"There are visible signs of weater hoses going through the firewall"
if you are desperate with this and can live without a heater for a while, you could just bridge those hoses with copper pipe and jubilee clips.
Most cars need the dash taking out to get at the heater radiator. Not sure about yours though.
Why not try a can of Rad sealer first?
Edited by oilrag on 02/09/2008 at 17:01
A profound Thank you for your profanely speedy reply confirming my worst fear. Dismantling the dashboard to get to the heater matrix is not finacially viable proposition at present , so I will try Radweld first , and if not I will use some plumber's piping and jubilee clips. I need to find where they go through the firewall though.
no need to shout !
Edited by Pugugly on 02/09/2008 at 18:40
As far as I know, replacing the matrix is a dash out jobbie on one of these. Pretty much a whole day's work which would no doubt end up in the £400 plus mark.
It is unlikely that Radweld will help given how bad it seems to be leaking. Best bet is to bypass the matrix in the short term by joining the 2 pipes together as you say. The pipes go through the firewall towards the left of the engine bay.
I would advise that this is done as a matter of urgency as losing too much coolant easily results in a blown head gasket on these engines, the repair costs of which would exceed the value of a 12 year old car.
The bad news is that it might be the head gasket! Seriously speaking the exact same fault can occur on the Peugeot 405 1.9 GLD. Pressure builds up and makes the pipe on the heater matrix leak.
Considering this thread is from 2008 I guess the OP has long sorted it.