I need a bit of help. My 2002 (52 reg) 1.8 tdci (100) looses power every now and again, always within the first half mile of a journey. It is accompanied by lots of smoke and if I try and accelerate a twittering noise similar to the waste gates you hear on rally cars (at least that?s what I think it is). This lasts for a 10-15 seconds and then disappears. Any ideas?
Edited by Dynamic Dave on 24/10/2008 at 13:20
The loss of power has not happened in the last couple of weeks but I doubt it has cured itself.
Is the smoke blue or black? Lots of BLACK smoke suggests there isn't enough air getting into the engine which suggests that perhaps turbo boost is too low. I'd start looking for boost leaks, especially check the intercooler hoses aren not leaking (oil spray reveals this).
Blue smoke suggests the turbo oil seals are worn and leaking oil into the intake. The odd noises you are hearing could indicate the turbo bearing is knackered and/or the impeller is hitting something.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
It happened again yesterday about half mile from my house.
I think the smoke is black, what I can't understand is why it happens shortly after starting a trip and why it clears after a few seconds. I would have thought if it was any of your ideas it would happen more often if not all the time. The noise is not a metalic sound and I have never had to add oil between services.
I had this exact same problem with the same model car, it was a problem with the oil sealents, this in turn though lead to various other things including the turbo going which proved expensive, over £1000, the actual oil sealents was the cherap bit to get fixed
Only other things I've heard of which can be a problem with these engines is the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve sticking. This recirculates a proportion of the exhaust gases into the inlet manifold. If the valve sticks open (due to soot/gunk in the exhaust) then excessive amounts of exhaust gases are recirculated leads to smoky running and loss of power. Don't know why it would occur on cold starts only, unless when cold the valve sticks but as it warms up it frees up? Apparently Ford changed the desing of this part and laters ones are less susceptible to jamming up.
ERG valve wiring - check it hasn't broken, should be 3 wires.
Ref "ERG valve wiring - check it hasn't broken, should be 3 wires".
The EGR valve used on this vehicle is vacuum operated, and controlled by a solenoid valve, which I am pretty certain has only 2 wires. (Proportional control being achieved by mark/space ratio DC current).
Well just had mine fixed and there are 3 wires going to it. My engine is the Endura 2001 focus so might be older engine.
Thanks for your advice, the EGR sounds a likely candidate, or least it's some where to start. The loss of power has not happened recently, but it's only a matter of time before it does.