Some way down the line on this one, now!
The car developed a new problem - it just wouldn't idle, but stalled every time you took your foot off the throttle.
I used a very scientific way of solving the problem: I started replacing bits in order of how expensive they were! So, first on was the temperature sensor, which seemed to make a slight difference, but not much. Next was the idle control valve, which has made a difference - the car certainly starts and idles much more happily.
But it still seems to do that traditional Saxo thing of - sometimes - not idling when warm.
So I'm into Phase II! First has been the realisation that split or leaky vacuum hoses are a bit of a regular issue for Saxos, so I've replaced them, and am quietly hoping that that has made a difference. Also, we had a new exhaust fitted, which sounds a lot like it's blowing, although I can't see/hear any obvious site of a leak. I'd imagine that an exhaust leak could well have an effect on how the engine runs - any thoughts welcome, although I am going to fix it anyway...