hello people new to forum help needed
ive just bought a renault kangoo 1.9 diesel , i got it qiute cheap because it smokes and also hardly ticks over like its running on 3 cylinders.. but when driven say down the motorway it clears and stops smoking/
i have asked a local diesel expert for advice and he said its probably the advance solanoid
so i purchased 1 from him but before i fitted it i disconected the old 1 and started it up , it ran pretty smooth and the smoke stopped.!
then i took the old solanoid out and fitted the new one and it started smoking and ran terrible again also when you run the engine without the solanoid connected it become louder!
any ideas on whats wrong?
any advice would be good
Subject header given a more meaningful title than the previous one - 'hello people new to forum help needed' as this doesn't give anyone a brief summary of the question being asked
Edited by Webmaster on 24/06/2008 at 12:01