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Mirror fix... - Chrome
Whilst out cycling this morning I passed a parked Peugeot van with a strangely modified o/s door mirror, unbelievably the missing mirror glass had been replaced with a Compact Disc!

Got me thinking as to how good a replacement this might be, tried replicating what this van driver might see by using one as a mirror at home and the answer is not much at all, the hole in the middle of the CD is a major distraction and the image is quite dark, can't see how this can be safe to drive in traffic like this......
Mirror fix... - Lud
Might it have scraped through the MoT? one wouldn't think so. Put there perhaps to make it less likely the driver would be pulled while saving up for a new glass...
Mirror fix... - Bilboman
The CD idea is ingenious; if the CD itself were transparent and the ridges were more pronounced to make it into a proper Fresnel lens, it would probably serve quite well as a reversing aid/blind spot lens like those currently issued to LHD truck drivers.
Here's my list of non-approved parts commonly used in emergencies (most of which are dangerous and/or downright illegal, so caveat emptor, this didn't come from me, etc.):...
1. Coat hanger = aerial
2. Tights = fanbelt
3. Credit card = ice scraper
4. Teaspoon = early 1970's Ford key (any Ford)
5. Chewing gum foil = fuse
6. Plastic binding from cardboard box = "remote control" to open doors
7. Remainder of cardboard box = "ON TOW" sign/temporary number plate whilst being towed
8. 50p plastic stick-on LED clock = "proper" (also digital) dashboard clock
9. Clothes peg = seat belt "retainer" (eases seatbelt tightness whilst rendering it totally useless in event of emergency)
10. Garden cane = petrol level gauge
11. Large soft cushion/small grandchild on lap = airbag
12. Guinness label = VED ("road tax disc")*
*As we are well aware the original purpose of the VED has long since been forgotten and the modern-day VED is no less barefaced a scam than the beer-label dodge.

Edited by Bilboman on 04/08/2008 at 21:05

Mirror fix... - Pugugly
I have a client who fitted a plastic coat hanger in lieu of a broken aerial and couldn't figure the radio didn;t work. I came to know him when he was arrested for drink driving in a black cab. Without a word of a lie his "Caution reply" was recorded as:- "I took a cab - that's what they said I should do"
Mirror fix... - Alby Back
I expect its a DVD.
Mirror fix... - Dog
Was it a threepenny bit that ya could use to start a Morris Minor, going back a long time now, I musta been about 14 when I heard of it ... didn't it bridge a fuse or something.
Mirror fix... - henry k
>>Here's my list of non-approved parts
A couple of variations.
>>1. Coat hanger = aerial
or exhaust box support.
>>5. Chewing gum foil = fuse
or use foil from Kit-Kat

Packing tape / Duct tape = attachment for door mirror assembly
and Mondeo 1 & II bumper retention / repair
In fact Duct tape must have some many applications such as replacement glass ( clear plastic or bin liner) retainer

Plastic bag = petrol cap

Mirror fix... - Dwight Van Driver
Mirror fix... - Humph Backbridge
I expect its a DVD.

.....Khehhh ?

Mirror fix... - Alby Back
Well if it was a CD it would only give you sound, whereas a DVD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Mirror fix... - zookeeper
ive got 6mm threaded steel bar for an ariel, areal?.. what ever, gets the lot, even that
snip johnethan woss

Edited by Pugugly on 05/08/2008 at 21:19

Mirror fix... - mike hannon
Brilliant, Bilboman.
I don't think the Guinness label for tax disc worked after 1954 tho...