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FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photos? - oilrag
What are Mod`s and HJ`s rules or views on this?

It turns out that I have 50 megs of space of my own with our ISP. Enough to put photo`s illustrating a thread online via Tinyurl.
Typical photo`s would be 3.25mb and I wouldn`t want to mess about reducing the size and quality - as they would be going onto my own site. (+don`t have software)

They say a picture paints a thousand words - you could see the greased sump and subframes ;) or even very detailed shots of battlefields - trenches and so on - as I motored through them.

I would leave shots on my site for a few days to a week or so, maybe longer - and remove ready for others to take their place when interest in the thread diminishes and it drops off the second place.

What about the URL`s though? Would those Tinyurl URL`s then point to new pictures not relevant to the earlier thread?

Anyway, It was just a thought, I`m not really that bothered either way, but just thought it may add a little interest.


Edited by Pugugly on 17/11/2008 at 21:53

FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photo`s? - Pugugly
Personally can't see a problem, it'll be a Photobucket, Flickr type experience won't it ? Post one up !
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photo`s? - oilrag
"Photobucket, Flickr type experience won't it ?"

Yes. I was just worried about leaving dead links when I removed them.

If I can get to grips with FTP Commander again PU - its been a few years..;)

FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photo`s? - PhilW
There is also
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photo`s? - Dynamic Dave
or www.imageshack.us/ (or one of the other many free hosted picture websites)
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photo`s? - oilrag
Thanks Phil and Dave.

Didn`t notice your posts as I was `suffering` with FTP trying to remember how to do name files.

Anyway, here is a test pick, guess where?

Will leave this test pic up for 24 hours or so - it`s Ok to delete the thread then if you wish Mods

FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photo`s? - Pugugly
Nice to see the trusty Fiat !
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photo`s? - oilrag
Ever the roamer ;)
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photo`s? - oilrag
Now the same link above is something else ;)
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photo`s? - Pugugly
Was that Mrs Oilrag trying to get a signal on her phone ?
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photo`s? - Pugugly
Sanctuary Wood ?
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photo`s? - Manatee
Oilrag, if you do want to use your own space, 3MB is far too big a file - some of us on 'broadband' have to live with 500Kbs, let alone the dial up members ;-) It's also quite likely that if you upload the photos at full pixel size (other than to a picture site that will re-size automatically) we'll be viewing about 10% of your picture and scrolling around trying to figure out what it is! An 800 pixel wide 200KB picture is fine for most purposes on a screen.

Resizing is easy - try Picasa3 (free) from Google, you can 'export' pictures in any pixel width and quality, and the files will reduce to manageable size. You should also have fun playing with the program if you don't have any photo editing software at all.

Edit - while I was being interrupted writing this I see you uploaded a picture - thankfully reduced in width!

Edited by Manatee on 17/11/2008 at 22:22

FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photo`s? - Manatee
(reduced in width by Firefox that is - still a rather slow download for me).
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photo`s? - oilrag
PU, Yes and Yes ;)

Manitee - I don`t really know what I`m doing with the pics. I`m at the level of a monkey in a zoo, being handed a spanner and told to get on with servicing that ferrari that`s just been wheeled in.
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photos? - Bilboman
There would be more space to illustrate threads with photos if the thread headings were not drowning in unnecessary apostrophes:
one photo
two photos
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photos? - oilrag
I might be a terror with the unnecessary apostrophes - but I `ve managed 196 threads in two years, rather than 22 in four.

(written with warmth and intended humour)

Edited by oilrag on 18/11/2008 at 16:08

FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photos? - Lud
Well oilrag, I am too late and your link told me sternly that I am forbidden to see that site.
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photos? - oilrag
Sorry Lud, still working on the website address, be up again soon with a new URL ;)
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photos? - jbif
As Pugugly asked "Was that Mrs Oilrag trying to get a signal on her phone ? " , I think Mrs Hoilyraggy has forbidden her photos being viewed by dirty old car mechanics, as they were too raunchy for a site supported by the Torygraph.

FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photos? - Lud
the Torygraph.

Watch out jbif. I have been censored for calling it the Terrorflag... funny they don't seem to mind Grauniad, Indescribablyboring, the Dirty Digger and other pet names. Can't understand it.

FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photos? - oilrag
Her`e`s that pic guys ;)


FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photos? - Baskerville
Seriously, learn how to resize them and reduce the quality a bit--nobody will notice but it will be a lot quicker. You may also find that your ISP has a bandwidth limit on that (very slow) webserver you are using and if there is a sudden click-storm from here it will go offline very quickly. Download Picasa3 and get yourself a Google Picasa or Flickr account. I find the combination of Picasa3 and Google's online Picasa service is excellent, though Flickr is better from a presentation point of view. Picasa3 synchronises any changes you make to a given offline folder with its equivalent online. Easy peasy.
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photos? - oilrag
Hi Baskerville,

I had a look at Google Pica- but the conditions you seemingly had to agree to freaked me out ;)

It only takes a few seconds with FTP Commander to flip photos onto my own site and I have total control of it - I prefer that.

Thanks though for the advice, will continue to look into it.

Edited by oilrag on 18/11/2008 at 17:05

FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photos? - rtj70
On a 10Mbit/s link those photos take a few seconds to load...don't benefit from the higher resolution or bit depth. You could compress them more too probably.
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photos? - oldnotbold
Download Irfanview www.irfanview.com - free, and then use Image -> resize -> set new size, and I'd suggest about 750 pixels on the long side, and it'll fill in the rest for you.
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photos? - oilrag
Sorry for the current image size.

Irfanview looks just right, Thanks oldnotbold - will download it and experiment tomorrow.
FAO HJ&Mods - Illustrating threads with photos? - oilrag
Irfanview did the job,

Thanks oldnotbold and to everyone else for the advice and prompting to sort it ;)

Finished with this thread now.


Edited by oilrag on 19/11/2008 at 08:39