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Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - oilrag
Changed your approach to cars and everything motoring related?

Almost 2 years in my case.

1) I`ve learnt a lot from Technical and as a result am more open to small petrol engines than before - FAP, common rail problems and so on. Screwloose and others providing an education

2) I feel better towards BMW`s and wouldn`t rule out owning one at some point.

3) While some Japanese cars are surely good, the seeming tendency of some owners to praise their own, ignore any threads about faults with it, yet seemingly gloat at faults posted about other marques...

If you post a problem with a particular marque, with all of the associated distress, financial loss and disruption, the last thing you need it someone telling you the marque is rubbish and that you should have bought the same as them.

Why does it matter at all what marque someone has bought, when people are so interesting and at times so vulnerable?

You don`t snort at other peoples shoes going through town do you? So why not more respect for other peoples choice of car? Help and sympathise with the problem. Don`t whip them when they are down.

Those are my thoughts two years on. I`m quite tired of `ready nasty` and wish there were more of a camerarderie.


Edited by oilrag on 03/10/2008 at 09:33

Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - nick
I can't say I've noticed this only from owners of japanese cars.

I don't think the BR has changed me apart from a broadening of technical knowledge and a reinforcement of a previously held belief to ignore non-fact-based opinion.
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - George Porge
Its not changed me in the slightest (I followed Oldman here), I don't post often but vew most days. I like VAG stuff which for me has been reliable enough in the past, I get my hands dirty and know where to source the parts and advice when needed, when something that rarelly goes wrong does everyones headscratching, a car with known faults can sometimes be a blessing in disguise.

As cars become more technically advanced they become more troublesome, some of the Jap brands are less reliable than 10 years ago when they were head and shoulders above the rest.

For more than half of my 41 years I've been a VAG fan, aircooled at first, I may one day buy a Honda in the future, but not just yet.


Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - Dog
I could say it hasn't changed me in any way as I've been a car fan-atic for nigh on 40 years now + I've owned more cars than anyone living or dead (almost!) I was in the motor trade for 14 years ... but it has rekindled a new interest in jamjars I would say + I've learnt from questions I've posed Re: computers and the I have a question freds ... well, I "look into" HJ everyday, so, that sez it all really doesn't it.
I think the banter/camaraderie is no more or less nor better or worse than you'd get with any other crowd of hairy snip geezers at work or play.


Edited by Webmaster on 04/10/2008 at 00:59

Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - oilrag
I never really got to interact with the motor trade (due to DIY) before the web. I particularly enjoy that, with the opinion and detailed knowledge that is posted.

The same with motoring journalists, HJ gives interactive insight that seemed not available before in such a complete package.
I know, I shouldn`t let one or two posters get under my skin and I apologise for the reaction.

Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - stunorthants26
My first word was car, even before mummy or daddy. Sort of sums me up.

The forum is an outlet for people to vent their frustrations and delights of car ownership and its a place where car nerds can be themselves.
Much as I have had a fair few heated threads over the time ive been here - sometimes its like being cross-examined for murder rather than a car choice! - it is also informative and despite there being some very stuck in their ways folk there are also some well-rounded contributers who rise above such things and give extremely objective opinions. Much like society in general I guess and its all the more enjoyable for that.

I get endless amusement from the 'bashing' threads because at the end of the day, most cars are at some time 'bashed' often with good reason - it is however only natural to defend ones choices even if they turn out to be not so good in the end. The best ones are where someone recognises their cars failings but still says they love it, those people I totally respect.

It hasnt really changed me, ive always been into anything cars, but ive picked up alotta info, most useless but some very useful. Its a great place and I feel im missing out if i dont pop in - its also cheaper than going to the pub.
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - doog
I joined 4.5 years ago and only seem to pop back and post everytime im looking at changing my car. Its definately influenced my buying habits.

I scan the forum and the technical section for issues with any future purposes so in a way, my last 2 purchases Mazda6 and Lexus IS200 have been influenced by the forum in that you dont see too many people complaining about them on here. (with the Lex that could be due less owners of course)

Likewise with the wifes Hyundai, dont see too many threads bashing them reliability wise. I was looking at a VW for my next car but some of the stuff on here has really put me off so will pass on that ;-)
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - Aretas
Has it changed me? It has certainly made me realise that there are a lot of drivers "out there" trying, like me, to do it all properly.
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - madf
I wash my car less, drive faster, speed and am more inconsiderate to other drivers.
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - Nsar
Me too and all of those were already pretty high bars to raise.

Also chose to buy a Legacy on the advice of some people here who know what they are talking about.
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - Old Navy
Made me realise that I am tolerant, a Meldrew, and both the best (excluding LH of course) and worst driver in the country.
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - oilrag
I understand truck drivers problems more. Useful insight from GB, PD and others.
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - tyro
When I joined, I was pretty ignorant about things motoring - as is indicated by my profile, which I wrote over four years ago.

After reading the wisdom of the Back Room for four years (as well as other parts of the site), I am now (as you would hope) considerably better informed.

More than that, it is difficult to say. The Back Room has probably influenced me to look after my cars better and possibly even to be a better driver, but one cannot be certain.
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - Pugugly
Made a lot of imaginary friends (I hope). Learnt to love the petrol engine again (or a non common rail diesel).

Edited by Pugugly on 03/10/2008 at 19:23

Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - Alby Back
Haven't got nearly as much work done, but don't really care. Most of the time it's fun, informative and a nice way to relax. The odd poster irritates, but I guess that's life. Good to know that I'm not the only one who thinks too deeply about cars.

Cheaper than the pub too.


Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - gordonbennet
I've enjoyed most of the discussions here, have gained some good knowledge, still know very little but more than before, agree about technical section, has greatly increased my 'not at any price' lists of possible cars.

I hope the forum has changed my sometimes quick reactions to some poster's who go out of their way to pick you up and argue at the smallest thing, i hope i let that sort of thing wash over me a little more now, though the seething hatred directed at HGV drivers for no apparent reason still has me baffled at times, but i hopefully no longer react to it, at least on here, its been like that for well over 30 years i've been doing the job so i suppose i should get used to it.

Its been good to learn that one isn't possibly the only eccentric car owner after all, and there may be a few fellow travellers out there who refuse to confirm to the thinking of the current day which often ignores and ridicules practices that have worked for us for many years.
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - Tron
Honest John has given me a voice to talk with and and given me back an ear to be listened by :-)

Good to pass on knowledege to others and be able to take just as much as you give back without any expectations other than knowing you can come on here with a motoring related issue and get an honest and straight forward answer.

Thanks to all for listening to my ramblings and feeding me advice and sharing your knowledgeable minds with me.

Much appreciated.

Good nice & very friendly community on here.

If I ever post and pee you off let me know - it is not done intentionally ok?

Laughing with or at - I have never really fathomed that rule if that helps explains my persona to some.

Edited by Tron on 03/10/2008 at 22:02

Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - pda
It's certainly changed me one hell of a lot.
Previously, as a lorry driver I admit I would condemn most car drivers as idiots out of hand. Now I take a minute and try and look at what I do from your point of view.
Many times I realise that although it's obvious to me and my fellow lorry drivers what I'm doing it certainly isn't to car drivers and I'm now a lot more tolerant.

I know I antagonise you all at times but as GB says, we do find the hatred of lorry drivers posts worrying and beneath all that macho trucker exteriors, we've all got a soft heart and hurt easily too!

I watch these forums a lot more than I post but am often able to take back your points of view to our lorry drivers forums and hopefully make 'our lot' more tolerant too.


Edited by pda on 03/10/2008 at 22:15

Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - Alby Back
Pat - I have been necessarily covering 40k or so a year for 30 years as a car driver. Not once have I felt antagonistic to a truck driver and have more than once been grateful for their courtesy or help. I have occasionally felt irritated by the two mile overtake scenario on a dual carriageway but you learn to live with some things. You and your collegues are, in the main, to be praised as the knights and ladies of the road..

An aside....truck drivers seem to have a sixth sense for who are the other "pro" drivers and ( maybe this is BS ) treat them accordingly ?
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - Old Navy
As an ex class one HGV driver I always give trucks plenty of room. I often give way when I am approaching from behind and they need to overtake on a dual carridgeway. A couple of minutes delay is of no consequence on a journey and makes life easier and less stressfull for all (exept the guy inches from my rear bumper). I invariably get aknowledged / thanked by the truck driver.
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - Hamsafar
Here's how it was when I joined - look...

Edited by Hamsafar on 03/10/2008 at 22:54

Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - tyro
Here's how it was when I joined - look...

Thanks for that. Truly a bit of history!
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - gordonbennet
An aside....truck drivers seem to have a sixth sense for who are the other "pro"
drivers and ( maybe this is BS ) treat them accordingly ?

S'funny you should say that Humph, but yes i can spot a competent driver almost immediately, and i can't say anything in particular sticks out, its possibly that the pro car driver is ''aware'' and either hangs back a little to allow others to proceed or gets his/her boot down and gets on with it, according to the situation, also the smooth flow of a pro's driving stands out.

And yes that call it 'professional courtesy' is still alive and kicking, thank goodness.

Strange thing i've noticed recently, some very professional and competent driving by...BMW drivers, please i'm not meaning to cause any antagonism here by that, but recently i have had many courteous encounters with drivers of the breed.

By the way, some people at the helm of trucks these days make me feel antagonistic Humph, bet Pat knows what i mean too.
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - corblimeyguvnar
Spend at least an hour a day reading the BR, drives SWMDBO mad, she cant get her head around why I could be so enthralled with a motoring forum.
Saved me and numerous relatives and friends a few bob due to excellent advice, also de-stressed me when something has gone wrong vehicle related (and sometimes non vehicular via General Questions).
Yes, some members I dont agree with, absolutely no doubt I bore/annoy the hell out of others but on the whole this site is by far the best discussion and help forum I have visited.

What was the question? :-)

Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - PhilW
Think you have replied to the original question on my behalf also!
I would also add that the "tone" of the site has made me realise that not all discussion on the internet has to descend into personal abuse and foul language - that people can conduct well reasoned argument in reasonable language and that there are some really knowledgeable and helpful people out there.

Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - frazerjp
I personally have learnt quite a bit about general aspects of motoring in one way or another.
Especially stuff manufactuers won't tell you in real terms.
Not to mention I've learnt that modern diesels aren't all they're cracked up to be!!!
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - tyro
I would also add that the "tone" of the site . . .

Good point, Phil. One rather unexpected way in which the Back Room has changed me is to make me more impatient and intolerant of internet fora where the moderation is lousy or non-existent, and where, consequently, poor manners abound.
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - L'escargot
I've learned a lot about computers ~ grateful thanks to forum members.
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - midlifecrisis
It's given me the chance to put the side of an overworked Traffic Officer ;)

And it gives me the opportunity to annoy 'er indoors when she says "you're not on that computer again"
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - BobbyG
Has this forum changed me, well, yes!!

My wife thinks I am a total geek and feels I should sit with my anorak on and be best friends with train spotters!

I spend too much time at work ?looking in? to see what is being discussed.

I have been on this forum for a number of years and I have received a huge amount of advice on everything from computers to cameras to Edwardian drinking cups!!! Oh, and cars as well!

I like to treat it as the backroom pub, some you will like, some you would keep in contact with, some you put up with and others you don?t value their opinions too much!

Also, as a result of joining here, I have also joined other car model-specific forums but I prefer this format with no pictures, smileys , swearings etc.

For the life of me, I cannot remember what my first post was about or why I joined ? will need to try and find out!
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - BobbyG
Think this is my first ever thread


I didn't realise at the time how topical this would still be 5 years later!
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - Niallster
I now fully accept that BMC was not only the greatest car company that ever was but the greatest organisation of any kind ever to grace our planet.

Its failure was entirely due to me and others bad mouthing its excellent products.

Even today buying a used but still excellent Rover 75 is a very good idea.
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - Akin
I joined early this year and it has improved my knowledge of British roads and attitude of an average British driver. I know so much about speed and traffic cameras and their associated problems on account of replies to my queries. My driving habit in order to conserve fuel and ensure the longevity of the life of my car has been improved dramatically. What about the laughter and spilling of coffee while reading some replies with diametrically opposing views . I am in love with HJ backroom
Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - telecaster
I have been an avid reader and occasional poster for the last few years.

Any car I am working on with problems then my first port of call is here(well the teccie forum).....after which I usually browse peach or lemon!

I actually recommended this site on Yahoo answers the other day as a good source of car comparisons, ans some cheeky monkey gave me a thumbs down!

Long may the site continue!

Edited by Pugugly on 04/10/2008 at 23:13

Since you joined, how has Forum changed you? - Muggy
Well, I can't get on to read this as much as I like [ today is actually my first opportunity for two months! ] but I can say I have read a lot of very informative material on here, quite a bit of which has proved useful.