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Pug 205 Junior 1L Stalling and Flat Spot - Millay
Hi all

Ive just brought a d reg pug 205 junior 1l and its got a small problem, when I go to pull off theres a bg flat spot before anything happens, and then sometimes, it just dies on me when im coasting, ive heard this talked about on this forum, and aparently its a common problem. but nobody has said what the problem is and how to go about fixing it.

Any ideas greatfully received.

Cheers in advance

Pug 205 Junior 1L Stalling and Flat Spot - RichardW
Funny, I have been battling with similar problems on a Citroen Visa, which shares the same 'laid back' engine.

Have you run a full tank of clean fuel through it? If it's been stood for a while the fuel will be NBG.

Flat spot is possible caused by the accelerator pump not working (mine was blocked up) - does the engine cough when you dab the throttle? Stalling when coasting is probably blocked idle jet on the carb. Suggest you get the carb off and strip and clean it out. Then fit a new fuel filter and hoses so it doesn't get full of c**p again.

Then you need to check / change the plugs/HT leads/ dist cap/rotor arm/points (if fitted). Then set up the timing and check that the vacuum advance is working, and that there isn't an air leak from the vac advance hose or brake servo hose. Then you might want to consider checking the valve clearances.

If you still haven't cured it by then, then I'm lost. I'm about to get mine started again and see if the carb clean out has done the trick (all electrics already replaced, but not checked the timing yet).

Pug 205 Junior 1L Stalling and Flat Spot - Richard Hall
Richard, I'd agree with you about cleaning the carburettor. The single choke Solex is a simple little beast but seems prone to blocked jets - probably made worse by the fuel hose from the filter to the carb starting to break up internally due to old age. I managed to clean out the carb on my old AX without removing it - just remove the top cover from the carb, (very carefully, so you don't damage the sealing gasket) and you can get to all the jets.

Richard Hall