Max speed you've ever driven? - movilogo
What is the maximum speed you have ever driven? and in which car?

Max speed you've ever driven? - Simon
I have seen about 170mph indicated on the digital speedo on my Yamaha YZF-R6, probably not dead accurate but I wouldn't have thought it would be a million miles out.
Max speed you've ever driven? - bbroomlea{P}
According to TomTom, 144mph in my MGTF 160. Done on a quiet Saturday morning on the A9 in Germany!
Max speed you've ever driven? - nick62
An indicated 160mph on the "Mountain" towards Douglas (Isle of man), on my Honda RC45 bike about three years ago. Wonderful.
Max speed you've ever driven? - Fullchat
Volvo T5 - 70MPH ;-)
Max speed you've ever driven? - tr7v8
Recently 125MPH+ at the JLR test track at Gaydon in the 944 all I heard on the first lap was the wife squeaking in the passenger seat!
Max speed you've ever driven? - stunorthants26
Indicated 141mph in a '94 Ford Scorpio Cosworth back in 1998. I wont say where mind :-)
And you all thought I was a total square ;-)
Max speed you've ever driven? - gordonbennet
My ex plod trainer Rover 827 manual, 145 and still pulling, ran very smoothly at that speed, got a feeling it had been there before.;)

My '86 Camaro just over half way round the second time on a speedo that maxd out at 85mph.

Not saying how fast i've been in a truck.....

Edited by gordonbennet on 08/09/2008 at 00:07

Max speed you've ever driven? - smokie
TomTom-clocked 148mph in Germany recently in my Vectra 3.2. Was hoping to see if the quoted 155 was possible but ran out of (safe) road.
Max speed you've ever driven? - rtj70
"Was hoping to see if the quoted 155 "

So what was that police driver doing in th UK. You slow coach.
Max speed you've ever driven? - spikeyhead {p}
165mph in a GT3 on an autobahn.

I've been a passenger at about 190mph in a race car.
Max speed you've ever driven? - Alby Back
Indicated 165. TWR Jag XJS. Long time ago and far far away.

Max speed you've ever driven? - Dog
140MPH, Supra, A20 Kent ... it was the Supra I bought off a relative who repairs cars ... bits started flying off it, so I slowed down!

Max speed you've ever driven? - jase1
I'm a wimp -- 120 is about as fast as I've been.
Max speed you've ever driven? - cheddar
I have driven ridden at some indecent speeds and have said as much on here before though I am not sure that a bunch of apparently responsible people should be using a forum like this to discuss blatant law breaking.

Unless "a long time ago and far, far away" means "Autobahn" and "back in the day" means "Track".

If you get my drift ... ...
Max speed you've ever driven? - Alby Back
I my case rest easy Cheddar ! I was referring to a reasonably quick run from Dusseldorf to Stuttgart many years ago.
Max speed you've ever driven? - b308
I'm a wimp -- 120 is about as fast as I've been.

No you aren't, its just the max speed of your car! Mine was 120 as well in Germany last year on the Autobahn.... however just over 80mph on the short circuit ovals when I raced stock cars felt much much quicker - that steel fence inches from the side of the car certainly gives an impression of speed!!
Max speed you've ever driven? - Big Bad Dave
120 ish through parts of Germany when I visit the UK. I'll cruise at that speed for 10 minutes or so to break the monotony up then back off to something more comfortable. I'm not impressed by high speeds and I don't enjoy it at all. I'm a wafter, 80 mph on the dial - 70 on the sat nav is perfect for me.

Edit: 605 2 litre turbo and 406 3 litre

Edited by Big Bad Dave on 08/09/2008 at 09:36

Max speed you've ever driven? - movilogo
Looks like I'm slowest of the bunch! Never drove over 110 mph in any car so far :)
Max speed you've ever driven? - BazzaBear {P}
Much the same as BBD. I've been through Germany two times, once in a Fiat COupe 20VT and once in my Alfa 156 GTA. Both times I hit 120mph on the speedo, but generally was quite happy cruising at 80 or 90mph.
Mind you, I might have taken the GTA faster out of interest, but the wife started making sarcastic comments, so my experiment was short-lived. The drawback of sat-nav - she can't see the actual speedo at all. Although I think she might have guessed we were going quite fast anyway.
Max speed you've ever driven? - Bilboman
300 mph. Not telling anyone where or in what.
And in common with all Backroomers in this thread I am now going to scrap my car, recycle my computer, change my name by deed poll to Harry Potter, move house, take out Icelandic citizenship and change blood, tissue and DNA. I'm already on the waiting list for face and fingerprint transplants...
Because if I don't there will be a BiB (sorry, PCSO) knocking on my door very very soon to take me away and criminalise me forever....
Max speed you've ever driven? - Tron
Not saying - don't know who is looking!

Have owned the following bikes though: RC45, GSXR1100RW, GPz1100 & commuter Gpz305. RD350 and a V Max.

Edited by Tron on 08/09/2008 at 12:14

Max speed you've ever driven? - Simon
>>Not saying - don't know who is looking!
>>Have owned the following bikes though...

I wouldn't worry about it. I was post No.2 saying that I have seen around 170mph indicated on my R6 speedo, which is a totally honest statement and yes it was done via ragging it to within an inch of its life. Anyway back to the point - I have been to Germany on it and I have been down the derestricted Autobahn's astride it, so anyone who is looking, prove that it wasn't done whilst over there!
Max speed you've ever driven? - Dog
>>>I'm a wafter,<<<

Is that a kind of born again mimser?

Max speed you've ever driven? - stackman
An indictaed 140 in a V6 Mondeo on a continental motorway.

I have been a passenger at 155mph in a Mercedes SLK V8.
Max speed you've ever driven? - paulb {P}
In a car: 128 mph (indicated), Seat Ibiza Sport TDI 130, unrestricted stretch of A5 autobahn between Swiss border at Basel and Freiburg-im-Breisgau.

Car was about 3 weeks old, had got about 3,500 miles on it and we thought we'd see what it could do. It was still accelerating at that speed but we were coming up behind traffic in front at a fair lick...

On the bike: Never above 70, as far as Mrs B is concerned :-)
Max speed you've ever driven? - Big Bad Dave
"Is that a kind of born again mimser?"

Bad Dog!

Quite the opposite, around town I'm the guy who's a distant spec before the others have found first gear.

Wafting is flicking on the cruise, one eye closed, great tunes on the i-pod, hand on the wife's knee, kicking back and enjoying the ride. I do not dither, I boot it down slip roads and I don't hog lanes and when I feel like it, I like to slingshot around a couple of lorries and a handful of mimsers on a nice straight A road just to blow off the cobwebs.
Max speed you've ever driven? - R75
indicated 160mph on a bike, and indicated 143mph in a car!! Both done once and not repeated.
Max speed you've ever driven? - Happy Blue!
I remember hitting 100 in a Peugeot 604 years ago and feeling quite uncomfortable, but on the odd occasion I have rapidly accelerated in the Outback to just in excess of say 110 for short periods, I have felt the car to be very stable.

Max speed you've ever driven? - cheddar
on the odd occasion I have rapidly accelerated in the Outback to just in excess
of say 110 >>

Hmm, I am not sure whether speed limits apply in the Outback ... ... ...
Max speed you've ever driven? - L'escargot
600 mph in my mate Craig's "Spirit of America". When I got to 600 I woke up so I don't know what happened after that.
Max speed you've ever driven? - PR {P}
155mph in my Alfa in Germany (indicated). At that speed was at 5800rpm (red lines at 7k), and was still increasing, albeit slowly
Max speed you've ever driven? - leef
Actually driven myself - 147mph in my mates old Sierra RS Cosworth on the M66 a few years back.

Been driven, 170-175mph for a few seconds by a friend in his Porsche 911 less than 6 months ago on the M8 in Scotland. Was pretty scary!
Max speed you've ever driven? - BobbyG
Leef thats got to be at the section between Newhouse and Shotts?
Max speed you've ever driven? - Mapmaker
I once took my Audi 100 up to 100mph (indicated) on a stretch, obviously, of autobahn. It felt very quick and not very safe, so I returned to my preferred BBD-style of cruising gently along. In town it's a different matter: taking advantage of London traffic is far more fun than just driving quickly on a motorway. This morning, on my way to work, I managed to squeeze past several taxis. ;) My Mk ii Polo was my favourite for London; nobody would argue with an ancient, worthless car.
Max speed you've ever driven? - skorpio
42mph on my bicycle in the wet going downhill. V scary.
Max speed you've ever driven? - ijws15
Just to show you cannot rely on the instruments an extract from one of my posts on another forum from 22/3/05

"Last night I clocked a, GPS measured, witnessed, speed of 824mph on the A38 south of Derby!"

Land speed record - not really as I did not do the reverse run.

Further extract

"Nice straight, flat, road but was not really gong that fast - speedo read about 65! TomTom was rapidly rising at around 75mph each refresh so if I had left it for a couple more seconds I would have broken the 1000! It even recognised that it was above the set safe speed. Reset brought it back to normal!"

In reality have seen 125mph. Not saying where or what in, don't do stupid things like that anymore.
Max speed you've ever driven? - Lud
90mph down Cleeve Hill in Gloucestershire in my 425cc Citroen Bijou, normally a bit slower than its equivalent 2CV owing to the weight of the Chapman-designed coupe body in fibreglass...

I have said here before that I have consistently (if usually prudently) exceeded speed limits all my life without ever going really fast. Largely for lack of suitable machinery under suitable conditions of course. About 115 I reckon, although I've been driven a bit quicker than that a couple of times.
Max speed you've ever driven? - Optimist
Just over indicated 110 in 2.0 MG Maestro. Felt like there was more in the engine but the car was vibrating like the planes in those old films where they went through the sound barrier for the first time.

BTW - why do speedos indicate to all sorts of ludicrous speeds the car could never achieve?

Max speed you've ever driven? - mike hannon
I once drove a Lamborghini Countach in a traffic-filled urban street at 25mph.
It was so awful I'd rather not have driven it at all.
Max speed you've ever driven? - L'escargot
BTW - why do speedos indicate to all sorts of ludicrous speeds the car could
never achieve?

The maximum reading on the speedometer has to allow for the manufacturer's claimed top speed, plus an allowance for the car travelling downhill with a following wind, plus 10% extra to cater for speedometer inaccuracy, plus whatever is necessary for the final marking to be at the same interval as all the other markings. The maximum reading of my Focus only just complies with those factors, with no excess.

Edited by L'escargot on 08/09/2008 at 17:46

Max speed you've ever driven? - bbroomlea{P}
>>BTW - why do speedos indicate to all sorts of ludicrous speeds the car could never achieve?

This is true. When I got 144 out of my TF that was according to TomTom. My speedo was well past 150 to the point where it wouldnt go any further.

Manufacturer top speed is 137 so the long downhill stretch obviously helped :-) I was hampering for 150 but 144 was 7,000 revs and it only goes to 7,250! Maybe next year I will have another go when we go back to Italy before the EU ban the de-restricted autobahns fully.

Max speed you've ever driven? - gmac
Maybe next year I will have another go when we go back to Italy
before the EU ban the de-restricted autobahns fully.

Yeah right ! The Greens have been trying forever to get a speed limit on the autobahns without success. A bunch of auslanders have about as much chance of imposing one as you have of finding a Becks brewery in Northampton. The day the EU impose a speed limit on a German autobahn will be the day Bavaria becomes a separate country.
Max speed you've ever driven? - Dave_TD
BTW - why do speedos indicate to all sorts of ludicrous speeds the car could never achieve?

Had a, '85 Panda 1000S off the clock (dial read up to 100mph) and also an '89 BMW 325i (dial read up to 150mph). On the A1 Autobahn near the German town of Biggleswade, many many moons ago.

Also driven at an indicated 152mph in the training car (Cavalier Turbo 6-speed) at Millbrook proving ground for 20 laps of the 2 mile circumference high-speed bowl. The natural steering speed in the outside lane is 100mph, at 150mph you are applying 1/8th turn of left lock and the instructor informed me afterwards that only the outer inch or so of each tyre is in contact with the track at that speed.

It was so fast I was convinced there were three bridges over the track, in fact there is only one but I was passing it every 48 seconds :-)

Edited by Webmaster on 21/09/2008 at 13:37

Max speed you've ever driven? - Oilyman
42mph on my bicycle in the wet going downhill. V scary.

Pah - that's nothing - 53 on my bicycle down the north Hampshire downs into Kingsclere - Bowel loosening, the speed that is - not Kingsclere.

Officially in a car - 115.6 - as verified by West Mercia Constabulary on the M5 southbound Nov 1998.

Max speed you've ever driven? - krs one
My first car was a Morris 1000, and the speedo stopped at 90, but I once had the needle pointing due south, down a very steep hill in Germany. This equates to around 110mph, I like to think.

I also got 140 out of my BX 16valve, in Germany also.
Max speed you've ever driven? - Alby Back
You know, this thread got me thinking. Quite an achievement these days and will probably soon be banned or at least taxed.

Seriously though, I guess a lot of people who may once upon a time have been in the habit of pressing on a bit, OK.... speeding, probably don't do it much now. Lots of reasons, some more altruistic than others no doubt. Cameras, traffic density, fuel prices or even heightened social consciences perhaps.

Don't worry, I'm not setting off on one of those "it was better back then" rambles but I guess it could be possible that in order to drive well at legal speeds it does no harm to have had some experience of handling higher ones. In our modern more tightly monitored and controlled motoring society that experience is less likely to have been gained.

No real justification for this I know, just think some people might be safer now because they used to live dangerously.

I'll float off and think of some more trivia......back later.
Max speed you've ever driven? - gordonbennet
Well said Humph, i think along those lines too, but you put it eloquently and without a side likely to cause antagonism.

Another side effect of straying just over the limit was the total concentration needed to do it right, to be keyed up as it were, and extremely observant not only ahead, but checking for anyone (could be anyone) behind keeping pace with you.;)
Max speed you've ever driven? - tyro
I guess a lot of people who may once upon a time have
been in the habit of pressing on a bit OK.... speeding probably don't do it
much now.

I'm one.

My fastest ever was an indicated 100 mph on a German Autobahn, very briefly, in a Ford Fiesta Mk III with a 1.1 engine.

These days I don't often go above an indicated 70.