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00 2.2HDi Particulate filter live data readings? - Ade607
After a long saga with my 607 including communications problems with the ecu's and not being able to reset faults etc. I have finally bitten the bullet and bought a Diag2000.

I have managed now to fix most problems and although the ecu can not be reset (pressumably a problem with the communications network on the main ecu) after three driving cycles the errors clear themselves once the issue is resolved

I only have one error left which is particlate filter pierced or differential pressure incorrect. The filter has been replaced and I can read the live data, the only problem is I can not find what these values should actually be for this engine anywhere . . .

Mine reads 0mb at idle (which I believe is correct) and 60mb at 4100rpm (i.e. with my foot flat to the floor). I have taken a spur off the air intake and managed to increase this up to 99mb and expected to get a filter blocked error but didn't!

Does anyone know what these values should be for the PSA 2.2 HDi engine (2000 to 2002), either for this car or a C5 or something?


00 2.2HDi Particulate filter live data readings? - Hamsafar
If you don't get the info. here, try
00 2.2HDi Particulate filter live data readings? - Ade607
Many thanks, no joy there and have googled every permiatation I can think of to death, the closest readings I have found are for a much newer 307.
00 2.2HDi Particulate filter live data readings? - Ade607
OK, found something interesting, wonder if anyone can assist with this . . .

It would apear that I can only not communicate with the VAN network, can network works fine (I can communicate with gearbox, breaking fine)

Anyone any ideas why this may be??
00 2.2HDi Particulate filter live data readings? - adverse camber
I suspect that your best bet is to find someone with the same engine and get them to take you for a spin with your kit plugged in. Ask on eurovan2 to find someone near to you?

I'd be very interested in a write up when you've finished.

are you sure that 0mb is right?

Edited by adverse camber on 23/06/2008 at 19:55

00 2.2HDi Particulate filter live data readings? - Ade607
I have found a reference to a 307 which is 0mb at idle and 107mb at full load (stationary at top revs) so I am guessing the 0mb should be OK, this is newer than mine though and so the slightly newer type of system.

I get 0mb without the rear pipe connected also and with the rear pipe connected to the airbox to add a bit of suck to up the readings a bit . . . I think there just isn't enough back pressure overall to register at idle (obviously no turbo etc when ticking over).

Unfortunatley there aren't many of these around of the correct type (I believe this exact FAP type was around from 2000 to 02 / 03 and only fitted to the 607, it was then upgraded to one that had a longer life span). so I may struggle to find one, one option I am considering is looking on autotrader / ebay to see if I can find one for sale and offer to bung them £20 to take some readings off the car (not to mention giving them a free diag scan!)
00 2.2HDi Particulate filter live data readings? - EdHunter
Hello Ade607,

Have you resolved your question yet?

I have a 2004 Citroen C5 2.2 HDi that might have similar problems.

I have not yet measured the differential pressure sensor, but in any case, if mine is faulty the readings might not be useful.

Anyway if you posted as "2clicks" on another board there was an old post "Terrible power loss" there that included a spread sheet of rpm and voltage of the sensor for a Ulysse 2.2 JTD.

This might be the data you need. In any case I would be very interested in what you have learned about this problem.
