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Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - tawse
I read an article recently, (think it was on this site) about car prices and how manufacturers are slashing prices, etc, and I seem to recall that it said that Honda cars are now looking exceedingly over-priced?

What does everyone here think - are they?
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - jase1
I'm really not sure where this comes from.

If any mainstream manufacturer is 'overpriced' it's VW. Their own cars are available under sister brands for significantly less money and often made to a higher standard.

At least with Honda you are getting quality that's a step above the average Ford/Vauxhall/Peugeot/Hyundai.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - mikeyb
I sat in a couple of Accords at the motorshow and, although very nice, I was surprised at how much they were £25K+. I guess it depends if you are comparing them against A4 / 3 series, or Mondeo etc. For me they fall nearer to Mondeo, so based on that they are expensive IMO
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Falkirk Bairn
I was mailed by a Honda main dealer last week - this weekend price reductions across new and 2nd hand - market forces.

Yes they are more expensive like for like with Ford, Vauxhall but you get a better car - better build, better service form their mostly private owner garages (my experience).

I have had 3 - total repairs on all 3 over 12 years is under £500 (excludes service, tyres, brakes etc) 200,000 miles
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Bill Payer
Would agree with the above comments on the cars and the dealers, although we've never really tested our dealer as the car (Jazz) just works.

I think there are "stealth" sales going on - we've been mailed by both and the dealer direct recently talking being chosen for special offers. I'm ever sceptical of these things though!

I did notice an Accord estate at £25xxx in the showroom the other day and it strike me as being a lot of money for an Accord - my nearly new Merc C Class estate (with auto, leather and sat nav) was a couple of £K less than that and I'd certainly choose the Merc again.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - GroovyMucker
What I found was that our local dealer would only do deals on their terms. So I got a very cheap Accord a few years back new model due 15 months later, IIRC) at the sticker price, but they generally won't haggle.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Waino
Hondas are frequently [I won't say 'usually' :-)] bought by genteel old non-hagglers - and the dealers know this and take them for all they can get.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - tawse
The Toyota dealers in my area wer notorious for years for not haggling and never had any 0% offers. That has all changed in the past 6 months or so. Likewise the local VW dealership so expect Honda will have to learn to compete or simply go bust.

Perhaps the new Jazz will be a benchmark for Honda? I imagine they are expecting lots of easy sales to the over 65 club come Octoboer but, perhaps, the sales will not materialise so easily this time?

The Accord just looks over-priced and the least said about the CRV prices which, often, are well into the early 20s. Too much for what it is. The Civic does not appear to have lit any fires in the sector it is in and when you can go to a car supermarket and gets new or pre-reg Focus or Astra for as low as 8K the Civic looks very expensive.

In the current climate I think more and more people will realise that Hondas are indeed over-priced.

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - T Lucas
Honda is a top quality brand,best engineering by far and to compare Honda with Vauxhall for instance is comparing apples with pears.
Only 2 brands get my hard earned these days,Honda and Toyota,really a case of 'if you have to have it explained,you will never understand'.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - tawse
Honda is a top quality brand best engineering by far and to compare Honda with
Vauxhall for instance is comparing apples with pears.
Only 2 brands get my hard earned these days Honda and Toyota really a case
of 'if you have to have it explained you will never understand'.

Boy, what arrogance.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - jase1
I think T Lucas might be exaggerating a tad...

Nevertheless, it is absurd to label Honda as overpriced. Their engines are the best the mainstream has to offer and the cars themselves are worth the extra money.

Volkswagen is the company people should be aiming bile at. A Skoda in a smart suit.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Collos25
I am at this moment running a Honda Accord tourer my first Jap car since 1974 and all I can say(and I never thought I would extol the vitues of Jap cars) like T Lucas is that it is way infront in quality of other mainstream vehicles and I have driven plenty over the years.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Andy P
I was just thinking about this the other day - I've only seen one of the new shape Accords on the road since it was launched, and with ex-demonstrators still up at £26,000, I don't expect to see any more.

Hondas are very well engineered - sometimes to the detriment of the interior - but I don't think they have the "street cred" to mix it with the likes of BMW and Mercedes. If I had £26,000 burning a hole in my pocket, I wouldn't buy a 2.4 Accord.

Edited by Andy P on 17/09/2008 at 08:49

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Alby Back
Car preferences are often not terribly justifiable. I know that Hondas and some other Pacific rim cars are very good indeed. I have no reasonable explanation for this next comment but there is something about the styling from that part of the world that I just don't like.

Makes me think of cardigans and slacks.

Even when they produce sporty / luxury models they somehow just don't look right to my eyes. Good thing we are all different I suppose and I might change my opinion if I drove one for a while.......

Edited by Humph Backbridge on 17/09/2008 at 09:01

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - T Lucas
Sorry if that comes across as arrogant,but it really comes from many years motortrade experience and the fact that Toyota and Honda especially Honda are just much better engineered,you either understand and appriciate that or you dont.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - jase1
Sorry if that comes across as arrogant but it really comes from many years motortrade
experience and the fact that Toyota and Honda especially Honda are just much better engineered

But how do they compare with the smaller (and often cheaper) Japanese outfits? I have always been of the opinion that the like of Subaru, Daihatsu and Mitsubishi are of very similar engineering calibre to Honda and Toyota.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - T Lucas
They are all very good,but for me Honda,especially with the engines,Vtec etc are just head and shoulders above anything else.Must be due to their vast experience with 2 wheels and extremely high reving engines.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - disbeliever
You must be joking
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Bill Payer
Only 2 brands get my hard earned these days Honda and Toyota really a case
of 'if you have to have it explained you will never understand'.

Hmm...you certainly hear of some people having trouble with Honda's - particularly Accord. And same for Toyota, with Yaris.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - pyruse
I thought Hondas were overpriced, too, until I owned one.

Now I'd be very inclined to pay the premium for another.
They are really well engineered, nice to drive, and almost never go wrong.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Robbie
Hmm...you certainly hear of some people having trouble with Honda's - particularly Accord. And same
for Toyota with Yaris.

Strange, I've not seen many complaints about the Accord.

Look at the Tech Forum on here and you very rarely see an Accord mentioned. Plenty of Peugeots, Fords, Vauxhalls, and a few BMWs and Mercs, but rarely Hondas.

Edited by Robbie on 17/09/2008 at 11:20

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Bill Payer
Look at the Tech Forum on here and you very rarely see an Accord mentioned.
Plenty of Peugeots Fords Vauxhalls and a few BMWs and Mercs but rarely Hondas.

That'll be due (at least in part) to Accords sales volume is very low. There are at least a couple of horror stories (particularly thinking of the exploding battery while in France and Honda not handling the incident well).
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - jase1
That'll be due (at least in part) to Accords sales volume is very low.

Honda sales overall in this country are not "very low" -- they're certainly more than large enough for problems to start appearing on forums in significant numbers.

And in the States they're a top-three manufacturer, and you still don't hear of horror stories.
Makes me think of cardigans and slacks.

I think the same way of a lot of French cars -- I think of those effeminate leather trousers.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - ifithelps
I think of those effeminate leather trousers. >>

Plastic Bertrand was/is a Belgian - I think.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - jase1
Plastic Bertrand was/is a Belgian - I think.

It seems you're right.

I had to go and youtube it though didn't I -- now I won't be able to get that silly song out of my head for weeks.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - ifithelps
I won't be able to get that silly song out of my head for weeks.>>

Just to assist....Ca plane pour moi, da-de-da, da-de-da, ooo-ooo ooo, ooo...
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - jase1
Aargh! Noooo!
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - ifithelps
....Hmm...you certainly hear of some people having trouble with Honda's - particularly Accord. And same for Toyota, with Yaris....

Brother's diesel Corolla needed a new engine and a couple of minor warranty repairs in the space of a couple of months.

Don't think it ever left him stranded, but he lost faith in it and sold it.

Genuine reason for sale: I think it might break down. :)
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - valmiki
Hmm...you certainly hear of some people having trouble with Honda's - particularly Accord.

The number one problem for Honda is the built-quality of the new Civics, and the incompetency of the dealerships to cope with the rapid increase of niggles and issues.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - cheddar
At least with Honda you are getting quality that's a step above the average Ford/Vauxhall/Peugeot/Hyundai. >>
Yes they are more expensive like for like with Ford Vauxhall but you get a
better car - better build better service form their mostly private owner garages (my experience).

Really? I might agree re Vauxhall and Peugeot though Hyundai have a good reputaion for reliability if not a strong brand. However I reckon Ford have every bit as good a reputation as Honda these days, Gordon M's experiences are not unique and look at a new Mondeo or S-Max versus an Accord or the latest Focus v the Civic, and there is no doubt as to which drive the better.

Also Honda motorcycles are not as well finished as they used to be, Yamaha are the top of the tree in that regard and feature superb detailing and Kawasaki are at least as good as Honda in finish terms now I reckon. I have been tinkering with various bikes this summer as a part time job and the paint on forks and laquer on engine casing of Hondas such as the CB1300 (I have had two to do up) is really pretty poor not to mention the Thai built CBR125.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - CGNorwich
No such thing as overpriced. If Honda can sell their product then the've got the price right.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Altea Ego
The singing postman from Norwich has got it right. Honda market share is "lowish" they dont have airfields full of unsold motors, so they have the price (for them) just right.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - akr
This is all very interesting. Are Hondas overpriced? Not if people are prepared to pay for the premium. The only problem is that by doing so you're setting yourself up for a fall if your products don't live up to that premium because people will expect them to be superior to cheaper products. This is why there is so much VW bashing on here. And rightly so if you have the arrogance to charge the extra. I have no ownership experience of Hondas so I bow down to others' greater experience. But I do have experience of VW and they didn't live up to the premium, thus the reason I won't buy them anymore.
VW are very clever because they've somehow managed to get the British public to believe they're a premium brand so people pay over the odds for them. Having lived in Germany, I know that VW is just a German Ford, Opel, etc. Very run of the mill over there. Us Brits, however, are obsessed with snob value and will, therefore, pay the extra they charge. On the other hand, I suspect Honda charge a premium on the back of engineering integrity which statistics seem to bear out. It's the same old story. You pays your money and you takes your choice.
However, £28k (list price) for the most expensive Accord Tourer does seem very expensive to me. I know for a fact I wouldn't spend that sort of money on a Honda.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - jase1
akr -- agreed -- and it's also the reason Honda are getting a bit of a kicking with their new Civic.

It's not that it is an especially unreliable car -- it's just that it is average so is taking a pounding in the customer satisfaction surveys.

Nissan suffered the same with the MkIV Primera -- it wasn't a massively unreliable car, certainly not by Stilo or Laguna standards anyway, but it went from being very good to mediocre and the buyers did not like that one bit. Now of course Nissan's reputation has evaporated and they're seen as just another badly-made car.

Quite how VW manages to escape the wrath heaven alone knows.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Alanovich
it wasn't a massively unreliable car
certainly not by Stilo or Laguna standards anyway

Petrol Stilo, please! The diesel ones are very good.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Waino
If Honda lawnmowers are anything to go by, then their cars must be pretty good :-).

I bought a HR194 back in spring of 1985 and have used it every season since. The oil gets changed every autumn and the only problem has been a duff coil about seven years ago. Last week, I fitted a new blade - the first replacement in 24 seasons mowing. It always starts first tug on the rope. Mine was £315 when I bought it, but the modern equivalent is about £650 - so, like the cars, not cheap!
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - movilogo
VW are very clever because they've somehow managed to get the British public to believe they're a premium brand

Don't people realize that the very name suggests it's people's car?

But I think it is due to the fact people generally align anything German as quality product (Audi/BMW/Merc/Porsche) So VW got this privilege just being German.

Regarding Honda, yes I also do find they are quite overpriced for new Accord and Chinese built Jazz. But at least they do last....

IMO, price can be very misleading - value for money varies widely among individuals.

I don't understand why people buy Ferraris, Astons, Bentleys - their reliability isn't that good and their suitability is questionable in our safety (!) camera infested country.

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Pendlebury
>>Boy, what arrogance.<<

I agree

- but he has every right to be.

I read in the Independent (I think) a review where the journalist suggested that Honda made the best cars in the world (especially after the demise of MB - although they seem to have recovered strongly more recently) and I have to agree. I have also seen them described as the thinking man's choice which I also think is true. The people who buy them and according to this post pay over the odds for the privilege understand what they are paying for. The thing with Honda is that they engineer their products far more thoroughly than anyone else. And the attention to detail is astonishing - not necessarily in the things you touch but within the design and manufacture of the stuff that just keeps going and going. Sure they are not perfect but they have a view that the customer is getting value for money and I believe that is true. They have slipped up on diesel versions of the Civic but other than that their cars are bullet proof and will go on for ever. If there is a problem then they look after the customer - sometimes 5 years after the car was made (remember the Accord autoboxes). This is the same with all their products. Walk into any hire shop and the stuff they hire out to Joe Public for use and abuse is always Honda - because they know they need little looking after.
If you look at the Jazz as well it dispels the myth that the Japs are just good at copying.
Anyone that thinks they will go out of business because of their high prices is the type of person that knows the price of everything and the value of nothing - unlike Honda owners. Each to their own at the end of the day but below are another couple of quotes from motoring journalists - as HJ said - he never has to argue anyone into a Jazz - they sell themselves.

"A touch of safety ? and other things: Expensive gadgets were slipped to reviewers of the Honda Accord. But, a few quibbles aside, the new model can easily sell itself."

"If you want to spend the rest of your life with one car, try the Honda Accord Type S, says Michael Booth"
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - T Lucas
Honda 'real life' residuals are always very good,real cost of ownership is low,sure you can buy a Vauxhall or Fiat cheaper,but really why would you?
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - mikeyb
Honda 'real life' residuals are always very good real cost of ownership is low sure
you can buy a Vauxhall or Fiat cheaper but really why would you?

Because Joe Public is thinking about how much cash he has to lay out there and then, not how much he will get back in 3 years, even more important if finance is being chosen.
On the subject of finance I dont recall seeing Honda offering 0% offers etc which can be a big influence to some buyers
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Pendlebury
It is available if you ask - it's just not widely advertised.
I have had a number of pestering phone calls recently from Honda UK because I ordered an Accord brochure on line. They never offered me anything on the phone but made it clear that if I visited my dealer, deals on cars and finance were there to be had.
They also did 0% on the outgoing Civic and I negotiated this on the Accord I bought at the time. At the end of the day they have a level of funds to let go at 0% and if they sell a car I don't suppose they mind if it is an Accord or a Civic.
They are currently doing 1.9% on the outgoing Jazz. I would be surprised if you could not negotiate it on an alternative model.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Pendlebury
>>The Toyota dealers in my area wer notorious for years for not haggling and never had any 0% offers. That has all changed in the past 6 months or so. Likewise the local VW dealership so expect Honda will have to learn to compete or simply go bust.<<

To know if that is really true you need to understand the business model that the car firm is operating. Just going for the biggest market share does not necessarily make you the most profitable. That was Ford's model for a long time and look where it got them. Even Ford have now realised that if you make a car people like and is of good quality then you don't have to discount it so heavily to make it sell - even in these hard times - look at the Mondeo and Focus now. They are not being discounted anything like they used to be.
I believe that Toyota have been going for market share and their business model is based on doing a 0% special edition from day 1 at the moment. Also I believe they have allot of spare capacity in Burnaston at the moment, mainly driven by a huge reduction in orders from Germany.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - oilrag
"And in the States they're a top-three manufacturer, and you still don't hear of horror stories."


Sorry for getting out the pin, just too tempting


Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - carl_a

Actually you've hit on why Lexus became popular in the USA, while doing the first recall they did it so well, it gained them huge sales and popularity. Recalls are not a bad thing, they can turn into marketing opportunities.

Edited by Pugugly on 17/09/2008 at 23:47

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - jase1
Sorry for getting out the pin just too tempting

It's a recall. Get these all the time with any car -- look at the other thread.

Note that the report doesn't mention that this has happened to any car -- only that it might. Indeed if you check their link, no Hondas have been reported as having caught fire as a result of this fault. Good response by Honda it would seem.

Edited by jase1 on 18/09/2008 at 02:33

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - alex

I've been following these postings with interest ...

I just wonder if the Honda "bubble" has now burst. Have customers finally rumbled that the firm's products are overpriced ?

I ask, because according to the latest SMMT sales figures Honda's sales between January and August inclusive declined by 10.36 per cent.

In August alone, Honda's sales slumped by 31.54 per cent.

These figures for Honda were a far larger decline than those posted for the volume firms Ford and Vauxhall.

Ford were down by 2.52 per cent (Jan-Aug inc) and 5.14 per cent (Aug alone). Vauxhall declined by 4.44 and 19.71 per cent respectively.

Even Fiat is doing well in these tricky times. Its sales fell by only 0.83 per cent (Jan-Aug inc) and by 3.72 per cent in August.

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - T Lucas
Dont confuse registrations with sales.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - tawse
Rang a Honda dealer today to ask when they would have a new Jazz in, spoke with a receptionist and could not get her off the phone in the end. Got the hard sell and this was not even to a salesperson because she kept trying to get my number so one could ring me.

Have to admit they sounded desperate, if you can tell via a phone call, which surprised me as I suspected they wouuld have a core of current Jazz owners ready to exchange come end of October.

Was annoyed, when looking for their number on the Honda site, that the dealer numbers are now 0871 - had to go to 'Say No to 0870' to find the local non-premium number.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Pendlebury
This is a similar experience to the one I had - but saying that it seems to be with whatever you want to buy currently. People are just not spending.

Where I do think Honda have made a mistake is in pricing the Accord in the way they have. They pushed the prices up with the last model and I think they got away with it because it was a very good car and the diesel engine was so much more refined than most others, but the pricing was just under the so called premium bunch. I sat in an estate version in the dealers today and I thought the quality was superb inside and out. But it was £25K which is too much. I think an engineer would look at it and think yes this is probably worth £25K but Joe public will just beat a path to the MB or BMW dealer.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - tawse
I think the same about the CRV - when the top model cost about 19K and the rest were about 17K upwards it was a reasonablish (OK, I just created that word) buy. Now, with the bottom spec of the latest model costing 20Kish and the top model being about 25Kish it is just too much.

I recall when the new Accord model came out a few years back there was much talk about Honda marketing themselves as a premium brand - a bit like Toyota tried with the Avensis - but it just has not worked.

I have seen numerous 6 month and 12 month old Ghia Mondeos for sale in dealers for 11Kish and if you were going to buy an Accord for 25K you would be nuts when you could get the Mondeo for half that sum. Likewise, as you say, if you do want to spend 25K you are going to go for a BMW or a Merc which, at least, looks classier in this snob-obsessed country of ours.

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Bill Payer
I think the same about the CRV -

I know it's the same for many manufacturers, but the US pricing for Honda's makes ours look insane. CRV is basically the same (looks the same, at least) and lists from $21K. Or you can lease one for $249/mth after $2999 deposit. Bonkers.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - andyfr
I know it's the same for many manufacturers but the US pricing for Honda's makes
ours look insane. CRV is basically the same (looks the same at least) and lists
from $21K. Or you can lease one for $249/mth after $2999 deposit. Bonkers.

The US version is very basic though. They complain about the great spec we get here but then they can't believe how much we have to pay.

I bought a new diesel one last year and compared it to the three others in the same price bracket in my short list, the CR-V was far better.

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Bill Payer
The US version is very basic though.

I think the top of the range one is $25K.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - mlj
It depends what you compare it with. An Accord diesel, compared to a Mondeo....well, of course Ford sells a much cheaper alternative. It will have a much lower spec and a less powerful engine. If you want a Mondeo with the same spec and power there is a few hundred quid difference. Discounts available on the Ford will bring the list price down but you will get it back and more when you sell.
Compare the Accord to an Audi or BMW and it starts to look a bargain.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - andyfr
I think the top of the range one is $25K.

Even on that one they don't get lots of things we do.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Bill Payer
Even on that one they don't get lots of things we do.

Like what? Sunroof, leather and even metallic paint are all standard on the $25K US version.
In fact the only option is to choose the Navigation version.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - andyfr
Like what? Sunroof leather and even metallic paint are all standard on the $25K US

Headlight washers, powerfold mirrors, indicators in the mirrors. They also covet our diesel engines and stick shift but they don't get that choice on many cars over there anyway.

I agree not something most people would be worried about but our buddies on the other side of the pond would love them.

Check out the price of a Jag in the US and compare it to what we pay, it's the norm for them to pay far less.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - bazza
What I'd like to know is: when I can buy an 08 reg Vectra for £6399 at my local car supermarket, what do I actually get if I spend 3 or 4 times as much on say, an Accord? I'm fascinated by this. No doubt the answer "better build quality and engineering", but what does this actually mean for the man in the street? I don't see Vectras broken down everywhere and I see it's rated in HJs top 10 cars. I also know several owners who are completely satisfied. I've personally run several Vauxhall's in the past and have found them perfectly functional. So what are the real differences that are not visible to myself and is it worth spending the extra (which I'm quite happy to consider if there's a real benefit, over say 5 or 6 years ownership) At those prices, the Vectra would seem to win hands down on cost. Are there any automotive quality engineers out there who can enlighten me? I'm not interested in the quality of plastics on the door handles, by the way, but more fundamental, engineering issues.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - andyfr
Someone once said to me that if you didn't turn and look at your car and smile to yourself as you were walking away from it you didn't have the right car.

I don't see many Vectra owners doing that. I had a Vectra once, I know I didn't. Not that there was anything wrong with it, I got 50mpg, it was comfortable but just so very, very boring.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - bazza
Fair point, but I'm not into modern cars in that way, unless it was maybe a 911 or something specialist! A car to me just has to do a job, lug me and the family about, be reasonable on cost and moreover, not let me down or give me grief and hassle! Sounds like the Vectra in your tenure was exactly that. I would add that I'm not in the least looking to change at the moment, being quite happy with a 5 year old Octavia!
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - T Lucas
Vectra does a job in the same way that Tesco basic cooking oil does compared to say,cold pressed extra quality virgin olive oil from a south facing slope in Tuscany does.Nothing wrong with that,for many people the most important thing is the initial price,not the overall value.You either appreciate the difference and are prepared to pay for it or not,the choice is yours.
For me with Honda its the quality of the components compared to perhaps Vectra,if for instance a Vtec engine cost 5k the Vectra engine is 'worth' about 1k,they do a similar job and for a lot of people that is enough,for Honda the engineers want it to do more.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Statistical outlier
As a Honda owner who has had a ?varied? experience, I?m on the fence on this one.

My car has done about 75k miles in a little over 2.5 years from new. It still drives very well, the interior has held up nicely, with the exception of the front door trims rattling.

Since new it has been off the road for a total of 8 weeks plus routine servicing. It has left me stranded three or four times, and I have had repeated problems with the dealer network.

Mechanically, all is pretty sound, better than any other car I?ve had at this mileage, but it?s not perfect. There is some gearbox shunt and some feedback through the steering from the drivechain ? suspect engine mounts, but I?ll let you know after it?s been looked at in a couple of weeks. The grearbox is also not perfect ? third is not as silky to engage, and occasionally doesn?t want to go in, but nothing too serious. There?s a creak from the rear suspension bushings, present from pretty much new and nothing to worry about I don?t think, but other than that all good. The steering is still tight, the dampers are still fine, and the whole car still feels taught.

So, is it worth the money. Well, at the spec I bought it in, it was the same list price as an equivalent Ford, and was £30 a month cheaper. Ford have their own share of problems, but I have been unlucky enough to get a lemon. More annoying is the fact that the car is far thirstier than expected, something that is costing me about £600 a year in extra fuel.

Overpriced? I paid £19k for an exec tourer, so not for me. Would I pay £25k? Probably not. Is the engineering as good as I hoped? No, but I think I?ve been unlucky.

Edited by Gordon M on 19/09/2008 at 11:49

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Dipstick
Isn't this just a variation on Mr Tesco selling a 40 gazillion inch flat telly for 200 quid and Sony selling a 40 gazillion inch flat telly for 1000 quid when it's all just Eastenders anyway, and a 14 inch crt for a tenner will do the job just as well?
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - andyfr
Of course it is. It all depends on your priorities.

Edited by andyfr on 19/09/2008 at 11:25

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Bill Payer
Headlight washers powerfold mirrors indicators in the mirrors. They also covet our diesel >> engines and stick shift but they don't get that choice on many cars over there anyway.

All US CRVs have powerfold mirrors with indicators. No headlight washers though - they must be gutted!

I'd forgotten about auto being standard there - £1100 extra here. Imagine a US owner being asked to pay $2000 extra for an auto.

I've driven an FRV diesel manual and it was horrible - like driving a truck with constant gear changing through the 6 speed box. There's just altogether too much activity for a relaxing drive. Auto versions of such vehicles are efforless in comparison.

Edited by Bill Payer on 19/09/2008 at 16:37

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - tawse
Whenever I go to the US I hire an auto, usually a compact 4x4, and they are tremendous fun to drive and very very very relaxing.

The changes in UK VED now makes driving an auto an increasingly more expensive experience so all us Brit have to drive manuals - no wonder there is so much road rage and stress in the UK. Stress is a real killer.

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - andyfr
All US CRVs have powerfold mirrors with indicators.

Okay, just checked for this years model. Powerfold mirrors are standard (they weren't in 2007 which is when I was more active on their forum) but no indicators in them.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - wantone
$25k for a crv with a auto box sounds good to me.
Americans must be doing cartwheels though about missing out on headlamp washers.
And the loss of indicators in the doormirrors well, thats nearly a tell them to stick it omission.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - andyfr
$25k for a crv with a auto box sounds good to me.
Americans must be doing cartwheels though about missing out on headlamp washers.
And the loss of indicators in the doormirrors well thats nearly a tell them to
stick it omission.

Well believe it or not most of the posters on the forum were really annoyed about the missing features.

To be fair though, all manufacturers have different specs and pricing for the US and UK markets.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Bill Payer
Well believe it or not most of the posters on the forum were really annoyed
about the missing features.

I was looking at an Australian forum for early information about the new Jazz (Fit there) and they're gutted that it doesn't have indicators on the mirrors - they're in the wings instead (unlike the US CRV, which simply doesn't have side indicators at all).

Bizzarely, the UK new Jazz does have the indicators in the mirrors - seems especially wierd that a Japanese company like Honda would bother making different wings and mirrors for different markets.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - wantone
Going back to honda pricing i thought the accord tourer was quite alot of money when i was in the market for a estate in may.
Went back to to the honda garage a couple of times but just could not get to like the rear of the car.Unlike some people i have to like the looks of a car before i will part with money and it just didn't do it for me,bought a 2t avant in the end.
Saying about the looks though i'm not extra struck on the civic,i would rather have a auris which is a bit dull.
Crumblies still seem to like civics though my retired neighbour bought one last year to replace her rover.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Buster Cambelt
Can anyone tell me what the build quality problems with the Civic and the problems with the Civic diesel are?

From other websites it is clear that there were a few issues early on and the vociferous minority keep dragging them up but basically this is a very good and reliable car - maybe a tad expensive but better equipped than most.

The Honda 2.2 diesel is one of the best oil burners out there, certainly one of the smoothest and quietest. Since it was run in mine has done 52-54 mpg without me trying to drive economically.

happy to trust Honda with more of my wedge but certainly not Toyota, despite what an earlier poster said.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - disbeliever
The List price of ALL cars on the UK market are deliberately overpriced, the big discount off is the true price. A ford Focus I.6 List is discounted everywhere down to £12000 and this is still a rip off price.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Pendlebury
>>What I'd like to know is: when I can buy an 08 reg Vectra for £6399 at my local car supermarket, what do I actually get if I spend 3 or 4 times as much on say, an Accord? <<

Bazza - have a look at the Car by Car breakdown for both models and that might answer your question. That's what better engineering usually results in.

It's like most things in life - you get what you pay for - if you are prepared to pay a bit extra you will get a better product. This applies to food, electricals, electronics etc.
Why do Sony and Panasonic sell TV's when we can all by a Bush for half the price.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Stuartli
I know several Honda owners - none would switch to another marque.

That applies even if they have the odd problem. One owner, in fact, had a brand new Civic three or four years ago that let her down within days as the battery wouldn't hold the charge.

But she appreciated that it was just a glitch and the dealership quickly put matters right.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Manatee
Funny thing about brand loyalty, even when a reliable and trusted one lets them down, people tend to think they've been unlucky; if it doesn't go wrong, then they are affirmed in their belief.

The opposite also applies - if I had a Renault I would expect it to go wrong, and if it didn't then I wouldn't give them the credit, I'd just put it down to good luck.

And I say that as a Honda adherent. I am in no doubt that they are comparatively very well engineered - and I don't mean doors that thud and soft touch plastic - but the Honda reputation does give them a bit more leeway with buyers when things go wrong.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Robbie
I bought my first Honda four years ago. Until then I was a Vauxhall fan and my last Vauxhall, an Omega, was a superb motor and I owned it for nine years. When I changed to Honda I bought it from the same chain of dealers. However, the Honda showroom is far superior to the Vauxhall one, and gives a more upmarket feel when you take your car in for servicing.

My Accord Tourer has been excellent and I'm very satisfied with it. Although my Omega never put a foot wrong, I can't say that about my other Vauxhalls, except for my first Carlton that I bought in 1979. My worst car was my Calibra that I bought in 1990: it had endless faults.

I'm more than pleased with Honda, and I shall be changing mine for the new diesel Executive Tourer early next year.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Pendlebury
Stuartli - are you still enjoying the Bora by the way ?
Just a friendly genuine enquiry.

Edited by Pendlebury on 20/09/2008 at 17:09

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Stuartli
>>are you still enjoying the Bora by the way ?>>

Yes thanks. Nine years old in November...:-)
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - ifithelps
Just been allowed a reasonable blast in brother's new Civic I-shift.

Gearbox is great, smooth as most other small autos, 1.8 petrol pulls pretty well and the car's got more toys than Hamleys.

Got used to the dashboard in no time and you can see a little bit out of the back window.

But the ride? Oh dear, really does feel like it's on square wheels. Dreadful.

It's also noisier than a car of this supposed quality ought to be.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - tawse
Just noticed an ad on the box saying Honda have a sale on at the moment which started on the 11 Sept - odd, a couple of dealers in my area, just checked the prices online, appear to have no differences in price from a month ago.

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - T Lucas
Gotta say it tawse,you just dont get it with Honda do you?
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Pendlebury
The sales stuff is a bit odd on the web site as well.
It certainly didn't get me thinking I need to rush down.
In fact I was down there on Thursday dropping my car in for a service and there was nothing advertised in the dealerships.
Very strange.
Maybe as TL says - we don't really get Honda.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - tawse
If you mean we don't fall for clever marketing and hype then, yes, I don't fall for that. Isn't that what many on this forum criticise VW for - living on past reputation whilst hyping that you are paying loads more for some kind of snobbery and quality?

If you look on numerous other car sites that do readers reviews by make and model you will find just as many people moanng about build quality, dealership problems, etc, etc with Honda CRVs, Civics and Accords as you will with other makes of cars. The latest CRV model appearing to be especially true of this.

Also, it just does not make economic sense to pay twice as much for anything that basically does more or less the same as another make - be it cars, TVs, cookers or whatever. Yes, a sensible premium for perceived additional quality, reliability or just plain image is one thing but double the cost is just nuts.

I have seen 6 to 12 month old Mondeos in dealers for 11K, similar Focuses for 8K to 11K, but never ever seen a Honda discounted anywhere when both makes basically do the thing. It is not just economical nonsense to pay double it is economic stupidty as only the really rich can afford to do suh things in life.

Edited by tawse on 21/09/2008 at 11:19

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - T Lucas
Agree with you in why pay more if the cheaper brand does everything you want it to do.For me my Tatung tv does all i want it to do at a much cheaper price than a Sony and of course has very little used value,not a problem because you just throw it away when it breaks or feel the need to replace it.
A used Honda will retain a higher % of its cost than say a Ford or GM product so the cost of ownership need not be more than the 'cheaper'brand.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - tawse
Then again the people paying half the price for a car has, unless very rich, more option to change it more frequently?

Someone posted here about a 7K use Vectra - the person who buys that, in theory, could change that car more frequently than someone paying 25K for an Accord or a CRV?

I have no problem with some cars costing more than other cars for various reasons of brand, perceived quality, reliability, snob value, etc, but at the end of the day Honda is still a mass produced car and the premium they now ask over other mass produced brands is simply too much..

I personally feel that the past 8 years of the credit bubble with freely available credit has simply reinforced the British Class snob mentality allowing people to use wealth, often on credit, to place themselves in the Social pecking order. I personally think the likes of Honda and others have jumped on this and have taken the opportunity to market themselves as a premium brand, and hence increase their prices dramatically, in order to make bigger and bigger profits out of class obsessed Brits.

Things are most likely to change now as the credit crunch begin to bite and the days of easy credit are now over for a generation.

Go somewhere like Motorpoint and you can pick up Focuses, Vectras, etc, all pre-reg, for under 10K. I think more and more people will begin to wonder why pay 15K or more for a Civic. Same for all car classes from super-mini to big 4x4.

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Manatee
I was reflecting the other day that in the second half of 2005 I bought two new cars - a CRV diesel for 20k (list was about 24)and a Panda Dynamic for £5,700. Since then the value of the CRV has dropped by perhaps 11k and the Panda about 3k.

Granted they are not interchangeable, as I can't pull a 1200kg trailer with a Panda, but 99% of the time I just go to work in it. I'm not drawing any general conclusions from this, but it has sobered me up enough to hang on the the CRV instead of putting 14k into replacing it, only to lose 55% or more of the 24k replacment cost over the next three years.

Common sense doesn't enter into new car buying.

Edited by Manatee on 21/09/2008 at 15:53

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - whoopwhoop
I suspect "T Lucas" is either (a) extremely naive, (b) intoxicated or (c) has a hidden agenda - aka vested interest - in Honda.

I've only owned one Honda - a 12 month old (at the time) Mark 2 CR-V 2.0 v-tec. It was without exception, the most unreliable car I have ever owned, and in 17 years of driving i've owned everything from premium brands right through to budget brands. The CR-V was even less reliable than my first ever car, ***an 8 year old Austin Metro complete with A+ OHV engine***!

Electrical problems, trim problems, engine problems. It rattled. It drank fuel (20mpg tops). It regularly failed to start (and the dealer were unable to resolve it). I tolderated it for 12 months and couldn't wait to get shut of it. Oh, and I lost a fortune on it in the process.

In contrast, none of my recent cars (which includes Fords) have been anywhere near as problematic.

I accept I may have just been "unlucky", but I would also add that my mother has owned several Hondas in the last 20-odd years - all brand new - including 2 Preludes, 2 Civics and a Jazz, and none of them have been any any more reliable than an equivalent Vauxhall or Ford.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - T Lucas
Interesting assumption,naive,well 25 years earning a living in the motor trade,its possible,intoxicated,if i post after 11pm,highly likely,vested interest,not at all,i currently earn a 'living' selling a European brand.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - jase1
I have every respect for Honda as a brand -- in the main their cars are indeed more solid than the average.

However, I do also think that there are other, cheaper cars that manage to get very close to Honda in everyday use without the extra cost -- namely Ford and anything Japanese or Korean.

I'd still be more inclined to pay a premium for a Honda than say a VW or Peugeot -- two brands that tend to be very expensive used for what they are.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - disbeliever
Nothing solid about the tin box Jazz.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - whoopwhoop
>>25 years earning a living in the motor trade

LOL! Always makes me laugh when someone makes a quote like that! I've spent the last 17 years making a living in the aeronautical sector, but I'm not a rocket scientist!

Each to their own... (but you're wrong ;-)
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Robbie
>>25 years earning a living in the motor trade
LOL! Always makes me laugh when someone makes a quote like that! I've spent the
last 17 years making a living in the aeronautical sector but I'm not a rocket

Why should anyone assume that you were?

Likewise, what is so amusing about earning a living in the motor trade?
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - T Lucas
I can live with being 'wrong'about Honda,they dont pay my wages. Luckily there are still plenty of people making the'right'decision about the euro brand that does pay my wages.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Avant
"So, is it worth the money. Well, at the spec I bought it in, it was the same list price as an equivalent Ford, and was £30 a month cheaper." (Gordon M)

This, for many of us who buy cars on monthly payments, is a major factor. Some cars may seem overpriced but if they hold their value well it isn't so stupid to choose them. Minis are a case in point: SWMBO's first one, a One, was on a 2-year PCP and after 20 months it was worth 80 % of its purchase price in PX against a new one - so she found she could afford a Cooper.

This is also why I have a Golf estate rather than a Focus which is probably just as good a car, but will be worth far less in 3 years, therefore the monthly PCP payments are no more for the Golf, even though it was a brand new model when I got it last year, than for the Focus estate or C-Max which were on my shortlist.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - alex

I read in today's Financial Times that Honda's sales are falling and so the firm is cutting production by 10 per cent at its Swindon plant.

Quoted from the FT:
"Honda is reducing output from its Swindon plant from 230,000 to 206,000 vehicles this year. The firm will close the plant for an extra five days over Christmas with another five days off before the end of the year."

So maybe this is proof that its vehicles are overpriced in the current marketplace.

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Burnout2
Yes, they are - at least the Accord is.

I'm not especially convinced about Swindon' build quality; the best Hondas I've had were certainly the Japanese built ones, and the last Civic was merely very good. The premium you now pay for a Honda product over a more mainstream brand is no longer wholly reflective of their superior engineering; it's largely a function of a long-standing strategy to move their products upmarket and improve their margins.

Frankly, the pricing of the current Accord is a joke. Putting a 2.4 Executive with a fairly weedy four-cylinder petrol engine up against a BMW 325i, with its creamy 3.0 straight six, is not a wise move on Honda's part. It doesn't really work at the entry-level either - you'd have to be a serious Hondaphile to spend the best part of £19k on a 2.0ES when you can have a Mazda 6 2.0 TS for £5k less!
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - disbeliever
All cars are deliberately overpriced the eventual discounted price is the real List price and this is still usually a rip-off
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - stunorthants26
I believe you can get a Focus for the same price as a Jazz - the Focus and Ford in general are far better than they used to be and while they arent Honda's, pricing a supermini to compete with the next class up is, er, bold.

The Accord is expensive BUT its not as bad as say a 1-series BMW - customer of mine reckoned one specced to his liking was £35k - now thats silly even for a BMW - makes a top sepc Accord look good value.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - AlanGowdy
I took a test drive in a diesel Civic but quickly walked away when they said the price was over £17,000.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Pendlebury
I see Honda are offering 1.9% interest on some models now - I bet you could get it on any model you choose to purchase though.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - tawse
I see Honda are offering 1.9% interest on some models now - I bet you
could get it on any model you choose to purchase though.

In a time when many manufacturers are offering big discounts plus 0% finance.

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - tawse
I believe you can get a Focus for the same price as a Jazz -
the Focus and Ford in general are far better than they used to be and
while they arent Honda's pricing a supermini to compete with the next class up is
er bold.

I suspect that Honda thinks that come the launch of the Jazz later this month they will have no shortage of over-65s queuing up to trade-in their current Jazzes for the new model.

My gut feeling is that they are going to be severely disappointed as, between the higher price of the new model and the credit crisis, many on fixed incomes will decide instead to keep hold of their current cars.

It would not surprise me to see the new Jazz hold its 14K or so price until mid-December when we will suddenly see biggish discounts on it. It is just too pricey for what it is in a very competitive car market where few have the means to buy a new car.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - Pendlebury
I would be very surprised to see Honda offering big discounts.
If the time does come then I suspect most other motor manufacturers will be out of business anyway.
Honda do not go for market share through discounting like Toyota and allot of European brands. They believe that the consumer has a differentiator by buying their product because of it's interior design in the case of the Jazz and technology/engineering & bullet proof reliability and good service with it's other models.
They are a very cash rich company and enjoy a huge cost advantage through the support it's other divisions provide - motorcycles, generators, garden equipment and jet planes and engines.
They have to sell cars of course but markets such as ours provide a minority sales opportunity for them. They sell well in countries where reliability and service matter more than image. The middle and far east where countries are not yet on their knees like ours are still good opportunities for Honda. Even in the US their sales figures are down but not as down as most other makes.
They also tend to sell cars to the more professional families and retirees in the UK as you say and these people will still be spending a bit more than most.

Honda's sales in China surge 19% was a report at the beginning of September- they are along way off giving big discounts.

Edited by Pendlebury on 05/10/2008 at 19:58

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - massey
All cars are deliberately overpriced the eventual discounted price is the real List price and
this is still usually a rip-off

And for the dealer to be able to offer a sky high price for the trade-in!
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - alex

In an earlier posting "Pendlebury" refers to Honda's "bullet proof reliability."

That may be true for some models but, judging by postings from other readers of this site, it does not appear to be the case with the latest version of the Civic which is built in Swindon.
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - colinh
"...these people will still be spending a bit more than most..."

Not last month - sales down 40%
Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - valmiki
>>does not appear to be the case with the latest version of
the Civic

Are new / nearly new Hondas over-priced as a make - tawse
In an earlier posting "Pendlebury" refers to Honda's "bullet proof reliability."
That may be true for some models but judging by postings from other readers of
this site it does not appear to be the case with the latest version of
the Civic which is built in Swindon.

You only have to go and look at the owners' reviews on Whatcar of the Hondas to read about all the problems people have with them and often their shock at having a Honda that has mechanical or build problems. If you read them you will soon realise the myth of the Honda engine that never breaks from what I can make out there.