Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - ifithelps
Had a trawl through Forddirect and Autotrader websites for a newish Focus/C-Max.

They are anything up to 17k with most around 15k.

I'm sure similar age cars were going for nearer £12k a year ago.

Seems to me prices have gone up, not down.
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - Armitage Shanks {p}
Perhaps it is something to do with lower running costs and lower rates of VED making them more desireable - laws of supply and demand. Obviously depends on the engine size and fuel but might be an aspect of what you have noted
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - Falkirk Bairn
Garages selling less cars!

Then they need to make more on the ones they sell to make up for the lack of buyers!

Sell 5 x cars and make £2K average profit on each or 3/4 cars and make £3K on each.
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - defender
They are anything up to 17k with most around 15k.
this might be the advertised price but I bet if you gave a reasonable cash offer you would have your hand bitten off.
I nearly bought a month ago and was advised by an auction buyer to wait a bit as the price is falling and will be big discounts and lower prices on some motors
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - Sofa Spud
Quote......"Cheaper used cars - I don't think so"

But they will be soon....

Edited by Sofa Spud on 28/06/2008 at 23:41

Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - Robin Reliant
But they will be soon....

Yep, that's what I think. Ultimately, it's buyers who set prices not sellers.

And people are running out of money...
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - Falkirk Bairn
When the manufacturers start upping the discounts, interest free, upgrade of models (for £0)and maybe a reduction in the list price..............

Then the 2nd hand prices must move down as nobody will pay top $ for a 2nd hand car with new ones being lined up with better deals. This ripple then moves down the whole chain - from new to 10 year old bangers.
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - In Theory
I'm not sure there is a ripple because I'm not sure people compare buying new with buying second-hand in any straightforward way (or, at least, not in a souring economy).

As other items take a larger share of household budgets, people will delay a car purchase unless they have a genuine need for one. When they do buy, they will be more inclined to make 'good enough' calculations, which means they will settle for a lesser second-hand car, even if the saving between it and a new car seems relatively small.

That could mean boom times for second-hand dealers, except that demand will probably fall, so second-hand prices should drop as competition for that shrinking demand increases. Never the less, there should be a shift in demand from new to second-hand.

So, the question is, what kind of incentive on a new car can overcome the 'good enough' calculation that an already reluctant buyer is making? Interest free deals usually require about 30% deposit and, if money is tight, that deal might not be available to me. An upgrade for free? I'm spending the same amount of money. Discounts, yes, but they have to be steep, perhaps prohibitively so for both manufacturers and dealers.
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - langdon
If you think we make anywhere near £2K / 3K profit on nearly new cars you are VERY VERY much mistaken, try £500 to £1,000 if you are lucky, then deduct Tax, V.A.T. sales costs, prep etc, amazes me how the public think we make so much, I know of a Ford Dealership that makes less than £300 profit on nearly used KA!!! and still the public expect to bid! watching to many consumer TV shows and Which Car advise (All of which is far far from the truth)
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - jbif
Had a trawl through Forddirect and Autotrader websites for a newish Focus/C-Max.

I tried just now a national search, limited to C Max, 2008 08 Reg, under 5000 miles, 0-1 years.

I found many under £12k, most under £14k, and just a few over £15k.

Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - barney100
As time goes by and fixed rate mortgages run out and fuel/food etc etc costs more it stands to reason a new car may have to go to lower on the priorities list. I went out cheque book in hand a month or so ago after a newer car but changed my mind thinking the cash would be better saved. I'm not the only one holding back round here and I think folks will hang on longer so there will be less cars sold.
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - qxman {p}
The country seems to be awash with used cars. I see perfectly good 'old' cars (i.e. about 8+ years old) that sell for buttons. Still more or less rust free and probably reliable enough.
I think a world recession will take hold in the coming 12 months and we'll see people happy to stick with basic older cars.
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - langdon
You are very correct with your observation, but...........and this is a big But, people aspire to bigger and better things nowadays, the eight year old car is not going to impress Mr & Mrs jones next door is it? Even if people can't afford it they still want the latest, best looking, most wanted etc, but then comes along the other but............ but this ones bigger, what if we do go into a World recession, what then for your nice shiny New car that's worth tuppence?
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - madf
As GDP growth in Quarter 1 was only 0.3%, I expect we'll be in recession .. err now -ve growth.

I recall 1981 and 1990-2... this one is going to be very painful as mortgages are not available, house prices are likely to fall 35% and lots of people are overgeared.

I expect a Citroen C6 for £10k when the repossessions start in earnest January 2009.
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - movilogo
I see perfectly good 'old' cars

True but when things go wrong one might need to pay a fortune to get it repaired.

If the labour cost comes down, more people will buy and keep older cars.
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - qxman {p}
>> I see perfectly good 'old' cars
True but when things go wrong one might need to pay a fortune to get
it repaired.

Just scrap it then.

So long as you stay away from modern fancy diesels with DMF and turbos you should be OK, the older 'family' petrol cars are not too bad on repairs. Older Jap stuff always seems reliable. A 6-8 year old Avensis will get you to work and back.

Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - MichaelR
It's quite amusing to watch people falling over themselves to spend 5 figure sums on achingly crap 4 cylinder diesel yawnboxes whilst meanwhile the values of proper cars with proper engines is in freefall.

You can get a 2003 E55 AMG now for £18k. Or a diesel Vauxhall Zafira.

Great. A diesel Zafira. Fantastzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*thump*
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - qxman {p}
It's quite amusing to watch people falling over themselves to spend 5 figure sums on
achingly crap 4 cylinder diesel yawnboxes whilst meanwhile the values of proper cars with proper
engines is in freefall.
You can get a 2003 E55 AMG now for £18k. Or a diesel Vauxhall Zafira.

Yup. And there's a reason for that. Out in the real world the Zafira is a fairly economical way of getting three kids to school, doing the shopping, getting hubby to work and going on the annual holiday. And in five years time its still going to be worth something. And if it goes wrong they can afford to fix it without defaulting on the mortgage.
Its not my cup of tea (too much like driving a van) but I see why people buy them. The AMG would be great for the weekend, but the number of people who now can/want to afford to own one for daily use is small and getting smaller so next year your £18k car is an £8k car.
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - MichaelR
So buy it next year for £8k - even better!
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - Collos25
What are they like to drive we can assume you have one.
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - Bill Payer
Low used car prices does seem to be a UK thing - I mentioned before that colleagues from Scandinavia and Germany where looking at cars here a few mths ago and were astonished at how cheap they were.

There was a thread here a couple of days ago from someone looking for a car for his parents who are in France, saying how expensive used cars are in France.

I'm absolutely convinced it's to do with the age marker we have on car registrations - I think if that was done away with then new car sales would all but collapse here and that would force up used car prices.
Cheaper used cars - I don't think so. - DP
It's quite amusing to watch people falling over themselves to spend 5 figure sums on
achingly crap 4 cylinder diesel yawnboxes whilst meanwhile the values of proper cars with proper
engines is in freefall.


A four cylinder diesel yawnbox is something that most of us with kids and/or big annual mileages have to go through. You buy one with your head, not your heart, and you certainly don't fall over yourself to buy one. It's a tool. Nothing more, nothing less.

The (beautiful) AMG you mention might be available for the same money, but it wouldn't take long for it to fall behind when you have to run the thing. high teens mpg at £1.25 / litre would make a good start. The first out of warranty fault, and a major service would add a couple of grand to the discrepancy, and then we could go from there.

And the Zafira, for the simple job of carting the kids about and doing the shopping, would actually be more suitable. You're never going to enjoy yourself in a family car with the family on board, so why put up with the costs of a performance car when doing so? A to B, plenty of space, cheap to run, and safe. That's what it's about.

As soon as my circumstances change, I'm buying an E39 M5. Just because we have to go through these things, doesn't mean we've given up! Good things come to those who wait.
