I paid for a car in July this year. It had a fault with the remote locking. This was supposed to be fixed at a local Mercedes main dealer. It wasn't taken there in the end and after 4 months I am still waiting for my car.
I see that I am not allowed to name the garage here. But please take the time to read my blog at sorry - still naming and shaming and see how they have treated me.
Edited by Pugugly on 08/11/2008 at 20:47
I know this will sound like an old war story, but I promise you it's true. Couple years back a mate had real trouble with his wife's car's folding roof over many, many months. His local dealer was useless and not interested, which when you think he'd paid over £40k for it, specced up, was unforgivable.
His solution was to drive to the manufacturer's UK HQ, which I think from memory was in Milton Keynes, park the car right o/s legally and unfurl an enormous great banner moaning about the dreadful service and poor product...(he showed me a copy of it he'd filmed on his mobile phone, the banner was twice the size of the car and there he was all smart in his suit)
took a few hours, but eventually someone really senior noticed and after that it was a piece of cake.....they took his car back and swapped it for a new one..(but not before the local dealer tried to charge him for the difference).
six months or so after he had the new one, which has been fine, someone wrote to him as they had been sold his old one...via a main dealer.. and was still having problems with it. After he offered to be a witness in a civil court case to this new buyer they swapped it for him as well..but presumably that car is still out there somewhere giving someone problems.
To get to the point, it's time for 'no more Mr Nice Guy' I'd suggest.
Interesting Westpig.
My Dad did something similar as long ago as 1963. He had bought a Ford Zephyr 6. It gave him no end of bother. Eventually, when on a business trip to that neck of the woods he drove to the Dagenham site. Wandered into reception at the main building and politely asked if he could have a word with the MD. The receptionist was about to head him off at the pass when a gentleman standing nearby asked if he could be of help. Turned out that he was in fact the MD who had happened to be in reception at the that exact moment. They had a pleasant but firm exchange of views in his office. Upshot was that father was driven round to the end of the production line and invited to choose a replacement car. Having done that it was delivered to his dealer in Edinburgh the following week and exchanged for his rogue one.
Interestingly the "new" one was never a moments bother. I always wondered if it received a particularly thorough pre delivery inspection.
Actually, that's rubbish, I didn't give it a thought at the time as I was an infant. What I mean is, upon later reflection I wondered.......