWGC cemetery?

And is that spire on the horison the one on top of the Somme[?] Memorial?

Is that the river Somme, of a tributary, in the dip?
Guess where this is and what`s happening - zookeeper
the white car is right hand drive and the lay by is on the left suggesting british road , so im ruling out europe if that helps
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Bromptonaut
Agree with others possibly Northern France and a war graves site. The flat bed's livery and beacons are similar to those on French road or grounds maintenance machines.

The pylon design and hint of a large windfarm on the far horizon are also consistent with Northern France.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 19/11/2008 at 14:35

Guess where this is and what`s happening - theterranaut
I'm thinking...

This is probably Ireland. Right hand drive Punto van, and note the blue flash on the LHS of the number plate?

The ramps on the lowloader are too narrowly placed to accomodate the car, so something with a smaller track got on/off there. Maybe a motor mower? You can see the LHS 'flap' at the back of the loader has extended over the 'hedge'.

And the strange green squared-off thing? Is it the edge of a maze?

Could it be Dunbrody Abbey, Wexford?

Either that or...crop circle creators in action?

Guess where this is and what`s happening - rogue-trooper
Location - not England. There are no hedgerows and there are too many different crops in the fields on view to be the British way of farming. Possibly northern France/Belgium.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - bathtub tom
>>the lay by is on the left

Not if it's across the channel, it's on the right!

IIRC oilrag's mentioned his van before, and it's 'unpainted bumpers'.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - billy25
looks like councils parks and gardens department have unloaded thier machine (agree with the mower/shredder idea) and just trimmed the hedge, the heap of cuttings can be seen at end of layby, Windmill type things on left horizon look like the maze of pylons in an electric generating/substation, there appears to be a nat/grid power line coming out of it, the "spire" type thing on right horizon could be power station chimney.
It's Summer, the field is in the process of being Forage Harvested, the square object in left corner is back part of Silage trailer.Van (Oilrags?)is parked there whilst he got out to take photo, looks like Devon to me.

Guess where this is and what`s happening - pmh2

definitely in Northern France. Photo taken on 13/5 and oilrag went across the channel on 11/5.

He covered approx 280 miles round trip in France (round trip of 800 miles from W Yorks).

To stick my neck out and I have to pick a location lets say L'Ovillers Military Cemetery! North of Albert.

What is going on? Track width of ramps, definitely not a car - how about grass cutting?

Edited by pmh2 on 19/11/2008 at 17:31

Guess where this is and what`s happening - woodster
It's about to be stolen, or was about to be stolen, and the thieves were disturbed. Location is Hastingwood, Nr. Epping, Essex. (Well, generalisations like 'France' are hardly prizewinners, are they?) Clues: Er, looks like a member of the travelling community type truck.... what use is there for those amber lights?

Edited by Webmaster on 20/11/2008 at 00:15

Guess where this is and what`s happening - zookeeper
is it the concord flight crashing , just before?
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Clanger
Just out of shot is the police BMW motorcycle which has flagged down the Punto van for having an unreadable registration plate, or for dropping excess oil on the highway, or for both offences. The Punto driver, probably terrified and spreadeagled on the ground nearby, has no black insulating tape or a black marker pen with which to recreate a legible plate so the van is being confiscated by a private contractor more used to dealing with quad bikes, is about to be recovered to a police pound and will subsequently (following removal of the valuable rear light clusters, wiper and wheel trims) be crushed.

The location is, of course, the Lake District, probably near Kendal.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - rtj70
"The location is, of course, the Lake District, probably near Kendal. "

Yes I can see the hills now ;-)

I still think it's somewhere in northern France - I think I recall oldgit going to see war graves earlier this year but could be wrong. Not sure about the rest but something small came off the back of the truck.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Falkirk Bairn
5 miles from St Andrews on Sunday
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Nsar
1. Someone is taking a photo of two vehicles
2. By the side of a road
3. It's a roadside photo of two vehicles

Guess where this is and what`s happening - Spospe
A cheap remake of "the Italian Job" somewhere in the Fens.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Lud
Tee hee oilrag.

Now they are swarming, positively swarming out of the woodwork.

Of course I recognised this thread straight away as your own version of that (rather boring actually, if worthy) thing I saw last night on the box in which three middleweight shrinkos got it 60% wrong about a fairly standard group of British not-quite-nutters-for-the-most-part-if-nothing-goes-too-pearshaped.

I do think though that as car enthusiasts we here are a bit of a soft target. My own informed guess is that the photo was shot on planet Zorg, orbiting B/58793 in a galaxy so far away that we have not seen it and never will, not by the interpretation of normal wave disturbances anyway.

Unfortunate really, because most of Zorg's roads are as empty as British ones in the fifties, and primitive cart-sprung rigid-rear-axle 1.5 litre V12 lightweight Ferrari barchettas, almost identical to earth ones, are as cheap as chips, as is leaded five-star petrol (or 'Ambrosia' as the locals call it).
Guess where this is and what`s happening - woodster
Do I really have to wait until 8 O'clock? I want to get on with things. , this is unbearable, it's worse than waiting for my Christmas presents. I bet the answer's really boring anyway.... Did I tell you I'm only 12 and I'm really quite petulant. Still, no-one's caught me speeding yet....

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 19/11/2008 at 23:55

Guess where this is and what`s happening - woodster
It would have been more fun if you'd run it as a 'Guess what happens next?' type competition, with a prize for the wittiest answer. Perhaps we could do that until 8p.m.?
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Fullchat
Its in this country. Van is right hand drive.
Its early summer.
Road is running west to east as we are looking at it. (position of the sun).
Doubt its Sledmere, Wewang area of Yorkshire Wolds its too flat.
There are growing green crops in some fields and no crops in others (Spring?)

Tried some lateral thinking but failed.

Oh come on 8 o clock!

Guess where this is and what`s happening - the swiss tony
taps on desk... waiting for 8.00........
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Mchenry
The vehicle is probably being used by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission to transport one or more large mowers.
I don't think it's the Somme, not hilly enough. It appears further north, Bapaume, Arras, Cambrai areas
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Altea Ego
clearly he had lost his watch and was looking for it - its now 20:04
Guess where this is and what`s happening - gmac
He did say answers AFTER 8pm tonight.
10pm is after 8pm as is 25 Dec. 2010 !!!
Guess where this is and what`s happening - the swiss tony
he is sat here... tapping F5 and laughing at us!
Guess where this is and what`s happening - oilrag
Oldnotbold was first - but this is as near as it gets for completeness

Step forward PMH2 - almost forensic analysis....Quote

"definitely in Northern France. Photo taken on 13/5 and oilrag went across the channel on 11/5.
He covered approx 280 miles round trip in France (round trip of 800 miles from W Yorks).
To stick my neck out and I have to pick a location lets say L'Ovillers Military Cemetery! North of Albert."
What is going on? Track width of ramps, definitely not a car - how about grass cutting?"

It WAS a grass cutting operation- that`s High Wood on the right, London Cemetery on the left - green block topiary/ hedge and I think the spire may be in Albert.

Hope you all enjoyed the thread - I did ;)
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Happy Blue!
Do you go to France to cut grass? I know its a War Cemetery, but can't locals do it?

Good thread mind!
Guess where this is and what`s happening - oilrag
View to the right, looking into High Wood.

tap tap... anyone still there reading this? or is Come Dancing on again...Oh, Its the England V Germany football match..... ;)

Edited by oilrag on 19/11/2008 at 20:51

Guess where this is and what`s happening - billy25
No! Sorry, tis Devon, tis Silage time, they've just cut the hedge! - me wins!!!

Guess where this is and what`s happening - oilrag
Sorry, Espada, I should have said I `encountered` a grass cutting operation.

The van`s just used privately - not as a commercial vehicle.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - oilrag
We usually go to bed in Yorkshire at 9pm - so that`s it.
I will try to do another `quiz` in a few days.

Guess where this is and what`s happening - pmh2
Action stage left - Step forward and take a bow! ;)

I think that the spire in the distance is probably in Martinpuich and the photo is taken looking towards the NE.

oilrag - is this the correct place?

I must get out more!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess where this is and what`s happening - oilrag
You`re pretty scary pmh2 ;)

Yes, correct ;);)

Guess where this is and what`s happening - pmh2

The church in the distance! But it took some finding!


Edited by pmh2 on 19/11/2008 at 21:21

Guess where this is and what`s happening - Armitage Shanks {p}
Thanks oilrag - that was a lot of fun! Perhaps something along these lines, and the caption competition, will feature, from time to time, if HJ and the mods think it is OK and not a waste of bandwidth.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - smokie
Well speaking a backroomer (i.e. not a mod) I think it was a great idea and worked well. Made a refreshing change from doom, gloom and pedantry!!

I can't think that similar would cause any problems but Dave is more aware of potential issues.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - Fullchat
pmh2. Even the crops on the aerial photo are the same as the original one!
Guess where this is and what`s happening - oilrag
"if HJ and the mods think it is OK and not a waste of bandwidth."

Hi Armitage,

I had previously - sort of - asked permission to illustrate threads with photos. These photos are all on my own website and not here - so bandwidth should not be an issue for the Forum.

Of course with my new pictorial skills I could (for example) take shots of the engine and be serious about it, but sometimes the threads that seemingly get bitter and gloating and so on - turn me off participating.

The surreal threads, posts and `poetry` (to use the term lightly ;) I did previously were all attempts at humour and often inserted into threads to try to `lighten` things.

Now, with FTP - and Irfanview (thanks oldnotbold) worked out - and with the spare time during the day due to retirement - I thought this may be a way of creating a little humour, lateral thinking and entertainment - motoring related - for those of us who want an alternative to `heavy` discussion and so called `badge snorting` ;)

I would be grateful if HJ/Mods and forum members - could give me feedback as I don`t want to cause problems.


Edited by oilrag on 20/11/2008 at 08:45

Guess where this is and what`s happening - tobyjug
The photo has been edited, so no-one could possibly get the correct answer. Its just not genuine.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - commerdriver
lighten up it was IMO a good idea and a bit of fun.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - oilrag
Its a genuine photo - the only editing was to put it through Irfanview to reduce the image size - as previously suggested.
Guess where this is and what`s happening - oldnotbold
And now I will admit to using what the Army would call intelligence:

I had seen oilrag's first test pic, which was taken from inside a War Graves Cemetery, perhaps the same one, and I also recalled a thread about a visit to the area. I Googled "oilrag War Graves" and found the thread, and then composed my answer.

Sad, I know!
Guess where this is and what`s happening - oilrag
Nearly oldnotbold ;)

The test pic was taken on the later, September trip at Sanctuary Wood though.

Edited by oilrag on 20/11/2008 at 11:23