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Computer Related Questions - Volume 164 [ReadOnly] - Pugugly

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Edited by Dynamic Dave on 18/10/2008 at 21:10

Euro PC & Dell - cheddar
Re PMH2s comments regarding Euro PC, they look good compared with the Dell list price though are not so good value if you compare with the deals you can get by phoning Dell's small & medium business sales dept and negotiating. Take this:


I bought a similar machine (E4400 cpu and XP Pro) a year ago brand new with Dell enhanced keyboard and mouse for £244 delivered.
Finding the cause of a crash (from vols 159 etc) - tyro
Another BSOD this morning. Different error code. Following jbif's advice, whipped out my camera.

screen here: tinyurl.com/3ju458
Finding the cause of a crash (from vols 159 etc) - Victorbox
Not sure if anyone has suggested you test your PC's RAM for errors but I use Memtest86+ free from www.memtest.org/. XP is not so critical about absolutely perfect memory as Vista but it's worth checking it out. I did have one blue screening XP PC that it showed had a faulty memory stick. If you have no floppy drive you will need to download the CD version & make your PC boot from it. Run the test for several full passes (which could be overnight) and it should show no errors at all. If it does show errors, RAM is pretty cheap these days to replace even if it isn't under a lifetime guarantee.
Finding the cause of a crash (from vols 159 etc) - jbif
In CRQ vol 164, you said:
I said it was newish, but it was actually purchased almost 18 months ago

So how long has this BSOD been happening?
Has the laptop been dropped?

Re. your new BSOD codes:

0x000000F4 (0x00000003, Parameter2, Parameter3, Parameter4)
Note Parameter2, Parameter3, and Parameter4 in the stop error may vary.

This problem occurs on a computer in which Windows XP or a later operating system is installed on a hard disk that is configured as a subordinate and no other device is connected to the same IDE controller channel (primary or secondary).

This behavior may occur when you use Windows XP or a later operating system with some motherboards. Microsoft is researching this problem and will post more information in this article when the information becomes available.
Back to the top

To resolve this behavior, use one of the following methods:? For Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment (PATA) hard disks, configure your disk drive as master only. For Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) hard disks, connect the hard disk cable to a master channel SATA connector on the motherboard.
? Connect another device as a master, such as another disk drive or a CD drive or DVD drive.
? Change your PATA cables, your SATA cable, or your IDE cable even if the cable does not appear worn.
? Install Windows on a new hard disk because it is possible that your hard disk or your Windows installation may be corrupted.

Finding the cause of a crash (from vols 159 etc) - tyro
Thanks, jbif.

Crashes have been happening for a while - but it used to be only when BBC iPlayer was being used. Around mid-August they started happening even when BBC iPlayer was not in use.

The laptop has never been dropped.

(The latest development is that I ran Checkdisk, and at the end, the screen just went blank. When it was started up again, we got this: tinyurl.com/4ykjoy )
Finding the cause of a crash (from vols 159 etc) - crunch_time
Have you disabled the iPlayer ability to act as a server for others?

It may be running without your knowledge.

Finding the cause of a crash (from vols 159 etc) - smokie
Have you done a CHKDSK? It's somewhere in the menus when you right click on the disk in My Computer (it's called error checking or suchlike). It ought to want to do it in Safe mode and will take a while.
Finding the cause of a crash (from vols 159 etc) - tyro
crunch_time: Sounds like a good idea. How do you do it?

smokie: If that's the same as Checkdisk, yes. When it finished, the screen goes completely blank, and it had to be turned on again, and it proceeded to decide it needed to check the disc again, and it was all a bit worrying.
Finding the cause of a crash (from vols 159 etc) - crunch_time
Sorry, I've always avoided iPlayer, so no personal knowledge.

If you have a Tools or Options tab you can click that might be a good start.

Finding the cause of a crash (from vols 159 etc) - billy25
depending on which firewall you are using, you may be able to disable server rights there, (you can in Zonealarm)

Finding the cause of a crash (from vols 159 etc) - SpamCan61 {P}
I've just checked on my youngest daughter's PC, running iPlayer v 1.3 something, to disable the P2P functionality go to preferences > advanced and make sure the "peer to peer network participation" box is unchecked. It is checked 'on' by default.
Navigating a web page - jbif
I have had this link saved in my bookmarks for a few years now:

But for over 2 years, I have not been able to find it from the main/home page:

The page has been redesigned recently and they are asking for comments. That indicates to me that the page is not any old forgotten link, and must have a link to it from somewhere in the home page or a tab off the main page.

I have emailed them but they have not responded. I wonder if any of you can spot where the link is. Can you please point it out to me?

Navigating a web page - cheddar

Click the "Investing" tab on the homepage.

Then under "UK Indices" towards the right hand side of the page click "FTSE Industry Indices".

Edited by cheddar on 09/10/2008 at 12:34

Navigating a web page - jbif
Click the "Investing" tab on the homepage. Then under "UK Indices" towards the right hand side of the page click "FTSE Industry Indices".

Thanks. I had not tried that before, but that only takes me to this:

and not the full FTSE 100 on a single page as at

All other means of looking at the FTSE 100 constituents take me to a two page layout as at

Navigating a web page - jbif
and not the full FTSE 100 on a single page as at


Looks like they have removed all data from that page. [maybe as a result of my asking about it]. Serves me right for asking them!

Navigating a web page - cheddar
>>Looks like they have removed all data from that page>>

Still works for me, rather a lot of red today though!
Importing data from Word to Excel - cheddar

I have done this before though cant remeber how.

I have a list of adresses in a Word doc (not a Word table) that I want to copy into Excel.

I.e. the first line of the first address into column A, 2nd line into column B etc ..... first line of the second address into column A, 2nd line into column B ..... etc etc.

Any ideas?

With thanks.
VHS->PC->DVD - borasport20
I'm sure we've covered this before, but a forum search didn't pick anything up, but is it viable to connect a vhs recorder to a pc and copy the content to a dvd ?
VHS->PC->DVD - rtj70
Yes. But an easier way would be to connect the VHS to a DVD recorder (standalone not PC). Set up DVD to record and press play on the VHS player.
VHS->PC->DVD - borasport20
Rob to the rescue again ;-) - got any sources for cheap DVD recorders ?
VHS->PC->DVD - Stuartli
£55 at Argos:


Will play back on your (Freeview) TV via the television's analogue tuner.

Other examples:







Plenty of other sources.

Edited by Stuartli on 11/10/2008 at 18:16

VHS->PC->DVD - rtj70
Suartli beat me to it. I used the TV tuner in my PC to encode video before but the quality was nowhere as good as you get on a DVD recorder. And even on a fast PC you need hardware assist for encoding.

I got a cheapo Lite-On recorder a while back and cannot fault it. Easy to use and even long play is quite good quality.

I still have my first DVD player (Sony) from 1999 - it was about £600! But that was chipped when it was (a) necessary to play US region disks and (b) the movies came out first over there. It's really still a very good player though with separate power feeds internally for various circuits. But come the original price!

VHS->PC->DVD - Pugugly
Lite On is good kit - an unknown make for many but pretty common in the CD/R drive world. I have a 4 year old recorder huddled under me telly, it works well and is easy to use.
broadband dongle - none
I've just bought a '3' wireless broadband dongle. It works ok. but I'm a bit concerned about security.
Firefox informed me that it was unable to connect due to the dongle using an older version of a security system.
I've managed to connect the thing (not as easy as the 5 min.connection claimed), but the little padlock for secure sites no longer appears.
Are these things secure, or not ?
broadband dongle - rtj70
I would think the padlock (which indicates a secured/encrypted link using an HTTPS connection on SSL port 443 instead of simple HTTP using port 80) has nothing to do with the network connection itself.

If for example you went to: ibank.barclays.co.uk do you get the padlock?
broadband dongle - Baskerville
Maybe the padlock now reflects the credit-worthiness of the bank in question.
broadband dongle - Stuartli
>>but the little padlock for secure sites no longer appears.>>

Have you looked on the dongle manufacturer's website for the latest drivers and/or software?

I would suspect that without the padlock showing you will have an insecure system.
broadband dongle - rtj70
But a secure website (encrypted) uses SSL port 443 and not the normal HTTP port 80. It simply would not work at all if you couldn't connect on 443. The padlock may not be there but for a secure site it must eb encrypted.
broadband dongle - jbif
>>but the little padlock for secure sites no longer appears.

Could be that he is being directed to a phishing web site.

broadband dongle - rtj70
Very good point on the phishing theory. There's apparently a lot more about that ties in with the financial crisis.

Because the USB dongle is exactly that (USB) can it be tried on another PC?
broadband dongle - Stuartli
Internet Explorer7 and Firefox 3 both have a phishing filter built-in. See:



McAfee's SiteAdvisor is also a valuable tool (separate versions for IE and Firefox or other browser). See:


If you have both IE and FF, using each browser separately to download SiteAdvisor will ensure the correct versions are downloaded.

Edited by Stuartli on 13/10/2008 at 15:53

broadband dongle - malteser
Site Advisor - slowed down my browsing unacceptably.
Using Online Armor, paid, and Avira PE Premium, both with web shields, slows down browsing too, so I have disabled one of them.
broadband dongle - Stuartli
I use SiteAdvisor with both Firefox and IE7 - neither browser's speed is affected.
broadband dongle - Stuartli
By the way, there are two versions of SiteAdvisor - one for IE and the second for Firefox and other browsers.

Edited by Stuartli on 14/10/2008 at 21:57

broadband dongle - ifithelps

...Because the USB dongle is exactly that (USB) can it be tried on another PC?....

Yes, I've used my Vodafone dongle on several computers.

It seems to install its own software each time, not that I'm any expert.
broadband dongle - Stuartli
>>..it seems to install its own software each time, not that I'm any expert. >>

As it's a USB device it will (most likely) be plug 'n play using Windows XP/Vista USB2.0 drivers; it can't "..install its own software each time".
broadband dongle - ifithelps
Something called VMC Lite appears from somewhere when you plug in the dongle.

Can be used to send SMS text messages as well as enabling the web browser.
broadband dongle - Stuartli


for details of Vodaphone Mobile Connect and why you noticed it "installs" itself.

Edited by Stuartli on 13/10/2008 at 20:36

broadband dongle - R75
>>..it seems to install its own software each time not that I'm any expert. >>
As it's a USB device it will (most likely) be plug 'n play using Windows
XP/Vista USB2.0 drivers; it can't "..install its own software each time".

I beg to differ Stuartli, a lot of the USB 3g modems act like a memory stick with an autorun for installing drivers/program before they then revert to being the modem.
broadband dongle - Stuartli
See my posting just above yours...:-)
Caddy required? - crunch_time
I want to retrieve data from the hard drives of a defunct desktop computer via USB to my current machine but can't find anything suitable.

Maplin appear to list some but attempting to view details just returns to the main page, and there's nothing looking right on eBay!

Any ideas?

Caddy required? - NorfolkDriver
Are the hard drives SATA or IDE?

Both connectors are available without a caddy, cant remember what I paid for mine now it was so long ago.

Caddy required? - Stuartli
As it's a "defunct" computer, this Serial to USB connector could be the answer:


www.amazon.co.uk/USB-RS232-Converter-Cable/dp/B000...Q (Amazon)


Otherwise, if there are suitable connections, a null modem cable:


How to use:


Edited by Stuartli on 14/10/2008 at 23:34

Caddy required? - crunch_time
Thanks for those.

They are IDE drives, and I need to also power them via the USB port if possible.

Caddy required? - NorfolkDriver
I believe this is the sort of thing you are looking for. www.anglian-internet.co.uk/acatalog/info_CBL057.ht...l .

I have no connection with this company apart from using them as a customer.

They also do mail order.

Caddy required? - Stuartli
I very much doubt if you can power them using a USB port, which has a maximum of 500mAh supply - my Seagate 400GB external USB hard drive, for instance, has its own mains adapter power supply.

You will need, I would suggest, both systems to be powered up and use a suitable connection lead.
Caddy required? - rtj70
Icy Dock do some cheap external 3.5" hard disk enclosures with power supplies. £20 should be about the price for a USB only drive. You could use one of the old drives as an external unit when the data is off.

If there is an IDE interface on the new PC (probably being used for the DVD drive) you could always open the case up, connect the drives to the IDE cable and a power connector and do it that way. But you'd need to power down the system first of course.
Medion Digital (Freeview) TV Card software. - John R @ Work {P}
When I fitted this card in my PC and installed the supplied software I accepted the software for what it was...

Now I am looking for replacement viewer/recorder software for it.

Does any one have any recommendations for (preferably freeware or shareware) fairly easy to use software for this purpose.

It's a Digital Card (Freeview) not Analog.

John R @ Work
Medion Digital (Freeview) TV Card software. - billy25
you may find "something" in here to do what you want.


Medion Digital (Freeview) TV Card software. - rtj70
You could try looking at GB-PVR. I can be made to work with digital/Freeview tuners but my PC has an analogue one.

Medion Digital (Freeview) TV Card software. - SpamCan61 {P}
Yes, if the medion card uses / has available BDA drivers the I'd use GBPVR or mediaportal. If it uses WDM drivers then ( unlikely these days) it will probably be tricky finding an alternative.

Medion Digital (Freeview) TV Card software. - Stuartli
If you contact me by e-mail (mods please note if requested) I can send you a copy of an excellent software program that I've been using for some time in preference to Twinhan's not too good version for my Twinhan PCI Freeview/Analogue TV card.
Medion Digital (Freeview) TV Card software. - crunch_time
I have been using the excellent if oddly named DScaler (free) to run my analogue card for some years (XP).

Medion Digital (Freeview) TV Card software. - Stuartli
I have been using the excellent if oddly named DScaler (free) to run my analogue
card for some years (XP).>>

This is now known as dTV to avoid confusion with DgitalTV; by coincidence that's the one eventually used by Twinhan, in place of its own software equivalent, that I've rejected as it isn't up to the job...:-)
Medion Digital (Freeview) TV Card software. - John R @ Work {P}
Thanks for the offer Stuartli,

If you have a peek at my profile you should be able to unravel a way to contact me direct.

To the others,

Thanks for the replies, I have had a look at one or two and if I can edit GB-PVR's ini properly for my card it looks quite good.

John R
XP SP3 and router drivers - terryb
I have to report that SP3 successfully stopped the driver for my Thompson Speedtouch 121g wireless router from working, which in turn stopped the whole computer from working, in that any attempt to access one of the driver files crashed the whole machine.

After over a week of trying to diagnose the BSOD I eventually identified the problem and the excellent Thompson Help Desk have given me full instructions and links to download alternative drivers. In fact, the one I'm using now is the Vista driver which doesn't use said offending file.

So not a question, rather an offer. If anyone else has a similar problem with a 121g and SP3, I can supply the links and instructions.

Oh, I took the opportunity to uninstall SP3 while I was at it - just in case.

XP SP3 and router drivers - cheddar
Installing SP3 automatically creates a restore point so system restore should have cured the issue by restoring to just prior to the SP3 install allowing you time to explore the driver issue.
Checking BT line - mark(NEScotland)
Apologies no doubt covered before.

We are rural and still on dial-up, although I think postcode checks through internet shows broadband should be OK. Last time I tried AOL broadband install it was unsuccessful. We have 2 BT lines in, one was originally used for house alarm link which we have discontinued. Therefore no need to use 2nd line for internet as currently we do, and can use one line OK for calls and internet, and save quarterly rental on one line?

Presuming we may need BT engineer call to disconnect 2nd line, is it worth getting an accurate check by BT on remaining line's capabilities or are there reliable line diagnostics via internet sites?

Checking BT line - cheddar
Put your number or postcode in the box on this page:


I would neccessarily go with BT for broadband though, Plusnet are excellent, owned by BT though no premium rate phone lines and very good customer service.
Checking BT line - harry m
if you mean you want to use the socket that your second line uses at present you will need bt openreach engineer to rewire ,beware they are very expensive do check price with them before you proceed.perhaps you can do it yourself or know someone who can.ref b/band who ever you use will automaticlly check the line to for suitability. to disconnect the line they will do at the exchange no visit reqd.
Checking BT line - mark(NEScotland)
Thanks Cheddar, Harry; Lines OK with 3.5Mbps. Am I right in thinking that using same line for internet and phone, incoming calls are no longer blocked?
Checking BT line - cheddar
Yep, one line for both broadband and phone and both work at the same time.

Look at www.plus.net for good broadband products and great customer service.

I have no connection with them (scuse the pun!) other than being a satisfied customer.
Checking BT line - rtj70
For dial-up internet the modem uses sounds in the audible range to communicate. ADSL over the same wires uses much higher frequencies and go along the wire all the time. A filter is fitted to stop interference with the phone but ADSL does not using audible tones hence only needing one phone line.
Checking BT line - L'escargot
For a neater installation, replace the lower half of your BT "NTE5" master box with an ADSL faceplate splitter to give you a filtered socket for a telephone and an unfiltered socket for your broadband. It avoids having to have an unsightly microfilter dangling out of the socket. See Solwise ADSL-NTEFACE. tinyurl.com/799hv

Edited by L'escargot on 16/10/2008 at 13:28

Checking BT line - cheddar
Good tip, as long as you want you router plugged into the master socket rather than a satellite socket.
Checking BT line - jbif
For a neater installation replace the lower half of your BT "NTE5" master box with
an ADSL faceplate splitter

Even better [ to get BT proven faster internet speeds ], fit this:


or how to DIY :

Edited by jbif on 16/10/2008 at 17:16

Checking BT line - harry m
agree with the splitter but some of boost products will work but does depend on your line,i work for openreach and my line from exchange to my house is 2.2km but is all ali cable and can assure you nothing will increase the speed i already have so beware.
Checking BT line - JH
Disconnecting the bell wire makes a significant difference. It's all that the iplate does and it doesn't cost a penny. And yes, your phone will still ring! Just so long as it's not made of bakelite. Modern phones don't need the bell wire.

Checking BT line - Baskerville
Interesting stuff. Our 'master box' has G.P.O. stamped on it, so I don't think we'll be getting one of these filters any time soon. However, when we had the line to the telegraph pole replaced a couple of years back the engineer said he would not connect the bell wire as 'it will improve your broadband' and at the time I thought nothing of it--broadband speed was better, but it was also a new line. I dread to think what it would be like with the bell wire connected.
Mystery Guest on Network - stackman
I have just upgraded my PC to a machine running Vista home premium. It is connected to our BT wireless home hub by ethernet cable.

When I click on network, in addition to the computers I expect to see, my kids' laptops and my old pc if it's switched on, I have another machine listed called THOMPSON.

Clicking on it shows only a printers folder with no specific printers in it.

The mystery guest is also visible from my son's Vista laptop.

Any ideas who or what this could be?
Mystery Guest on Network - Statistical outlier
Have you turned on the encryption? WPA is completely secure, and doesn't require complicated long passwords to work. Secure the network and don't worry about it.
Mystery Guest on Network - rtj70
"WPA is completely secure"

No encryption is completely secure but for a home network WPA or WPA2 should be enough. WEP on the other hand can be broken fairly easily.
Mystery Guest on Network - Statistical outlier
No, fair point, I nearly asterisked it, but realistically if you're using WPA then nobody is going to hack you.
Mystery Guest on Network - rtj70
Could it be someone accessing your home network via wireless? Is it secure? WEP though is very easy to crack but I'd hope you'd be using at least WPA.
Mystery Guest on Network - billy25
I haven't got BT, but i think you will find that it's just your BT hub! it shows up as a computer on a home network i seem to remember.

B illy
Mystery Guest on Network - stackman
No, the BT Home Hub shows as the BT Home Hub in addition to the computers on the network.
Mystery Guest on Network - billy25
found this: (but didn't bookmark the site1 ;-( )

The Thompson Samba server is a piece of software that is running in your hub. It will show up as a separate entity when you look at your network eg in the hub manager. It is what is handling your data exchanges to the internet and between comps on your local wireless network.

Mystery Guest on Network - rtj70
If it's Samba, then that's the freeware implementation of Microsoft's SMB (i.e. file sharing) protocol. So it's for fileshares. At a guess (not having BT) you can probably plug in a USB storage device and share it's contents.

It would therefore have nothing to do with "data exchanges" because that is what the router/switch is doing.

EDIT... for the home hub...

USB devices: Thanks for Gray Noone for the following comments: "You can actually add anything that's USB to this port, be it a real USB drive, camera, mp3 player, USB memory stick, or whatever has storage on it. Attach your unit to the USB A, then open "My network places", click "add network place", add network place wizard will open, click next > next > browse. This will open "Browse For Folder" click + "Entire Network" + "Microsoft Windows Network" + "Bt" + "Thomson" and click BT_7G and click ok, this will take you back to Add network place wizard. In this you will see \\Thomson\BT_7G. Click 'Next'. On the next window you will see "BT_7G on Samba Server (Thomson)". You can delete this and call it something relevant. Click next, untick "open this network place" and click 'Finish'.
Now go to My network places, and you should see a folder with the name you specified. This drive can now be used by all network machines." Harry Clark also adds... "The Samba Server on the BT Home Hub uses the name "BT" as its Workgroup name, if you try to add a USB storage device to a PC on an existing network with a workgroup name other than BT you may find the BT workgroup is not available from the browse option, but if you temporarily change each PC to join the BT workgroup then it will be available from the browse option , once the device is added you can revert to your workgroup name"

Thanks to Mike Rowan for adding the following: " I tried to connect a USB hard drive from the but could not get to BT_7G. I then tried going into 'My network places', 'tools','folder options','view' and ticked 'Automatically search for network folders and printers', click apply and ok. Closed 'My Network Places', then reopened it I got a 'Local Network' heading with 'BT-7G on Samba Server (Thomson)' and 'SharedDocs on mine' folders added.
Clicking on the 'BT-7G on Samba Server (Thomson)' opened straight into the hard drive allowing full access.

Edited by rtj70 on 15/10/2008 at 17:06

Mystery Guest on Network - rtj70
And apparently you can share printers via the home hub too. Cool.
Mystery Guest on Network - billy25
There we go then! it is the hub after all ;-) and not an outside intruder! All is well and nothing to worry about ......unless......



Edited by billy25 on 15/10/2008 at 17:27

Mystery Guest on Network - rtj70
Yes, but the USB sharing via SAMBA is interesting.
Mystery Guest on Network - Stuartli
I'm not normally keen on Lexmark printers (cartridges especially can prove expensive), but you can buy one of its wireless models now (Z1420) for £30 at Morrison's or just over £21 here:


Mystery Guest on Network - Baskerville
Indeed, the homehub, like most domestic routers, runs Linux (probably why it is so easy to use!):

Sony E-Reader - audiA6tdi
Ive just purchased a Sony E reader and have downloaded a couple of books from ebooks.com. The books are now downloaded onto my pc and I can view them in Mircrosoft Reader - but i cant find out where they are stored? They are not in the Mircosoft Reader directory or My Documents. Does anyone know how to transfer these ebooks to the Sony Ereader?
The instructions are pretty lame to say the least. Anyone know a quick fix? kind regards
Sony E-Reader - billy25
Have you tried putting a bit of the title into the "search" facility? or if you can see the book to open it, can you right-click it to see its properties? this should tell you where it is.

As far as i've been able to find out regards downloading the books to the e-reader, it "seems" to be a simple case of installing the e-reader software on the p.c, then connecting the reader with the cable, opening the software, and bingo!.

As i haven't got one ;-( thats the best i can suggest for now!

Sony E-Reader - audiA6tdi
I work in IT so im a dab hand with computers but even im stumped on this one! you cant right click on the files in the microsoft reader to find out where they are!
Sony E-Reader - billy25
Dont suppose you could just re-download the books onto the desktop
then? ;-)
Sony E-Reader - audiA6tdi
No you dont have any control where the books are downloaded?
Il try searching tonight to see if i can find any .lit files.
Sony E-Reader - rtj70
Are you saying you've done a search for a book title (or part of it) and it did not find on any drives?
Sony E-Reader - rtj70
Microsoft Reader stores it's e-books in My Documents\My Library I think. Well I installed it and downloaded/opened a few free books and that's where it put the .lit files.
Excel charting query - borasport20
I'm sure there are other places on the web I can ask, but I never understand the answers ;-)

I'm trying to create a (line) chart for 3 values

My problem is that one value is around 70 +/-50, one is 700 +/-100, and one is 12000 +/- a couple of hundred.

So I get a chart with three almost flat lines on which it is impossible to see much in the way of changes if I use normal scaling, if I change the vertical access to logarithmic I can see changes in the lower two values, but only massive changes show up in the upper value

is there a way of chopping the value range 3000-11000 out of the chart, to make it more readable
Excel charting query - SpamCan61 {P}
On a slight tangent, would it be viable to use a different scale for one of the data sets?, you can have two different 'Y' scales in Excel.
Excel charting query - rtj70
Can you not even do different charts... it sounds like the chart will show info if you do what you ask but will it be meaningful? The three sets of values are orders of magnitudes different it would seem.
Excel charting query - JH
I'm afraid i've never done it so I can't give detailed advice but you can, as mentioned elsewhere, use 2 y scales. One shows on the left the other on the right.

I've cut 'n pasted from Excel Help below. I hope this point you in the right direction;

When the values in a 2-D chart vary widely from data series (data series: Related data points that are plotted in a chart. Each data series in a chart has a unique color or pattern and is represented in the chart legend. You can plot one or more data series in a chart. Pie charts have only one data series.) to data series in a 2-D chart, or when you have mixed types of data (such as price and volume), you can plot one or more data series on a secondary value (y) axis. The scale of the secondary axis reflects the values for the associated data series.

On a chart sheet (chart sheet: A sheet in a workbook that contains only a chart. A chart sheet is beneficial when you want to view a chart or a PivotChart report separately from worksheet data or a PivotTable report.) or in an embedded chart (embedded chart: A chart that is placed on a worksheet rather than on a separate chart sheet. Embedded charts are beneficial when you want to view or print a chart or a PivotChart report with its source data or other information in a worksheet.), click the data series that you want to plot along a secondary value axis.
On the Format menu, click Selected Data Series.
On the Axis tab, click Secondary axis.
Tip After you add a secondary value axis to a chart, you can also add a secondary category (x) axis, which may be useful in an xy (scatter) chart. Select a chart that displays the secondary value axis, and then click Chart Options on the Chart menu. On the Axes tab, select the Category (X) axis check box.

Excel charting query - SpamCan61 {P}
The other option I can think of is to present the chart as deviation from the norm, rather than absolute value. This may or may not make the chart unintelligable of course, depending on context.
Excel charting query - rustbucket
You could scale the 12000 value by a division of 100 so that 12000 becomes 120, use a differnt colour so that you can differentiate between the other lines.
Excel charting query - SpamCan61 {P}
Ok scheme #3, plot the 1200 data on a different graph with the same scales, make the 'X' axis white / transparent then drag and drop it over the primary graph, so you've effectively got a graph with a break in it. Kinda messy but should work!
Excel charting query - Number_Cruncher
>>So I get a chart with three almost flat lines

Many times, when people are trying to create odd graphs, it's because it doesn't really make sense to graph the data in that form.

Could you tell us what you're trying to achieve, and what point your graph needs to make? It's possible that there's a better way to show the data.

Excel charting query - borasport20
Thanks to all - using a secondary axis was the way to go, and the results keep the boss happy (which was the primary objective) !