Hi all, coming home late last night on the M25, came out of road works at 20mph and put the cruise back on, reached 45mph and message flashed up " low coolant stop safely" as i put my foot on the brake and cruise disengaged the message went out, and on checking the lkevel its fine, whats that all about? Ta.
S. bought some AF from Main dealer and its pre-mixed, is this ok to mix with the original AF, ta.
If the level is fine why are you buying AF. Regards Peter
For future use, winter coming and all that.
It doesn't matter what time of year it is, you should not be losing or using coolant.
It's a sealed system.
If the level is OK then I would look at the sender giving the message or the circuit from the sender.
Edited by gmac on 08/09/2008 at 17:50