02 2.0 dual mass flywheel - clutch problem? - taxijan
can a faulty dmf give me an intermittent clutch problem. HELP

{header made less vague - hopefully}

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 12/11/2008 at 09:44

02 2.0 dual mass flywheel - clutch problem? - Saltrampen
One of the tests for a fualty DMF is press clutch pedal down when idling and listen for a rattle, once it becomes loud enough to be heard over the engine, it is on the way out, although may rattle for ages before failure. If you have a diesel, may not hear it until it is on it very last legs....
02 2.0 dual mass flywheel - clutch problem? - tony@tooting
It would be a help to know exactly what your intermittent clutch fault is........
02 2.0 dual mass flywheel - clutch problem? - taxijan
well it is just that, drives fine. Then suddenley gearshift becomes increasingly tight, then impossible to move. Have to stop the car, engage gear, depress clutch and start. Sometimes its ok, sometimes its not. An intermittent clutch. Sometimes there, sometimes not. Last happened yesterday, not for 800 miles before that, then again today. Have had all the usual stuff done.