I wonder if anyone can give me some advice regarding this issue. The car isn't mine, it's a company car which I have from Friday-Wednesday this week (therefore not particularly familiar with it) and it's the estate btw. Seemed fine driving home Friday evening but having taken it out since for a decent run I have noticed an odd sound coming from the O/S rear brakes. I'm fairly certain they're disc brakes on these though haven't checked to be honest! The sound couldn't quite be described as a grinding but it's definitely a friction-like sound. Imagine clawing your nails lightly across a formica surface...! It only occurs when coming to a halt, just for the last second or two depending on how quickly I'm slowing down. Also sometimes, the noise continues slightly for a couple of seconds, albeit at a lesser volume when taking up the drive again. As if something is sticking at very low speed I guess. I'm concerned about it as I need the car for a photography shoot on Mon/Tues next week which will involve several hundred miles of driving and really do not want to get caught out. However much it would pain me greatly to have to pay for repairs myself and go through the hassle of getting the money back, safety obviously comes first! To top it off there's a light squeal sometimes coming from the N/S rear wheel when cornering left...! When the car goes back on Wednesday the vehicle condition report is likely to be long as my left arm methinks... don't know what I've done to the poor thing, it seemed fine yesterday evening...! Thanks in advance for any ideas!
It could be the brake pads that are low. The pads dont have an electrical warning device to indicate low pad thickness they have a small spring steel loop riveted to each end of the pad and when the friction material gets low the rivet head rubs on the disc and the spring resonates like a tuning fork. New pads required.
i have had that it should be the tabs on the pad telling you they need doing