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1990 1.9 gti engine conversion - bakersdozen
Does anyone Know how easy or difficult it would be to drop a 406 turbo lump into a 309 gti body?
Many Thanks.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 19/08/2008 at 13:13

90 1.9 309 gti conversion - bakersdozen
I am looking at converting my 309 gti by dropping in a v6 lump and box from a 406 but was woundering how difficult or easy a job it is?
Any advice?
90 1.9 309 gti conversion - Screwloose

Anything is possible given sufficient time and money.
90 1.9 309 gti conversion - bakersdozen
are the engine dimensions i.e mounts, exhaust manifold etc the same or would they need modifying?
90 1.9 309 gti conversion - Screwloose

You'd be redesigning the whole car forward of the windscreen from scratch. Say 1,000 hours and £35,000 - at least.
90 1.9 309 gti conversion - bakersdozen
what about an mi 16 or 406 turbo lump? would they be compatable?
90 1.9 309 gti conversion - Screwloose

Much easier because they are basically the same block; but if you mean straight-swap - definitely no. There would be a lot of fabrication and detail work involved.

I'm sure somebody's done it; try the owners' club.
90 1.9 309 gti conversion - bakersdozen
thanks for your help.
90 1.9 309 gti conversion - Dynamic Dave
According to tinyurl.com/6cztj2 (directs to www.auto-extreme.com) you can't fit a 406 V6 turbo into a 309. It will only fit into a 306, 405 and 406 due to its massive size and complex set up.

However, you can fit a 2.0 8v turbo into one. A friend of mine (on the same site) has done so:-


Edited by Dynamic Dave on 21/08/2008 at 00:20

90 1.9 309 gti conversion - DP
The Mi-16 engine is a very popular conversion on the smaller 205 GTi, and can be done on the 309 too.

Good information on what's involved (and it's more than you might think given it's the same block as your existing engine) can be found here:



90 1.9 309 gti conversion - cheddar
Was the not a 16v 309? Perhaps not.

Might easier to put an aftermarket turbo on the 1.9 130 std engine.
90 1.9 309 gti conversion - Screwloose

Yes there was; the 1.9 16v GTi; in pre-cat D6C form, it had 160 bhp too.
90 1.9 309 gti conversion - DP
I bet that flew. The standard 1.9 8v went well enough.

Was that ever sold here, Screwloose? I know there was a factory 205 Mi-16, but that never made it to the UK, at least officially.

90 1.9 309 gti conversion - Screwloose

Don't ever recall working on one; I did rewire a GTi to take a 16v RFV from a 406 once - many years ago.
90 1.9 309 gti conversion - DP
At least it wasn't an Mi16 engine. I hate the thought of 405 Mi-16s and BX 16vs being reduced to the status of engine donors.

Still reckon the Mi16 looks the part, to say the design's 20 years old:


90 1.9 309 gti conversion - Kev-G
First post and it's going to come across really badly, but my goodness , what alot of mis-information in this thread....

2.0 8v Turbo from the 406 is an XU engine (same as the 8v 130BHP 1.9 engine fitted to the 309 GTi std. although steel blocked rather than alloy (122 BHP with a CAT)). As such it will fit straight in with the top engine mount from a 306 XSi. Engine has 150 BHP std. + 200 BHP is reasonably easy to fit. You obviously need wiring and intercooler, but not a big task.

1.9 Mi16 (typically 160 BHP std. alloy block as per 1.9 8v) and 2.0 Mi16 (155 BHP std. steel block) are also XU engines and will also fit with minimal effort....and easy weekend if you know what you are doing. The 1.9 Mi16 was found in the Citroen BX and Peugeot 405 while the 2.0 Mi16 was found in the Peugeot 405, 306 and Citroen ZX (known as the S16 in the latter 2). Peugeot did actually produce a Mi16 309 in LHD for Europe only and known as the GTi-16. It did have some detail suspension changes over the std. GTi. There was never a 'factory' 205 Mi16, but Gutmann did produce a kit which may have been dealer fitted (prob. '86/'87).

2.0 GTi-6 engine from the Peugeot 306 and Citroen Xsara is also a steel blocked XU engine and can be fitted with either the 306 6-speed gearbox or the Xsara 5-speed gearbox (RH lock is comically non-existant with the 6-speed). It is slightly taller and tilting the brake M/C is the order of the day.

3.0 V6 from the 406 Coupe CAN be fitted to a 309 with NO modifications to the metalwork of the car (heavily modified sub-frame). With 194 BHP std. (210 BHP for the later fly-by-wire engine) they are well over 220 with a good exhaust, the CAT removed and a free-flow filter. Torque is the name of the game and it will slay Scoobies/Evo's.


Edited by Dynamic Dave on 23/10/2008 at 22:03