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Good tyres in the wet - hillman
The Telegraph is running an road test article on the Goodyear 'Optigrip'.
What is the educated BR view ??


no harm in posting a direct link in view of the paper involved

Edited by Pugugly on 07/11/2008 at 21:10

Good tyres in the wet - L'escargot
I'm sure Goodyear will be competent at testing tyres. I see no reason to doubt the validity of the results.

Edited by L'escargot on 08/11/2008 at 07:46

Good tyres in the wet - hillman
Goodyear are a premier manufacturer, granted, but do any other manufs have anything similar ? I always used to use use Michelin X, which always gave me excellent service. The only time I came unstuck was during a journet in Zululand when the tyre shredded. It was after about a 100 miles on gravel roads, and in sight of the tar road. Then again, although it was not worn out it was one of a set that had done a substantially high mileage on bad roads.
Good tyres in the wet - MikeTorque
Excellent results, pity the report didn't mention noise and comfort levels for the Optigrip.
Good tyres in the wet - Hamsafar
I'm sure someone else already does this, maybe Kumho? I remember reading about it over a year ago, maybe it was about Goodyears early developments? One concern of mine, me having a gravel drive would be gravel getting stuck in the treads as they are internally pented and would really lock a stone in place.
Good tyres in the wet - oilrag
"Against the equivalent" Equivalent in what? Price? size? cost? colour?

If it`s the latter, couldn`t the equivalent (technically) be a `Nutto-gibbly` off a 1932 wheelbarrow and still be OK as described?

I would be more impressed with these things if manufacturers compared the new product with their own current top of the line tyre range. Thereby removing any possible Mystic Meg factor - in not knowing exactly what its being measured against.